Last updated: 03/07/2024
Travel medical insurance is required for trips to Antarctica. However, the required amount of coverage can vary depending on a traveler’s plans and tour operator. In general, a minimum of $100,000 in evacuation and medical coverage is required.
The Emergency Medical benefit can reimburse travelers for the costs of medical treatment in the event of an illness or injury during their trip. This includes physician services, ambulance expenses, and other costs of treatment.
The Medical Evacuation benefit can transport a traveler to the nearest adequate hospital in the event of a medical emergency. If the treating physician determines they should return home for better treatment, this benefit can also cover those costs.
Squaremouth recommends medical benefits for all international travelers, due to the potential for high out-of-pocket bills while overseas. However, because of the nature of trips to Antarctica, these recommendations may differ. Squaremouth breaks down what you need to know about travel insurance for your trip to Antarctica.
For international trips, Squaremouth typically recommends travelers buy a travel insurance policy with at least $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage, and at least $100,000 in Medical Evacuation coverage. However, due to the remote location of Antarctica, Squaremouth recommends a policy with at least $100,000 in Emergency Medical, and at least $250,000 in Medical Evacuation. This coverage is usually offered as a refund. This means the traveler is typically required to pay their medical expenses upfront and are reimbursed when they return home.
As long as a traveler meets the specific required amounts of medical coverage, they can gain entry into Antarctica. This medical insurance is the only coverage required in order for a traveler to enter Antarctica, however, most policies are comprehensive and include a variety of other benefits, without increasing the cost of a policy. This includes coverage for delays and lost or delayed luggage.
Additionally, depending on each visitor’s trip plans, a policy with Sports & Activities coverage can ensure a traveler is covered while participating in adventurous activities, such as snow trekking.
Antarctica is one of the most expensive countries to visit. The average trip cost to the country is more than $19,000 in 2022, according to Squaremouth’s data. Due to this significant financial investment, travelers who have prepaid and non-refundable trip expenses for the Antarctica trip should purchase a policy with the Trip Cancellation benefit. This benefit can reimburse all of their prepaid and non-refundable trip payments if they need to cancel due to an illness or injury, inclement weather, or terrorist incident, among other events.
Policies with the Trip Cancellation benefit also include Trip Interruption coverage. Trip Interruption provides the same covered reasons as Trip Cancellation, however coverage begins after travelers have left for their trip. This means they can be reimbursed for unused trip expenses if they need to cut their trip short for a covered reason, such as an illness or injury.
Click here to begin your search for Antarctica Travel Insurance.
Antarctica is one of the most unique countries in the world. The country has become a popular vacation spot for visitors from all over the world.
Destination Rank: 53
Percentage of Squaremouth Sales: 0.43%
Average Premium: $1,058.02
Average Trip Cost: $17,020.28
Squaremouth Analytics compares thousands of travel insurance policies purchased pre- and post-pandemic to identify changes and trends in the industry.
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