What is Trip Cancellation Insurance?

Trip Cancellation is a travel insurance benefit that provides reimbursement for your prepaid, non-refundable travel expenses if you’re forced to cancel your trip due to unforeseen events.

This benefit is found in most comprehensive travel insurance policies, and is designed to protect any trip payments you stand to lose if you’re unable to travel as planned. Examples of covered expenses include airfare, hotel reservations, cruise bookings, excursions, rental cars, and event tickets.

Purchasing a policy with Trip Cancellation coverage can provide financial protection and peace of mind leading up to a trip, especially for travelers with high trip costs.

Not all travel insurance plans include cancellation coverage, and exclusions, eligibility requirements, and coverage limits can differ by policy.

What Does Trip Cancellation Insurance Cover?

Trip Cancellation covers up to 100% of your prepaid, non-refundable trip costs in the event you need to cancel your travel plans for a covered reason.

While coverage can vary, most travel insurance companies will provide reimbursement if you’re forced to cancel your trip for the following reasons:

  • Cancel For Medical Reasons: Cancellations due to an unforeseen illness, injury, or death to you, your travel companion, or a family member.
  • Hurricane & Weather: Cancellations due to natural disasters, inclement weather, or other documented severe weather events at your destination or point of departure. Includes coverage if your accommodations are rendered uninhabitable.
  • Terrorism: Cancellations due to a foreign terrorist attack that occurs near a city listed on your travel itinerary.
  • Financial Default: Cancellations due to financial circumstances of a common carrier, such as an airline or cruise line, that causes a cessation of operations.
  • Cancel for Work Reasons: Cancellations due to an unexpected work emergency, vacation time being revoked, or an involuntary termination of employment.
  • Cancel for Covid-19 Sickness: Cancellations due to contracting Covid-19 leading up to a trip.
  • Jury Duty: Cancellations due to unexpected jury duty obligations.

Covered cancellation policies can differ by policy. Refer to a plan’s Certificate of Insurance to see a full list of covered reasons to cancel or interrupt a trip.

What is Not Covered by Trip Cancellation?

Not all cancellation reasons can be covered by Trip Cancellation. Even the best travel insurance policies have exclusions in place that limit the scenarios that are eligible for reimbursement.

Below are a few common cancellation reasons that are not typically covered by Trip Cancellation policies:

  • Foreseeable Events: Cancellation due to events that were known at the time of purchasing a plan, such as an already-announced airline strike, named storm, or terrorist attack.
  • Pre-Existing Conditions: Cancellations to a medical condition that was present at the time you purchased your policy.
  • Self-inflicted Injuries: Cancellations due to injuries stemming from intentional self-harm, substance abuse, or attempted suicide.
  • Acts of War: Cancellations due to military duty, a declaration of war, or an act of war that occur at your destination.
  • Pregnancy: Cancellations due to normal pregnancy, childbirth, fertility treatments, or elective abortions.
  • Criminality: Cancellations due to an arrest, conviction of a felony, jail sentence, or other criminal activities.

Trip Cancellation Vs. Trip Interruption

Both Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption are travel insurance benefits designed to protect your prepaid, non-refundable travel expenses in the event of a covered cancellation.

The key difference is the timing in which the cancellation occurs. Trip Cancellation provides coverage from the day after you purchase your plan up until your scheduled departure date.

Trip Interruption, on the other hand, provides coverage while you are traveling. In the event you need to end your trip early for a covered reason, the Trip Interruption benefit can reimburse your unused, non-refundable trip costs. Some plans will also cover any additional expenses incurred to make new travel arrangements home.

Trip Cancellation Vs. Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR)

If you cancel a trip for a covered reason, your policy’s Trip Cancellation coverage can offer up to 100% reimbursement for your prepaid, non-refundable travel expenses. However, it’s possible you may want additional protection in the event you need to cancel your trip for a reason that’s not covered by your policy.

Cancel For Any Reason coverage, also known as CFAR, is an optional trip insurance add-on that can provide partial trip cost reimbursement for uncovered cancellations. Most CFAR plans will reimburse 50-75% of your prepaid, non-refundable trip payments.

It’s important to note that CFAR is not typically included in standard trip protection. Since it’s an optional policy upgrade, adding CFAR to a policy will increase your overall premium by 40-50% on average.

CFAR is also a time-sensitive benefit, meaning it must be purchased within a specific time frame after your initial trip deposit date.

How Much Does Trip Cancellation Insurance Cost?

Typically, a travel insurance policy that includes the Trip Cancellation benefit will cost between 5-10% of your total covered trip cost. For example, if you’re insuring a trip with $5,000 of prepaid, non-refundable trip costs, you can expect to pay between $250 to $500 on your travel insurance policy.

The premium of these policies is determined by multiple factors, such as your trip cost, age, trip length, and the amount of travel insurance coverage the policy offers.

Plans that include cancellation benefits are considered comprehensive, and include a wide-range of other popular benefits including Trip Interruption, travel medical insurance, and 24 Hour Assistance services.

Is Trip Cancellation Insurance Worth It?

Yes, Trip Cancellation insurance can be a very smart investment if you have considerably high trip costs or are concerned about having unforeseen events disrupting your travel plans. In fact, more than half of all policies sold on Squaremouth include Trip Cancellation coverage.

Policies that include Trip Cancellation typically include coverage for other common disruptions such as unforeseen trip delays, medical expenses, and medical evacuations and baggage loss.

With that said, policies that include Trip Cancellation are generally more expensive than those that don’t. Opting to forego cancellation coverage may be a risk, but can significantly decrease your travel insurance premium.

In addition, many travel credit cards now offer a variety of trip protection benefits, such as Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption, as part of their cardholder perks. Before purchasing a comprehensive policy, we recommend checking what protection you may already have.

Please be aware that coverage and eligibility requirements for this benefit differ by policy. The tables below show the providers that offer Trip Cancellation coverage.

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Trip Cancellation by Provider

Last Updated: 10/17/2024
Aegis Aegis
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Go Ready Trip Cancellation

100% of the trip cost


The Insured’s coverage under the Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit will take effect as stated in SECTION II – EFFECTIVE AND TERMINATION DATES OF INSURANCE, A. EFFECTIVE DATE.

We will reimburse the Insured a Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, if the Insured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip due to the Insured’s, or the Insured’s Family Member’s or Traveling Companion’s Sickness, or Covered Injury, or death; for: (i) the amount of Payments and Deposits that the Insured paid for his/her Covered Trip (reimbursement of Payments and Deposits is limited to the published cancellation penalties that the Insured was subject to at the time of the cancellation of a Covered Trip); up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

If the Insured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip due to one of the Other Covered Events, We will reimburse the Insured a Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, for the amount of Payments and Deposits that the Insured paid for his/her Covered Trip, less any refund paid or payable, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

We will reimburse the Insured this Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, only if the Sickness, or Covered Injury, or death, or Other Covered Event occurs before departure of the lnsured’s Covered Trip and commences while the lnsured’s coverage is in effect under this Policy. Any Sickness or Covered Injury must: (i) require the examination or treatment by a Physician and (ii) in the written opinion of the treating Physician, be so disabling as to prevent the lnsured from taking his/her Covered Trip; or in the case of the Insured’s non-traveling Family Member, be life threatening, or so severe as to require the Insured’s care.

Other Covered Event means an unforeseeable event or its consequences that:

(i) is outside of the Insured’s control and outside of the control of the Insured’s Family Member traveling with the Insured, or Traveling Companion;

(ii) prevents the Insured or the Insured’s Family Member traveling with the Insured, or Traveling Companion from traveling on or continuing his/her Covered Trip; and

(iii) occurs while coverage is in effect under this Policy,

and includes only the following unforeseeable events or their consequences that occur to the Insured , or the Insured’s Family Member traveling with the Insured or Traveling Companion:

a. Common Carrier delay or cancellation resulting from severe weather conditions; mechanical breakdown of the aircraft, ship, boat, or motor coach on which the Insured is scheduled to travel; organized labor Strikes that affect public transportation; or a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandate subject to the following conditions:

(1) the scheduled carrier connecting times must meet airline legal minimum connect times;

(2) the scheduled time between arrival at the Scheduled Trip Departure City and the scheduled tour/Cruise departure must be two hours or longer; and

(3) the Common Carrier delay or cancellation must prevent the Insured from reaching his/her Destination for at least 6 consecutive hours;

b. arrangements canceled by an airline, cruise line, or tour operator resulting from severe weather conditions; mechanical breakdown of the aircraft, ship, boat, or motor coach; organized labor Strikes that affect public transportation; or a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandate subject to the following conditions:

(1) the scheduled carrier connecting times must meet airline legal minimum connect times;

(2) the scheduled time between arrival at the Scheduled Trip Departure City and the scheduled tour/Cruise departure must be two hours or longer; and

(3) the Common Carrier delay or cancellation must prevent the Insured from reaching his/her Destination for at least 6 consecutive hours;

c. arrangements canceled by an airline, cruise line, rental car company, hotel, condominium, or motor coach company resulting from Financial Insolvency provided that:

(1) the Insured’s premium for this coverage was received prior to or within 24 hours prior to or with Final Payment for his/her Covered Trip;

d. being directly involved in a documented traffic accident while en route to the Insured’s departure;

e. being hijacked, kidnapped or Quarantined;

f. being required to serve on a jury or required by a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided the Insured, or the Insured’s Family Member traveling with the Insured or Traveling Companion is not: (i) a plaintiff or defendant in the legal action, or (ii) appearing as a law enforcement officer or attorney;

g. the Insured’s Home is made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible due to fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or natural disaster;

h. documented theft of passports or visas;

i. a Terrorist Act (or acts) in the Scheduled Trip Departure City or within 30 miles of the Scheduled Trip Departure City of his/her Covered Trip occurring on, or within 30 days prior to the Scheduled Date of Departure, or a Terrorist Act (or acts) occurring within 30 days prior to the Insured’s arrival, or during his/her stay in a city or within 30 miles of a city, that is a scheduled Destination during the Insured’s Covered Trip;

j. Insured’s Accommodation at Destination made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible due to fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or natural disaster so as to prevent the Insured from reaching his/her Destination or continuing on his/her Covered Trip. To cancel or delay the arrival on the Insured’s Covered Trip:

(1) the Insured’s Accommodation must be Uninhabitable or Inaccessible on the Scheduled Date of Departure;

(2) the Insured’s Accommodation must be Uninhabitable or Inaccessible for a minimum of 24 hours; and

(3) the time and date that the Accommodation first becomes Uninhabitable or Inaccessible must commence no more than 10 days prior to his/her Scheduled Date of Departure.

To interrupt the Insured’s Covered Trip:

(1) the Accommodation must be Uninhabitable or Inaccessible for a minimum of 24 hours; and

(2) the Insured must have seven days or 75% or less remaining on his/her Covered Trip at the time and date the Accommodation first becomes Uninhabitable or Inaccessible;

k. receipt of official notification by the Insured, or the Insured’s Family Member or Traveling Companion of an organ match available for immediate transplant, provided the transplant is considered medically necessary. The notification must be received while coverage is in effect under this Policy, and in the written opinion of the Physician, the transplant surgery or recovery is so disabling as to prevent the Insured from taking his/her Covered Trip;

l. a Family Member who was to provide Accommodations for the Insured during a Covered Trip can no longer do so due to the hosting Family Member’s life-threatening Sickness, Covered Injury, or death;

m. the Insured’s, or the Insured’s Traveling Companion’s or traveling Family Member’s approved, written military leave is involuntarily revoked as a result of being temporarily or permanently reassigned, being called to active military reserve, or an extension of deployment beyond a defined tour of duty. All leave must be approved prior to the date stipulated in SECTION II – EFFECTIVE AND TERMINATION DATES OF INSURANCE, A. EFFECTIVE DATE. Full or partial mobilization or mass reassignment of Armed Forces, invocation of the War Powers Act, base or unit mobilization is not covered;

n. the Insured or Traveling Companion is called to active military service as a reservist, firefighter, or police staff to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster;

o. the primary or secondary school where the Insured, or the Insured’s Family Member or Traveling Companion attend(s) must extend its operating session beyond its predefined school year or start earlier than its predefined school year, due to unforeseeable events commencing prior to the effective date of the applicable coverage under this Policy, that cause the extension of the predefined school year and the Scheduled Date of Departure falls within the period of the school year extension. Extensions due to extracurricular or athletic events are not covered;

p. mandatory evacuation issued by local government authorities (or public official evacuation advisements issued in place of mandatory evacuations only when mandatory evacuations do not exist in that jurisdiction), at the Insured’s final Destination due to severe weather conditions, hurricane or natural disaster provided the cancellation of the Insured’s Covered Trip occurs more than 14 days following the Insured’s effective date of coverage for the Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit. The Insured must have seven days or 75% of his/her total Covered Trip length or less remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation or public official evacuation advisement ends, in order to cancel or interrupt his/her Covered Trip. Coverage expires 21 days after the issue date of a mandatory evacuation or a public official evacuation advisement;

q. receipt of court-issued notice to attend legal proceedings relative to an adoption, provided the person being adopted is not the Insured, the Insured’s Family Member or the Insured’s Travel Companion and the adoption proceeding is not a condition of the Insured’s employment. The date of the scheduled adoption proceeding must be no more than seven days prior to the Scheduled Date of Departure;

r. the Insured’s or one of the Insured’s parents’/parent’s involuntary termination of employment or layoff that occurs more than 14 days after the effective date of the applicable coverage under this Policy. The Insured or one of the Insured’s parent(s) must have been continuously employed with the same employer for two years prior to the termination or layoff. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, independent contractors, or self-employed persons;

Additional Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefits:

The following benefits are not in addition to, and included within, the Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

Per Person Occupancy Benefit

We will reimburse the Insured for additional costs as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements, up to the Per Person Occupancy Benefit Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, if a Traveling Companion’s Covered Trip is canceled for a Covered Loss and the Insured’s Covered Trip is not canceled.

Frequent Traveler Awards Benefit

If (i) the Travel Supplier cancels the Insured’s Covered Trip, (ii) the lnsured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip due to Sickness, Covered Injury, or death of the lnsured, or the Insured’s Family Member or Traveling Companion, or (iii) the Insured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip for one of the Other Covered Events, We will reimburse the Insured a Frequent Traveler Awards Benefit, for the cost charged to reimburse his/her frequent traveler awards/points if he/she used them to purchase any combination of the airline ticket, land reservation, and sea reservation in conjunction with this Covered Trip, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

Reissue Fee Benefit

If (i) the Travel Supplier cancels the Insured’s Covered Trip, (ii) the lnsured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip due to Sickness, Covered Injury, or death of the lnsured, or the Insured’s Family Member or Traveling Companion, or (iii) the Insured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip for one of the Other Covered Events, We will reimburse the Insured a Reissue Fee Benefit, for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule. Any expense under this Reissue Fee Benefit must be incurred within 180 days of the date of cancellation

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Go Ready Choice

100% of the trip cost



The Insured’s coverage under the Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit will take effect as stated in SECTION II – EFFECTIVE AND TERMINATION DATES OF INSURANCE, A. EFFECTIVE DATE.

We will reimburse the Insured a Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, if the Insured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip due to the Insured’s, or the Insured’s Family Member’s or Traveling Companion’s Sickness, or Covered Injury, or death; for: (i) the amount of Payments and Deposits that the Insured paid for his/her Covered Trip (reimbursement of Payments and Deposits is limited to the published cancellation penalties that the Insured was subject to at the time of the cancellation of a Covered Trip); up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

If the Insured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip due to one of the Other Covered Events, We will reimburse the Insured a Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, for the amount of Payments and Deposits that the Insured paid for his/her Covered Trip, less any refund paid or payable, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

We will reimburse the Insured this Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, only if the Sickness, or Covered Injury, or death, or Other Covered Event occurs before departure of the lnsured’s Covered Trip and commences while the lnsured’s coverage is in effect under this Policy. Any Sickness or Covered Injury must:

(i) require the examination or treatment by a Physician and

(ii) in the written opinion of the treating Physician, be so disabling as to prevent the lnsured from taking his/her Covered Trip; or in the case of the Insured’s non-traveling Family Member, be life threatening, or so severe as to require the Insured’s care.

Other Covered Event means an unforeseeable event or its consequences that:

(i) is outside of the Insured’s control and outside of the control of the Insured’s Family Member traveling with the Insured, or Traveling Companion;

(ii) prevents the Insured or the Insured’s Family Member traveling with the Insured, or Traveling Companion from traveling on or continuing his/her Covered Trip; and

(iii) occurs while coverage is in effect under this Policy, and includes only the following unforeseeable events or their consequences that occur to the Insured , or the Insured’s Family Member traveling with the Insured or Traveling Companion:

a. Common Carrier delay or cancellation resulting from severe weather conditions; mechanical breakdown of the aircraft, ship, boat, or motor coach on which the Insured is scheduled to travel; organized labor Strikes that affect public transportation; or a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandate subject to the following conditions:

(1) the scheduled carrier connecting times must meet airline legal minimum connect times;

(2) the scheduled time between arrival at the Scheduled Trip Departure City and the scheduled tour/Cruise departure must be two hours or longer; and

(3) the Common Carrier delay or cancellation must prevent the Insured from reaching his/her Destination for at least 6 consecutive hours;

b. arrangements canceled by an airline, cruise line, or tour operator resulting from severe weather conditions; mechanical breakdown of the aircraft, ship, boat, or motor coach; organized labor Strikes that affect public transportation; or a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandate subject to the following conditions:

(1) the scheduled carrier connecting times must meet airline legal minimum connect times;

(2) the scheduled time between arrival at the Scheduled Trip Departure City and the scheduled tour/Cruise departure must be two hours or longer; and

(3) the Common Carrier delay or cancellation must prevent the Insured from reaching his/her Destination for at least 6 consecutive hours;

c. arrangements canceled by an airline, cruise line, rental car company, hotel, condominium, or motor coach company resulting from Financial Insolvency provided that:

(1) the Insured’s premium for this coverage was received prior to the Insured’s Final Payment for his/her Covered Trip; and

(2) the Financial Insolvency occurs more than 14 days following the Insured’s effective date for PreDeparture Trip Cancellation Benefit.

d. being directly involved in a documented traffic accident while en route to the Insured’s departure;

e. being hijacked, kidnapped or Quarantined;

f. being required to serve on a jury or required by a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided the Insured, or the Insured’s Family Member traveling with the Insured or Traveling Companion is not: (i) a plaintiff or defendant in the legal action, or (ii) appearing as a law enforcement officer or attorney;

g. the Insured’s Home is made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible due to fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or natural disaster;

h. documented theft of passports or visas;

i. a Terrorist Act (or acts) in the Scheduled Trip Departure City or within 30 miles of the Scheduled Trip Departure City of his/her Covered Trip occurring on, or within 30 days prior to the Scheduled Date of Departure, or a Terrorist Act (or acts) occurring within 30 days prior to the Insured’s arrival, or during his/her stay in a city or within 30 miles of a city, that is a scheduled Destination during the Insured’s Covered Trip;

j. Insured’s Accommodation at Destination made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible due to fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or natural disaster so as to prevent the Insured from reaching his/her Destination or continuing on his/her Covered Trip. To cancel or delay the arrival on the Insured’s Covered Trip:

(1) the Insured’s Accommodation must be Uninhabitable or Inaccessible on the Scheduled Date of Departure;

(2) the Insured’s Accommodation must be Uninhabitable or Inaccessible for a minimum of 24 hours; and

(3) the time and date that the Accommodation first becomes Uninhabitable or Inaccessible must commence no more than 10 days prior to his/her Scheduled Date of Departure.

To interrupt the Insured’s Covered Trip:

(1) the Accommodation must be Uninhabitable or Inaccessible for a minimum of 24 hours; and

(2) the Insured must have seven days or 75% or less remaining on his/her Covered Trip at the time and date the Accommodation first becomes Uninhabitable or Inaccessible;

k. receipt of official notification by the Insured, or the Insured’s Family Member or Traveling Companion of an organ match available for immediate transplant, provided the transplant is considered medically necessary. The notification must be received while coverage is in effect under this Policy, and in the written opinion of the Physician, the transplant surgery or recovery is so disabling as to prevent the Insured from taking his/her Covered Trip;

l. a Family Member who was to provide Accommodations for the Insured during a Covered Trip can no longer do so due to the hosting Family Member’s life-threatening Sickness, Covered Injury, or death;

m. the Insured’s, or the Insured’s Traveling Companion’s or traveling Family Member’s approved, written military leave is involuntarily revoked as a result of being temporarily or permanently reassigned, being called to active military reserve, or an extension of deployment beyond a defined tour of duty. All leave must be approved prior to the date stipulated in SECTION II – EFFECTIVE AND TERMINATION DATES OF INSURANCE, A. EFFECTIVE DATE. Full or partial mobilization or mass reassignment of Armed Forces, invocation of the War Powers Act, base or unit mobilization is not covered;

n. the Insured or Traveling Companion is called to active military service as a reservist, firefighter, or police staff to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster;

o. the primary or secondary school where the Insured, or the Insured’s Family Member or Traveling Companion attend(s) must extend its operating session beyond its predefined school year or start earlier than its predefined school year, due to unforeseeable events commencing prior to the effective date of the applicable coverage under this Policy, that cause the extension of the predefined school year and the Scheduled Date of Departure falls within the period of the school year extension. Extensions due to extracurricular or athletic events are not covered;

p. mandatory evacuation issued by local government authorities (or public official evacuation advisements issued in place of mandatory evacuations only when mandatory evacuations do not exist in that jurisdiction), at the Insured’s final Destination due to severe weather conditions, hurricane or natural disaster provided the cancellation of the Insured’s Covered Trip occurs more than 14 days following the Insured’s effective date of coverage for the Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit. The Insured must have seven days or 75% of his/her total Covered Trip length or less remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation or public official evacuation advisement ends, in order to cancel or interrupt his/her Covered Trip. Coverage expires 21 days after the issue date of a mandatory evacuation or a public official evacuation advisement;

q. receipt of court-issued notice to attend legal proceedings relative to an adoption, provided the person being adopted is not the Insured, the Insured’s Family Member or the Insured’s Travel Companion and the adoption proceeding is not a condition of the Insured’s employment. The date of the scheduled adoption proceeding must be no more than seven days prior to the Scheduled Date of Departure;

r. the Insured’s or one of the Insured’s parents’/parent’s involuntary termination of employment or layoff that occurs more than 14 days after the effective date of the applicable coverage under this Policy. The Insured or one of the Insured’s parent(s) must have been continuously employed with the same employer for two years prior to the termination or layoff. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, independent contractors, or self-employed persons;

Additional Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefits:

The following benefits are not in addition to, and included within, the Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

Per Person Occupancy Benefit

We will reimburse the Insured for additional costs as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements, up to the Per Person Occupancy Benefit Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, if a Traveling Companion’s Covered Trip is canceled for a Covered Loss and the Insured’s Covered Trip is not canceled.

Frequent Traveler Awards Benefit

If [i] the Travel Supplier cancels the Insured’s Covered Trip, [ii] the lnsured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip due to Sickness, Covered Injury, or death of the lnsured, or the Insured’s Family Member or Traveling Companion, or [iii] the Insured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip for one of the Other Covered Events, We will reimburse the Insured a Frequent Traveler Awards Benefit, for the cost charged to reimburse his/her frequent traveler awards/points if he/she used them to purchase any combination of the airline ticket, land reservation, and sea reservation in conjunction with this Covered Trip, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

Reissue Fee Benefit

If [i] the Travel Supplier cancels the Insured’s Covered Trip, [ii] the lnsured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip due to Sickness, Covered Injury, or death of the lnsured, or the Insured’s Family Member or Traveling Companion, or [iii] the Insured is prevented from taking his/her Covered Trip for one of the Other Covered Events, We will reimburse the Insured a Reissue Fee Benefit, for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule. Any expense under this Reissue Fee Benefit must be incurred within 180 days of the date of cancellation.

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Go Ready Pandemic Plus

100% of the trip cost


We will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy.

Maximum trip length is also shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

We will pay You for the following:

a) The amount of forfeited, non-refundable, and unused Payments or Deposits; or

b) Additional cost incurred if the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip due to an Unforeseen Event and You elect to utilize the service of a replacement Travel Supplier.

In no event shall the amount We pay exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip or the maximum benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

Single Occupancy: We will pay You, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his or her Covered Trip delayed, canceled or interrupted due to an Unforeseen Event occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy and You do not cancel Your Covered Trip.

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The Following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption:

a) Your Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death or the Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death of Your Traveling Companion, Your Family Member, Your children’s caregiver or Your Business Partner; that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your participation or continued participation in the Covered Trip. A Physician must advise cancellation of the Covered Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

b) An Accidental Injury incurred by You that causes You to be medically unable to continue Your trip’s activity(ies). An actual examination by a Physician must take place and the Physician must advise You to discontinue the trip’s activity(ies).

c) Inclement weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Attacks or mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or destination for at least 48 consecutive hours.

d) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.

e) Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your destination that renders Your primary residence or the accommodations at Your destination uninhabitable.

f) Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Land/Sea Arrangements.

g) A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your destination for at least 12 hours.

h) Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours.

i) Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the initial Trip payment.

j) The airport terminal from which You are scheduled to fly, is closed due to a documented security breach within 12 hours of arrival at the terminal or while You are physically at the terminal.

k) A politically motivated Terrorist Attack that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 50 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Attack must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

l) A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.

m) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

n) You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer; the victim of felonious assault; having Your principal place of residence made inaccessible and uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster; or burglary or vandalism of Your principal place of residence within 10 days of departure.

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Arch RoamRight Arch RoamRight
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


100% of the trip cost


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the amount of the unused Non-Refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, when You cancel Your Trip prior to departure for a covered Unforeseen reason.

Trip Cancellation must be due to one of the following Unforeseen reasons:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, or a Traveling Companion’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or a Business Partner’s death, that occurs before departure on Your Trip; or

2. Your, a Family Member’s, or a Traveling Companion’s or a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or a Business Partner’s covered Sickness or Injury, that: a) occurs before departure on Your Trip; b) requires Medical Treatment at the time of cancellation; and c) as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause Your Trip to be cancelled; or

3. for Other Covered Events, as defined;

provided any such covered Unforeseen reason occur while coverage is in effect for You.

“Other Covered Events” means:

a. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, physically Quarantined, required to serve on a jury (notice of jury duty must be received after Your Effective Date), served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers). Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period;

b. You or Your Traveling Companion is the victim of a felonious assault within 10 days of the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip;

c. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s primary place of residence or destination is made Uninhabitable and remains Uninhabitable during Your scheduled Trip, by fire, flood, or other Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary of Your primary place of residence within 10 days of departure. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 15 calendar days after the eventrenders Your primary residence or destination Uninhabitable

d. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident, substantiated by a police report, while en route to Your scheduled point of departure;

e. Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least 24 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 15 calendar days from the official commencement of the Strike. We will not pay benefits if the policy is purchased after the Strikeis threatened, announced or has already commenced (whichever occurs earlier). If alternate transportation is available,benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to such proposed alternate transportation e.g.another Common Carrier in order to get to Your intended destination. We will not pay benefits resulting from Strikes of the Travel Supplier or any person, organization, agency, or tour operator or their affiliated companies, that solicited this coverage, or from whom You insured Your Travel Arrangements. Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period

f. Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least 24 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

g. mechanical breakdown of the aircraft on which You are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s flight for at least 24 consecutive hours provided no alternative flights are available;

h. You or Your Traveling Companion who are military, police or fire personnel being called into emergency service within 15 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date to provide aid or relief for a Natural Disaster or a Terrorist Incident or an Epidemic. Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period;

i. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s involuntary Employment Termination or layoff which occurs 30 days or more after Your Effective Date. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year;

j. revocation of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave or re-assignment, including war. Official written notice of the revocation or re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required;

k. Bankruptcy or Default of an airline, or cruise line, or tour operator, other than an organization or firm from whom You purchased Travel Arrangements supplied by others causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than 14 days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination.

Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period;

l. the death or hospitalization of Your Host at Destination;

m. mandatory evacuation ordered by local government authorities at Your Trip destination due to a Natural Disaster or a hurricane named after the Effective Date of Your coverage. You must have 50% or less, but not more than 7 nights of Your Trip length remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends;

n. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s pregnancy, provided the pregnancy occurs after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation, as verified by medical records;

o. You or Your Traveling Companion are attending the childbirth of Your Family Member, provided the pregnancy occurs after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation, as verified by medical records;

p. a government-mandated shutdown of an airport or air traffic control system due to a Natural Disaster. Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for Your Trip or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Additional Trip Cancellation Benefits: We will reimburse You for the following:

If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, We will reimburse You up to $300 for the reissue fee charged by the airline to change Your tickets.

If You elect to depart for Your Trip up to 48 hours in advance of Your Scheduled Departure as documented by your Trip itinerary to avoid cancellation of Your Trip due to a Severe Weather Advisory forecast for Your departure city; We will reimburse You up to $500 for airfare change fees, and accommodations. The policy needs to be purchased more than 14 days from Your Scheduled Departure Date for this benefit to apply.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier as soon as reasonably possible.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for Trip Cancellation, for the additional cost You incur as the result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for Your Travel Arrangements if Your Traveling Companion’s Trip is canceled for a covered Unforeseen reason and You do not cancel Your Trip.

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Pro Plus

100% of the trip cost


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the amount of the unused Non-Refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, when You cancel Your Trip prior to departure for a covered Unforeseen reason.

Trip Cancellation must be due to one of the following Unforeseen reasons:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, or a Traveling Companion’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or a Business Partner’s death, that occurs before departure on Your Trip; or

2. Your, a Family Member’s, or a Traveling Companion’s or a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or a Business Partner’s covered Sickness or Injury, that: a) occurs before departure on Your Trip; b) requires Medical Treatment at the time of cancellation; and c) as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause Your Trip to be cancelled; or

3. for Other Covered Events, as defined; provided any such covered Unforeseen reason occur while coverage is in effect for You.

“Other Covered Events” means:

a. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, physically Quarantined, required to serve on a jury (notice of jury duty must be received after Your Effective Date), served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers). Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period;

b. You or Your Traveling Companion is the victim of a felonious assault within 10 days of the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip;

c. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s primary place of residence or destination is made Uninhabitable and remains Uninhabitable during Your scheduled Trip, by fire, flood, or other Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary of Your primary place of residence within 10 days of departure; We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 15 calendar days after the event renders Your primary residence or destination Uninhabitable;

d. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident, substantiated by a police report, while en route to Your scheduled point of departure;

e. Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least 24 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel; We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 15 calendar days from the official commencement of the Strike. We will not pay benefits if the policy is purchased after the Strike is threatened, announced or has already commenced (whichever occurs earlier). If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to such proposed alternate transportation e.g. another Common Carrier in order to get to Your intended destination. We will not pay benefits resulting from Strikes of the Travel Supplier or any person, organization, agency, or tour operator or their affiliated companies, that solicited this coverage, or from whom You insured Your Travel Arrangements. Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period;

f. Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least 24 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

g. mechanical breakdown of the aircraft on which You are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s flight for at least 24 consecutive hours provided no alternative flights are available;

h. You or Your Traveling Companion who are military, police or fire personnel being called into emergency service within 15 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date to provide aid or relief for a Natural Disaster or a Terrorist Incident or an Epidemic. Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period;

i. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s involuntary Employment Termination or layoff which occurs 30 days or more after Your Effective Date. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year;

j. a Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the itinerary of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Trip;

k. revocation of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave or re-assignment, including war. Official written notice of the revocation or re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required;

l. Bankruptcy or Default of an airline, or cruise line, or tour operator, other than an organization or firm from whom You purchased Travel Arrangements supplied by others causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than 14 days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination.

Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period;

m. the death or hospitalization of Your Host at Destination;

n. mandatory evacuation ordered by local government authorities at Your Trip destination due to a Natural Disaster or a hurricane named after the Effective Date of Your coverage. You must have 50% or less, but not more than 7 nights of Your Trip length remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends;

o. a cancellation of Your Trip if Your arrival on the Trip is delayed and causes You to lose 50% or more of the scheduled Trip duration due to the reasons covered under the Trip Delay Benefit;

p. the primary or secondary school that Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Dependent child(ren) attends continues classes beyond the Predefined School Year, due to Unforeseen circumstances that: occur after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation; and cause the classes to extend beyond the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip. Extensions due to extracurricular or athletic events are not covered. Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period;

q. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s pregnancy, provided the pregnancy occurs after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation, as verified by medical records;

r. You or Your Traveling Companion are attending the childbirth of Your Family Member, provided the pregnancy occurs after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation, as verified by medical records;

s. a government-mandated shutdown of an airport or air traffic control system due to a Natural Disaster. Coverage for this Other Covered Event only applies if Your payment for this policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period. In no event shall the amount reimbursed for Trip Cancellation exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for Your Trip or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed for Trip Interruption exceed 150% of the amount You prepaid for Your Trip.

Additional Trip Cancellation Benefits: We will reimburse You for the following:

If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, We will reimburse You up to $300 for the reissue fee charged by the airline to change Your tickets.

If You elect to depart for Your Trip up to 48 hours in advance of Your Scheduled Departure as documented by your Trip itinerary to avoid cancellation of Your Trip due to a Severe Weather Advisory forecast for Your departure city; We will reimburse You up to $500 for airfare change fees, and accommodations. The policy needs to be purchased more than 14 days from Your Scheduled Departure Date for this benefit to apply.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier as soon as reasonably possible.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for Trip Cancellation, for the additional cost You incur as the result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for Your Travel Arrangements if Your Traveling Companion’s Trip is canceled for a covered Unforeseen reason and You do not cancel Your Trip.

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AXA Assistance USA AXA Assistance USA
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. The death or Hospitalization of Your Host at Destination within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Trip.

5. After one (1) year of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

6. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

7. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

8. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

9. Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

10. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

11. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination.

Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

12. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

13. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

14. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

15. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than ten (10) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date.

16. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits , subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers;

b) airfare cancellation charges for flights in connection with Your Trip commencing within one day of the Travel Arrangements;

c) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy -two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

Note: If the Insured Trip Cost is $0, there is no Trip Cancellation benefit; Trip Interruption benefit is reduced to $500 and covers return air only. All other benefits apply.

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100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. The death or Hospitalization of Your Host at Destination within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Trip.

5. After one (1) year of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

6. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. The transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

7. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

8. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

9. Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

10. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

11. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

12. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

13. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

14. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

15. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than ten (10) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date.

16. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers;
b) airfare cancellation charges for flights in connection with Your Trip commencing within one day of the Travel Arrangements;
c) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy -two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. The death or Hospitalization of Your Host at Destination within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Trip.

5. After one (1) year of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

6. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

7. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s company being made unsuitable for business by fire, flood, burglary, vandalism or other Natural Disaster and You or Your Traveling Companion is responsible for policy and decision making with the company and is directly involved as a member of the disaster recovery team.

8. You or Your Traveling Companion being required to work during the Trip. Proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer must be presented. This benefit is not available to independent contractors, temporary employees or self-employed individuals, or if You or
Your Traveling Companion are a company owner or partner.

9. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s company being directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall or Bankruptcy or Default proceedings. You or Your Traveling Companion must be an active employee of the company and must be directly involved in said event.

10. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

11. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

12. Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior topurchase of this Policy.

13. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

14. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

15. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

16. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

17. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

18. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than ten (10) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date.

19. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits , subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers;

b) airfare cancellation charges for flights in connection with Your Trip commencing within one day of the Travel Arrangements;

c) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip. You must have
covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy -two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as aresult of achange in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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battleface battleface
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Discovery Plan

100% of the trip cost


We will pay you up to the maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits for loss(es) incurred by you or your traveling companion for a covered trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure due to any of the following unforeseen events:

Health and Family
a) Any sickness, injury or death;
1. Occurring to you, your traveling companion or a family member traveling with you. Sickness or injury must be so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel their covered trip which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a physician at the time of loss preventing your participation in the covered trip. You, your traveling companion, or the family member must be examined in person or via telemedicine technology by a physician within seventy-two (72) hours of the cancellation, and the physician must advise you or your traveling companion to cancel the trip;

2. Occurring to a family member not traveling with you that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a physician or they require your immediate care, or which results in the family member’s death. Such injury or sickness must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a covered trip to be canceled and must be certified by a physician via an in-person examination or via telemedicine technology;

b) You or your traveling companion have complications of pregnancy. The onset of these conditions must occur after your effective date of coverage and must be verified by medical records;

c) You are on a list as a donor or recipient for an organ transplant and, after the effective date, you receive official notification that an organ match is available for immediate transplant. The transplant must be considered medically necessary, and a physician must confirm that the transplant and/or surgery is so disabling as to prevent travel; or

d) You or your traveling companion being quarantined at your or your traveling companion’s home.

Transportation and Accommodation

a) You and/or your traveling companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to your destination or point of departure for your covered trip. Traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) Mechanical or equipment failure of a common carrier that occurs on or within one (1) day of a covered trip scheduled departure date and causes complete cessation of your travel for at least forty-eight (48)consecutive hours;

c) Strike, resulting in the complete cessation of travel services for twenty-four (24) hours at the point of departure and/or destination. Coverage is only valid if your Trip Cancellation coverage is effective prior to when the strike is foreseeable;

d) A road closure causing a delay in reaching your destination for at least twelve (12) hours;

e) Complete or partial closure of the air traffic control tower or the airport from which you are scheduled to depart. Closure must be caused by fire or a power outage and must result in a delay of your covered trip for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours. This does not apply to closures caused by a natural disaster or inclement weather

a) Weather at the departure site which causes complete cessation of services of your common carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours and prevents you from reaching your destination;

b) Your or your traveling companion’s destination being made uninhabitable or inaccessible by natural disaster, vandalism or burglary. Benefits are not payable if a hurricane or tropical storm is named on or before the effective date of your Trip Cancellation Coverage. Benefits are not payable if the natural disaster is foreseeable prior to your effective date. A hurricane or tropical storm are foreseeable on the date they become a named storm;

c) Your or your traveling companion’s primary residence being made uninhabitable or inaccessible by natural disaster, vandalism, or burglary. Coverage for a hurricane applies only if insurance was purchased prior to the storm being upgraded to a hurricane;

d.) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at your destination due to hurricane or other natural disaster for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours preventing you from staying at your destination;

e) Named hurricane or tropical storm causing cancellation of travel to your destination because it has become uninhabitable for the greater of: (1) four (4) days or (2) fifty percent (50%) of your covered trip length. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within fourteen (14) calendar days after the named hurricane makes your destination accommodations uninhabitable. Benefits are not payable if a hurricane or tropical storm is named on or before the effective date of your Trip Cancellation coverage or less than fourteen (14) days after the effective date of your Trip Cancellation coverage.


a. You or your traveling companion legally adopts a child and the date of the placement or adoption falls during your covered trip; you or your traveling companion are traveling for the purpose of adopting a child, but the adoption is cancelled for reasons beyond your control.

The adoption must be approved prior to the effective date;

Personal Safety and Security

a) A politically motivated terrorist incident occurs within a fifty (50) mile radius of the territorial city limits of the foreign city to be visited as shown in your itinerary issues within thirty (30) days of your scheduled departure date;

b) You and/or your traveling companion being hijacked, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided you or your traveling companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer, within ten (10) days of scheduled departure date;

c) You and/or your traveling companion are the victim of felonious assault within ten (10) days of departure;

d) You, your traveling companion or family member are kidnapped or disappear after the effective date of your Trip Cancellation coverage as substantiated by a police report;

e) Theft of passports, travel documents, or visas specifically required for your covered trip within fourteen (14)days of the scheduled departure date. The theft must be substantiated by a police report;

f) Cancellation of a covered trip as a result of riot or civil disorder for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours preventing you from reaching your destination; or

g) Documented theft of your automobile that results in your inability to take the covered trip. Documented means that you have reported the theft to the local authorities.


a) You or your traveling companion or parent or legal guardian if the insured is a child are involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of your own more than thirty (30) days after your effective date, provided that you have been an active employee with the same employer for at least two (2) continuous years. Termination must occur following the effective date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

b) You or your traveling companion are employed as a full time teacher or other full time employee, or are a student or parent of a student at a primary or secondary school and are required to complete an extended school year that falls on or beyond the scheduled departure date. School extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered; or

c) You or your traveling companion are called to active military duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster, or military leave is revoked or reassigned within thirty (30) days of the scheduled departure date, except because of war, the War Powers Act, or disciplinary action. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the effective date.


We will reimburse you, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the covered trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with you has his/her trip canceled, or interrupted due to any of the unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and you do not cancel.

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Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


100% of the trip cost


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by the Insured for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

(1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion, a Family Member traveling with You, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling with the You that is considered life‐threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require Your immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

(4) Sickness, Injury, death or hospitalization occurring to Your Host at Your Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line, Common Carrier or tour operator provided that:

(1) The insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; and

(2) Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits.
The Insurer will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm that solicited Your travel arrangements to you.

b) mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on a scheduled Trip Departure Date and causes complete cessation of Your travel and results in a Loss of 50% of Your Trip length;

c) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a)InclementWeather,if it causes delay or cancellation of travel.

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

c) You or a Traveling Companion’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by flood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, wildfire, or blizzard that is due to natural causes;

d) a named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption of travel to Your Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your effective date. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. The Insurer will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring within 14 days after the named hurricane makes Your Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.


a) You or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;

b) You or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;

c) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on Your itinerary within 30 days of Your scheduled arrival;


a) You or a Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own, provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self‐employed persons;

b) You or a Traveling Companion are required to work during his/her scheduled Trip. He/she must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of his/her employer. In the situation of self‐employment, proof of self‐employment and a notarized statement confirming that he/she is unable to travel due to his or her job obligations will be required.

c) You or a Traveling Companion are directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings and must be currently employed by the company that is involved in said event;

d) Your or a Traveling Companion’s company is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or Natural Disaster and You or a Traveling Companion is directly involved as a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.

You must notify the Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Concierge within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had You notified the travel supplier within the specified period. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, pre‐ paid Trip Cost up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.

The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non‐refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.

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100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

(a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and
(b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.

The benefit payable under (a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:

(1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;

(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician; or

(4) Occurring to the Insured’s Host At Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury.

b) Death of the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, Business Partner, or Host At Destination.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary;

c) The Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

d) A Named Storm causing cancellation or interruption of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. A Named Storm becomes foreseeable on the date it is named by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or foreign equivalent. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring more than 14 days from the Policy Effective Date and within 30 days after the Named Storm makes the Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) Mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on the scheduled Trip Departure Date;

c) Strike of a Common Carrier the Insured is scheduled to travel on, resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination. If comparable Travel Suppliers are available, coverage will be limited to the additional expenses, change fees, and increase in fare (if any) to book with the new Travel Supplier;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

e) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

f) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

g) The Insured’s Host at Destination is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must be approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

h) The Insured or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Departure Date. No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by another Insured, Family Member, Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion’s Family Member;

i) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

j) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date;

a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the scheduled arrival or during the Trip;

Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:

(1) the Insured or Traveling Companion is required to work during the scheduled Trip. They must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of their employer. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.
(2) the Insured or Traveling Companion’s company is the subject of a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self employed.
(3) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s company’s disaster recovery plan is activated, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved in the response.

The Financial Default of a Travel Supplier, provided all of the following conditions are met:

(1) This policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window; and
(2) The default occurs more than 14 days following the Policy Effective Date.

The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit for Financial Default shown in the Schedule. If the Insured books with a comparable Travel Supplier, the Company will pay for the additional expenses to book with the new Travel Supplier.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, Travel Supplier, or firm that directly procured travel arrangements for the Insured.

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ExactCare Value

100% of the trip cost


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by You for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

(1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion, a Family Member traveling with You, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling with the You that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require Your immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line, Common Carrier or tour operator provided that:

(1) The insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; and

(2) Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits.

The Insurer will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm that solicited Your travel arrangements to you.

b) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a) Inclement Weather, if it causes delay or cancellation of travel for at least 24 consecutive hours;

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

c) You or a Traveling Companion’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by flood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, wildfire, or blizzard that is due to natural causes;

d) a named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption of travel to Your Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your effective date. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. The Insurer will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring within 14 days after the named hurricane makes Your Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.

Political / Violence

a) You, or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;

b) You or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;

c) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on Your itinerary within 30 days of Your scheduled arrival;


a) You or a Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own, provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons.


You must notify Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Concierge within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had You notified the travel supplier within the specified period. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Cost up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.

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ExactCare Value

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

(a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and

(b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.

The benefit payable under (a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:
(1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;
(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;
(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician.

b) Death of the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, or Business Partner.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary;

The Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

A Named Storm causing cancellation or interruption of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. A Named Storm becomes foreseeable on the date it is named by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or foreign equivalent. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring more than 14 days from the Policy Effective Date and within 30 days after the Named Storm makes the Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible;


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

c) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

e) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

f) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date;

g) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the scheduled arrival or during the Trip;

The Financial Default of a Travel Supplier, provided all of the following conditions are met:

(1) This policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window; and
(2) The default occurs more than 14 days following the Policy Effective Date.

The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit for Financial Default shown in the Schedule. If the Insured books with a comparable Travel Supplier, the Company will pay for the additional expenses to book with the new Travel Supplier.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, Travel Supplier, or firm that directly procured travel arrangements for the Insured.

Single Occupancy Benefit:

If the Insured prepaid for shared accommodations and their Traveling Companion cancels their Trip due to one or more of the Unforeseen Covered Events, the Company will reimburse any additional accommodation fees the Insured is required to pay.


The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier and the Travel Insurance Administrator or an agent of the company within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had the Insured notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If the Insured is unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

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100% of the trip cost


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by You for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion, a Family Member traveling with You, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling with the You that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require Your immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

4) Sickness, Injury, death or hospitalization occurring to Your Host at Your Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury;

b) You being medically unable to receive a required immunization for entry into a country of Destination, provided that such a requirement was not in place at the time of the effective date of coverage;

c) You, your spouse, or Domestic Partner must cancel Your Trip due to a Normal Pregnancy or Childbirth. Date of conception as calculated by a licensed OB-GYN must occur after Your effective date of coverage;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line, Common Carrier or tour operator provided that:

1) The insurance was purchased with 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; and

2) Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm that solicited Your travel arrangements to you.

b) You or a Traveling Companion are directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic accident, while en route to the Insured’s Destination. Traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

c) mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on a scheduled Trip Departure Date and causes complete cessation of Your travel and results in a Loss of 50% of Your Trip length;

d) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a) Inclement Weather, if it causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

c) You or a Traveling Companion’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by flood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, wildfire, or blizzard that is due to natural causes;

d) a named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption of travel to Your Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your effective date. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm.

The Company will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring within 14 days after the named hurricane makes Your Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.

Political / Violence

a) You or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;

b) You or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;

c) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on Your itinerary within 30 days of Your scheduled arrival;

d) You or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Departure Date. No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by another Insured, Family Member, Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion’s Family Member;


a) You or a Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own, provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 continuous year.

Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

b) You or Traveling Companion is required to work during his/her scheduled Trip. He/she must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of his/her employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment and a notarized statement confirming that the Insured is unable to travel due to his or her job obligations will be required.

c) You or Traveling Companion is directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings and must be currently employed by the company that is involved in said event;

d) Your or Traveling Companion’s company is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or Natural Disaster and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved as a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.


a) cancellation of a scheduled event due to Inclement Weather prior to departing on the Trip provided attendance at the event was the sole reason for the Trip and the duration of the Trip does not exceed 48 hours before or after such an event;

b) You are unable to participate in a scheduled hunting/fishing expedition due to a delay of the necessary personal sporting equipment by the Common Carrier;

c) the United States government or local government issues a hunting/fishing activity restriction after the effective date of coverage at the Destination, which prohibits the hunting/fishing activity for which the Insured has booked the Trip. Such restrictions include but are not limited to: a government closure of the reserve, a ban on hunting/fishing, or the hunting/fishing activity being declared illegal.

d) You or a Traveling Companion, legally adopts a Child and the date of the placement or adoption falls during Your Trip;

e) Theft or loss of passports or visas specifically required for Your Trip, substantiated by a police report, resulting in a Loss of 50% of the Insured’s Trip length;

f) You or a Traveling Companion are a full time employee, a student, or parent of a student at a primary or secondary school and are required to complete an extended school year that falls on or beyond the Departure Date. School year extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered;


You must notify The Travel Insurance Administrator within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim.

The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had You notified the travel supplier within the specified period. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, prepaid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.

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100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

(a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and

(b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.The benefit payable under (a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:

(1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by aPhysician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;
(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling that is considered life-threatening, as certified by aPhysician or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;
(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician; or
(4) Occurring to the Insured’s Host At Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury.

b) Death of the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, Business Partner, or Host At Destination.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.

The Insured or Traveling Companion being medically unable to receive a required immunization for entry into a country of Destination, provided that such a requirement was not in place prior to the policy purchase date;

The Insured must cancel the Trip due to a Normal Pregnancy of the Insured or Traveling Companion or their spouse or Domestic Partner. The pregnancy must first be confirmed by a Physician after the Policy Effective Date. The Normal Pregnancy must fall within the scheduled Trip;


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary;

c) The Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

d) A Named Storm causing cancellation or interruption of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. A Named Storm becomes foreseeable on the date it is named by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or foreign equivalent. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring more than 14 days from the Policy Effective Date and within 30 days after the Named Storm makes the Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) Mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on the scheduled Trip Departure Date;

c) Strike of a Common Carrier the Insured is scheduled to travel on, resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination. If comparable Travel Suppliers are available, coverage will be limited to the additional expenses, change fees, and increase in fare (if any) to book with the new TravelSupplier;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

e) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

f) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

g) The Insured’s Host at Destination is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must be approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

h) The Insured or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to theDeparture Date. No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by another Insured, Family Member,Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion’s Family Member;

i) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

j) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year.Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date;

The Insured or a Traveling Companion, legally adopts a Child and the date of the placement or adoption falls during the Trip;

The Insured or Traveling Companion is traveling for the purpose of adopting a Child, but the adoption is cancelled for reasons beyond the Insured’s control. The adoption must be approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

Theft of passports or visas required for the Trip, substantiated by a police report:

Cancellation of a scheduled event due to Inclement Weather or Named Storm prior to departing on the Trip provided attendance at the event was the sole reason for the Trip and the duration of the Trip does not exceed 48 hours before or after such an event;

The Insured is unable to participate in a scheduled hunting/fishing expedition due to a delay of the necessary personal sporting equipment by the Common Carrier;

The United States government or local government issues a hunting/fishing activity restriction at the Destination after the Policy Effective Date, which prohibits the hunting/fishing activity for which the Insured has booked the Trip. Such restrictions include but are not limited to: a government closure of the reserve, a ban on hunting/fishing, or the hunting/fishing activity being declared illegal.

The Insured or a Traveling Companion is employed as a full-time teacher or other full time employee, or is enrolled as a full time student, at a primary or secondary school and is required to complete an extended school year (including academic examinations) that falls on or beyond the Departure Date. School year extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered;

A Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the scheduled arrival or during the Trip;

Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:

(1) the Insured or Traveling Companion is required to work during the scheduled Trip. They must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of their employer. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.

(2) the Insured or Traveling Companion’s company is the subject of a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.

(3) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s company’s disaster recovery plan is activated, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved in the response.

The Financial Default of a Travel Supplier, provided all of the following conditions are met:

(1) This policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window; and
(2) The default occurs more than 14 days following the Policy Effective Date.

The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit for Financial Default shown in the Schedule. If the Insured books with a comparable Travel Supplier, the Company will pay for the additional expenses to book with the new Travel Supplier.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, Travel Supplier, or firm that directly procured travel arrangements for the Insured.

Single Occupancy Benefit: If the Insured prepaid for shared accommodations and their Traveling Companion cancels their Trip due to one or more of the Unforeseen Covered Events, the Company will reimburse any additional accommodation fees the Insured is required to pay.

The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier and the Travel Insurance Administrator or an agent of the company within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had theInsured notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If the Insured is unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

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ExactCare Lite

$500 per person


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by You for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

(1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion, a Family Member traveling with You, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling with You that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require Your immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

(4) Sickness, Injury, death or hospitalization occurring to Your Host at Your Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) You or a Traveling Companion are directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic accident, while en route to the Insured’s Destination. Traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on a scheduled Trip Departure Date and causes complete cessation of Your travel and results in a Loss of 50% of Your Trip length;

c) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a) Inclement Weather, if it causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

c) You or a Traveling Companion’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by flood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, wildfire, or blizzard that is due to natural causes;

d) a named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption of travel to Your Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your effective date. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. The Insurer will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring within 14 days after the named hurricane makes Your Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.

Political / Violence

a) You, or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;

b) You or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;


a) You or a Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own, provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

b) Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:

(1) You or Traveling Companion is required to work during his/her scheduled Trip. He/she must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of his/her employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self employment and a notarized statement confirming that the Insured is unable to travel due to his or her job obligations will be required.

(2) You or Traveling Companion is directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings and must be currently employed by the company that is involved in said event;

(3) Your or Traveling Companion’s company is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or Natural Disaster and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved as a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.

This coverage applies only if insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment.


You must notify the Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had You notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, prepaid Trip Cost up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, nonrefundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.

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ExactCare Lite

$500 per person


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

(a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and

(b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.

The benefit payable under (a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.

Single Occupancy Benefit: If the Insured prepaid for shared accommodations and their Traveling Companion cancels their Trip due to one or more of the Unforeseen Covered Events, the Company will reimburse any additional accommodation fees the Insured is required to pay.

The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier and the Travel Insurance Administrator or an agent of the company within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had the Insured notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If the Insured is unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:
(1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;
(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;
(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

b) Death of the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, or Business Partner.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary.

c) A Named Storm causing cancellation or interruption of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. A Named Storm becomes foreseeable on the date it is named by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or foreign equivalent. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring more than 14 days from the Policy Effective Date and within 30 days after the Named Storm makes the Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible;


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) Mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on the scheduled Trip Departure Date;

c) Strike of a Common Carrier the Insured is scheduled to travel on, resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination. If comparable Travel Suppliers are available, coverage will be limited to the additional expenses, change fees, and increase in fare (if any) to book with the new TravelSupplier;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

e) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

f) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

g) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

h) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date;

i) Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:
(1) the Insured or Traveling Companion is required to work during the scheduled Trip. They must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of their employer. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.
(2) the Insured or Traveling Companion’s company is the subject of a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.
(3) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s company’s disaster recovery plan is activated, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved in the response.

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Cat 70 Cat 70
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Travel Plan

100% of the trip cost


We will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy. Maximum trip length is also shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

We will pay You for the following:

a) The amount of forfeited, non-refundable, and unused Payments or Deposits; or

b) Additional cost incurred if the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip due to an Unforeseen Event and You elect to utilize the service of a replacement Travel Supplier.

In no event shall the amount We pay exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip or the maximum benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

Single Occupancy: We will pay You, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his or her Covered Trip delayed, canceled or interrupted due to an Unforeseen Event occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy and You do not cancel Your Covered Trip.

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The Following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption:

a) Your Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death or the Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death of Your Traveling Companion, Your Family Member, Your children’s caregiver or Your Business Partner; that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your participation or continued participation in the Covered Trip. A Physician must advise cancellation of the Covered Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

b) An Accidental Injury incurred by You that causes You to be medically unable to continue Your trip’s activity(ies). An actual examination by a Physician must take place and the Physician must advise You to discontinue the trip’s activity(ies).

c) Inclement weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Attacks or mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or destination for at least 48 consecutive hours.

d) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.

e) Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your destination that renders Your primary residence or the accommodations at Your destination uninhabitable.

f) Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Land/Sea Arrangements.

g) A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your destination for at least 12 hours.

h) Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours.

i) Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the initial Trip payment.

j) The airport terminal from which You are scheduled to fly, is closed due to a documented security breach within 12 hours of arrival at the terminal or while You are physically at the terminal.

k) A politically motivated Terrorist Attack that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 50 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Attack must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

l) A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.

m) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

n) You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer; the victim of felonious assault; having Your principal place of residence made inaccessible and uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster; or burglary or vandalism of Your principal place of residence within 10 days of departure.

Read Hide Full Policy Wording
Detour Insurance Detour Insurance
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

@the edge

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. Your or a Traveling Companion’s company being made unsuitable for business by fire, flood, burglary, vandalism or other Natural Disaster and You is responsible for policy and decision making with the company and is directly involved as a member of the disaster recovery team.

5. You or Your Traveling Companion being required to work during the Trip. Proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer must be presented. This benefit is not available to independent contractors, temporary employees or self-employed individuals, or if You or Your Traveling Companion are a company owner or partner.

6. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s company being directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall or Bankruptcy or Default proceedings. You or Your Traveling Companion must be an active employee of the company and must be directly involved in said event.

7. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military re- assignment.

8. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

9. Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

10. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

11. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

12. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

13. Death or critical condition diagnosis of Your cat or dog that occurs within seven (7) days prior to Your Trip Scheduled Departure Date as certified by a Veterinarian at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip.

14. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

15. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than fourteen (14) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date.

16. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

(a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers provided the premium paid is received by the Company (or its authorized representative) and You insure all pre-paid Trip costs that are subject to cancellation penalties or restrictions.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.

The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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@the edge plus

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. Your or a Traveling Companion’s company being made unsuitable for business by fire, flood, burglary, vandalism or other Natural Disaster and You is responsible for policy and decision making with the company and is directly involved as a member of the disaster recovery team.

5. You or Your Traveling Companion being required to work during the Trip. Proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer must be presented. This benefit is not available to independent contractors, temporary employees or self-employed individuals, or if You or Your Traveling Companion are a company owner or partner.

6. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s company being directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall or Bankruptcy or Default proceedings. You or Your Traveling Companion must be an active employee of the company and must be directly involved in said event.

7. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military re- assignment.

8. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

9. Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

10. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

11. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

12. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

13. Death or critical condition diagnosis of Your cat or dog that occurs within seven (7) days prior to Your Trip Scheduled Departure Date as certified by a Veterinarian at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip.

14. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

15. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than fourteen (14) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date.

16. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

(a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers provided the premium paid is received by the Company (or its authorized representative) and You insure all pre-paid Trip costs that are subject to cancellation penalties or restrictions.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.

The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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Generali Global Assistance Generali Global Assistance
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


100% of the trip cost


Benefits will be paid, up to the amount in the Schedule, for the forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable, non-refunded and unused published Payments that you paid for your Trip, if you are prevented from taking your Trip due to one of the following unforeseeable Covered Events that occur before departure on your Trip to you or your Traveling Companion, while your coverage is in effect under this Policy.

In the event you used frequent flyer miles to arrange air transportation for this Trip, and you cancel due to a Covered Event, we will reimburse you for the cost to reinstate your miles to your account, up to the amount in the Schedule.

Should you elect to reschedule your Trip arrangements instead of cancelling due to a Covered Event, in lieu of providing benefits for the forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable, non-refunded and unused published Payments, we will pay for change fees charged by your supplier(s), up to the amount in the Schedule.

In the event there is a change in the per person occupancy rate for your pre-paid arrangements as a result of a Traveling Companion canceling his or her Trip due to an unforeseeable Covered Event when you do not cancel, we will reimburse you for additional costs above the original invoiced and pre-paid charge for your booking, up to the amount in the Schedule, for Accommodations during the Trip as a result of the change.

Covered Events:

1. The Sickness, Injury or death of you, your Family Member, your Traveling Companion or your Service Animal. The Sickness or Injury must first commence while your coverage is in effect under the Policy, must require the in-person treatment by a Physician, and must be so disabling in the written opinion of a Physician as to prevent you from taking your Trip (either because your condition prevents your travel, or because your Family Member, Traveling Companion or your Service Animal requires your care);

2. Common Carrier delays and/or cancellations resulting from adverse weather, mechanical breakdown of the aircraft, ship, boat or motor coach that you were scheduled to travel on, or organized labor strikes that affect public transportation;

3. Being directly involved in a documented traffic accident while en route to departure on your Trip;

4. Being hijacked or Quarantined;

5. Being required to serve on a jury, or required by a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action provided you, a Family Member or a Traveling Companion is not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer;

6. Your Home made Uninhabitable by fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster;

7. Your Accommodations at your destination made Uninhabitable due to fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the event renders the destination Uninhabitable. For the purpose of this coverage, Uninhabitable means: (i) the building itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; (ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail or flood; or (iii) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared, such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines. In order to cancel your trip, you must have 4 days or 50% of your total Trip length or less remaining at the time the destination is restored for use. Benefits are
not payable if the event occurs or if a hurricane is named prior to or on your Trip Cancellation Coverage Effective Date;

8. A documented theft of your passports or visas;

9. A mandatory evacuation (or public official evacuation advisement in geographic areas where no mandatory evacuation orders are issued by government authorities) at your destination due to adverse weather or natural disasters. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the evacuation order is issued. In order to cancel your Trip, you must have 4 days or 50% of your total Trip length or less remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends;

10. Being called into active military service to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster;

11. Your previously granted military leave being revoked. The leave must be approved prior to your coverage becoming effective, and official written revocation notice from your commanding officer will be required;

12. Your involuntary termination of employment or layoff (or the involuntary termination or layoff of your parent or guardian if you are a minor traveling alone), after continuous employment with the same employer for 1 year or more, provided the termination or layoff occurs 14 days or more after your coverage has taken effect. This benefit is not available to temporary employees, independent contractors, or self-employed persons;

13. A Terrorist Act which occurs in your Scheduled Trip Departure City or in a city to which you are scheduled to travel while on your Trip, and which occurs within 30 days of your Scheduled Departure Date, provided the city has not experienced a Terrorist Act in the past 30 days prior to the effective date of your coverage;

14. Your Host being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threatening Sickness or Injury, or due to death. Official documentation of the event will be required;

15. The school where you attend must extend its operating session beyond its predefined school year due to unforeseeable events commencing during the coverage effective period. The school year extension dates must fall in your Trip dates in order for this coverage to be available. Extensions due to extracurricular or athletic events are not covered;

16. Being required to take an academic examination on a date that has been fixed after your coverage was purchased, and the examination date falls within your Trip dates;

17. Being unable to undergo a vaccination or inoculation, due to a medical reason, that is announced and published as required for entry into a country of destination after the effective date of your coverage. The vaccination or inoculation must be unannounced and unpublished to the public at the time your coverage is purchased;

18. Receiving official notification of an organ match available for immediate transplant, provided the transplant is considered medically necessary, the notification is received while coverage is in effect, and in the written opinion of the Physician the transplant surgery and/or recovery is so disabling as to prevent you from taking the Trip;

19. Receiving a court-issued notice to attend an Adoption Proceeding, provided you are not attending as a condition of your employment and provided the person being adopted is not you, your Traveling Companion or your Family Member. The date of the scheduled Adoption Proceeding must be announced while your coverage is in effect and must be during your Trip dates;

20. Receiving notice that your Adoption Proceeding or adoption arrangements have been cancelled or terminated, provided your Trip was for the purpose of executing the adoption and provided the Adoption Proceeding or adoption arrangement was confirmed prior to your effective date.


This coverage is subject to the General Exclusions.

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100% of the trip cost


Benefits will be paid, up to the amount in the Schedule, for the forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable, non-refunded and unused published Payments that you paid for your Trip, if you are prevented from taking your Trip due to one of the following unforeseeable Covered Events that occur before departure on your Trip to you or your Traveling Companion, while your coverage is in effect under this Policy.

In the event you used frequent yer miles to arrange air transportation for this Trip, and you cancel due to a Covered Event, we will reimburse you for the cost to reinstate your miles to your account, up to the amount in the Schedule.

Should you elect to reschedule your Trip arrangements instead of cancelling due to a Covered Event, in lieu of providing benefits for the forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable, non-refunded and unused published Payments, we will pay for change fees charged by your supplier(s), up to the amount in the Schedule.

In the event there is a change in the per person occupancy rate for your pre-paid arrangements as a result of a Traveling Companion canceling his or her Trip due to an unforeseeable Covered Event when you do not cancel, we will reimburse you for additional costs above the original invoiced and pre-paid charge for your booking, up to the amount in the Schedule, for Accommodations during the Trip as a result of the change.

Covered Events:

1. The Sickness, Injury or death of you, your Family Member, your Traveling Companion or your Service Animal. The Sickness or Injury must first commence while your coverage is in effect under the Policy, must require the in-person treatment by a Physician, and must be so disabling in the written opinion of a Physician as to prevent you from taking your Trip (either because your condition prevents your travel, or because your Family Member, Traveling Companion or your Service Animal requires your care);

2. Common Carrier delays and/or cancellations resulting from adverse weather, mechanical breakdown of the aircraft, ship, boat or motor coach that you were scheduled to travel on, or organized labor strikes that affect public transportation;

3. Common Carrier delays and/or cancellations resulting from Financial Insolvency, provided you purchased this coverage prior to or within 24 hours of your final Payment for your Trip;

4. Being directly involved in a documented traffic accident while en route to departure on your Trip;

5. Being hijacked or Quarantined;

6. Being required to serve on a jury, or required by a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action provided you, a Family Member or a Traveling Companion is not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer;

7. Your Home made Uninhabitable by fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster;

8. Your Accommodations at your destination made Uninhabitable due to fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the event renders the destination Uninhabitable. For the purpose of this coverage, Uninhabitable means: i) the building itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail or flood; or iii) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared, such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines. In order to cancel your trip, you must have 4 days or 50% of your total Trip length or less remaining at the time the destination is restored for use. Benefits are not payable if the event occurs or if a hurricane is named prior to or on your Trip Cancellation Coverage Effective Date;

9. A documented theft of your passports or visas;

10. A mandatory evacuation (or public official evacuation advisement in geographic areas where no mandatory evacuation orders are issued by government authorities) at your destination due to adverse weather or natural disasters. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the evacuation order is issued. In order to cancel your Trip, you must have 4 days or 50% of your total Trip length or less remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends;

11. Being called into active military service to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster;

12. Your previously granted military leave being revoked. The leave must be approved prior to your coverage becoming effective, and official written revocation notice from your commanding officer will be required;

13. Your involuntary termination of employment or layoff (or the involuntary termination or layoff of your parent or guardian if you are a minor traveling alone), after continuous employment with the same employer for 1 year or more, provided the termination or layoff occurs 14 days or more after your coverage has taken effect. This benefit is not available to temporary employees, independent contractors, or self-employed persons;

14. A Terrorist Act which occurs in your Scheduled Trip Departure City or in a city to which you are scheduled to travel while on your Trip, and which occurs within 30 days of your Scheduled Departure Date, provided the city has not experienced a Terrorist Act in the past 30 days prior to the effective date of your coverage;

15. Your Host being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threatening Sickness or Injury, or due to death. Official documentation of the event will be required;

16. The school where you attend must extend its operating session beyond its predefined school year due to unforeseeable events commencing during the coverage effective period. The school year extension dates must fall in your Trip dates in order for this coverage to be available. Extensions due to extra- curricular or athletic events are not covered;

17. Being required to take an academic examination on a date that has been fixed after your coverage was purchased, and the examination date falls within your Trip dates;

18. Being unable to undergo a vaccination or inoculation, due to a medical reason, that is announced and published as required for entry into a country of destination after the effective date of your coverage. The vaccination or inoculation must be unannounced and unpublished to the public at the time your coverage is purchased;

19. Receiving official notification of an organ match available for immediate transplant, provided the transplant is considered medically necessary, the notification is received while coverage is in effect, and in the written opinion of the Physician the transplant surgery and/or recovery is so disabling as to prevent you from taking the Trip;

20. Receiving a court-issued notice to attend an Adoption Proceeding, provided you are not attending as a condition of your employment and provided the person being adopted is not you, your Traveling Companion or your Family Member. The date of the scheduled Adoption Proceeding must be announced while your coverage is in effect and must be during your Trip dates;

21. Receiving notice that your Adoption Proceeding or adoption arrangements have been cancelled or terminated, provided your Trip was for the purpose of executing the adoption and provided the Adoption Proceeding or adoption arrangement was confirmed prior to your effective date.


Benefits payable for additional transportation expenses will not exceed the cost of airfare (the same class airfare on which you were originally booked) by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.

This coverage is subject to the General Exclusions.

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100% of the trip cost


Benefits will be paid, up to the amount in the Schedule, for the forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable, non-refunded and unused published Payments that you paid for your Trip, if you are prevented from taking your Trip due to one of the following unforeseeable Covered Events that occur before departure on your Trip to you or your Traveling Companion, while your coverage is in effect under this Policy.

In the event you used frequent yer miles to arrange air transportation for this Trip, and you cancel due to a Covered Event, we will reimburse you for the cost to reinstate your miles to your account, up to the amount in the Schedule.

Should you elect to reschedule your Trip arrangements instead of cancelling due to a Covered Event, in lieu of providing benefits for the forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable, non-refunded and unused published Payments, we will pay for change fees charged by your supplier(s), up to the amount in the Schedule.

In the event there is a change in the per person occupancy rate for your pre-paid arrangements as a result of a Traveling Companion canceling his or her Trip due to an unforeseeable Covered Event when you do not cancel, we will reimburse you for additional costs above the original invoiced and pre-paid charge for your booking, up to the amount in the Schedule, for Accommodations during the Trip as a result of the change.

Covered Events:

1. The Sickness, Injury or death of you, your Family Member, your Traveling Companion or your Service Animal. The Sickness or Injury must first commence while your coverage is in effect under the Policy, must require the in-person treatment by a Physician, and must be so disabling in the written opinion of a Physician as to prevent you from taking your Trip (either because your condition prevents your travel, or because your Family Member, Traveling Companion or your Service Animal requires your care);

2. Common Carrier delays and/or cancellations resulting from adverse weather, mechanical breakdown of the aircraft, ship, boat or motor coach that you were scheduled to travel on, or organized labor strikes that affect public transportation;

3. Common Carrier delays and/or cancellations resulting from Financial Insolvency, provided you purchased this coverage prior to or within 24 hours of your final Payment for your Trip;

4. Being directly involved in a documented traffic accident while en route to departure on your Trip;

5. Being hijacked or Quarantined;

6. Being required to serve on a jury, or required by a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action provided you, a Family Member or a Traveling Companion is not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer;

7. Your Home made Uninhabitable by fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster;

8. Your Accommodations at your destination made Uninhabitable due to fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the event renders the destination Uninhabitable. For the purpose of this coverage, Uninhabitable means: i) the building itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail or flood; or iii) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared, such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines. In order to cancel your trip, you must have 4 days or 50% of your total Trip length or less remaining at the time the destination is restored for use. Benefits are not payable if the event occurs or if a hurricane is named prior to or on your Trip Cancellation Coverage Effective Date;

9. A documented theft of your passports or visas;

10. A mandatory evacuation (or public official evacuation advisement in geographic areas where no mandatory evacuation orders are issued by government authorities) at your destination due to adverse weather or natural disasters. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the evacuation order is issued. In order to cancel your Trip, you must have 4 days or 50% of your total Trip length or less remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends;

11. Being called into active military service to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster;

12. Your previously granted military leave being revoked. The leave must be approved prior to your coverage becoming effective, and official written revocation notice from your commanding officer will be required;

13. Your involuntary termination of employment or layoff (or the involuntary termination or layoff of your parent or guardian if you are a minor traveling alone), after continuous employment with the same employer for 1 year or more, provided the termination or layoff occurs 14 days or more after your coverage has taken effect. This benefit is not available to temporary employees, independent contractors, or self-employed persons;

14. A Terrorist Act which occurs in your Scheduled Trip Departure City or in a city to which you are scheduled to travel while on your Trip, and which occurs within 30 days of your Scheduled Departure Date, provided the city has not experienced a Terrorist Act in the past 30 days prior to the effective date of your coverage;

15. Your Host being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threatening Sickness or Injury, or due to death. Official documentation of the event will be required;

16. The school where you attend must extend its operating session beyond its predefined school year due to unforeseeable events commencing during the coverage effective period. The school year extension dates must fall in your Trip dates in order for this coverage to be available. Extensions due to extra- curricular or athletic events are not covered;

17. Being required to take an academic examination on a date that has been fixed after your coverage was purchased, and the examination date falls within your Trip dates;

18. Being unable to undergo a vaccination or inoculation, due to a medical reason, that is announced and published as required for entry into a country of destination after the effective date of your coverage. The vaccination or inoculation must be unannounced and unpublished to the public at the time your coverage is purchased;

19. Receiving official notification of an organ match available for immediate transplant, provided the transplant is considered medically necessary, the notification is received while coverage is in effect, and in the written opinion of the Physician the transplant surgery and/or recovery is so disabling as to prevent you from taking the Trip;

20. Receiving a court-issued notice to attend an Adoption Proceeding, provided you are not attending as a condition of your employment and provided the person being adopted is not you, your Traveling Companion or your Family Member. The date of the scheduled Adoption Proceeding must be announced while your coverage is in effect and must be during your Trip dates;

21. Receiving notice that your Adoption Proceeding or adoption arrangements have been cancelled or terminated, provided your Trip was for the purpose of executing the adoption and provided the Adoption Proceeding or adoption arrangement was confirmed prior to your effective date.


This coverage is subject to the General Exclusions.

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GeoBlue GeoBlue
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Voyager Choice excl US

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


Voyager Essential excl US

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


Trekker Choice excl US

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


Trekker Essential excl US

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.

Global Underwriters Global Underwriters
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Diplomat International

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.

HTH Travel Insurance HTH Travel Insurance
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

TravelGap Voyager excl US

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


TripProtector Preferred

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after
Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. The death or Hospitalization of Your Host at Destination within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Trip.

5. After one (1) year of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

6. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. You must have been employed with the transferring employer on Your Effective Date. The transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

7. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

8. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

9. The primary or secondary school where You or Your minor child(ren) (under the age of eighteen (18)) attend(s) must extend operating session beyond the pre-defined school year and interferes with Your scheduled Trip dates.

10. Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

11. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

12. If National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issues a travel warning that travel should be avoided to Your destination for a period of time that would include Your Trip. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination.

13. If the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issues a Level 3 Travel Health Notice that travel should be avoided to Your destination for a period of time that would include Your Trip. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination.

14. An occurrence in a country or region that is part of the Trip that causes the U.S. Department of State to issue a Level 4 Travel Advisory and/or Travel Alert that You should not travel within that country or region for a period of time that would include the Trip. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination.

15. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination.

Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

16. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

17. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

18. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

19. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than ten (10) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date.

20. Mechanical breakdown of Your Common Carrier’s aircraft on which You are scheduled to travel for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours.

21. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least six (6) consecutive hours.

22. Your arrival on the Trip being delayed due to a Hazard that causes You to lose fifty percent (50%) or more of the scheduled Trip duration.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits You paid for Your Trip;

b) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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TravelGap Excursion excl US

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


TripProtector Economy

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. The death or Hospitalization of Your Host at Destination within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Trip.

5. After one (1) year of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

6. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. You must have been employed with the transferring employer on Your Effective Date. The transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

7. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

8. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

9. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

10. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

11. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits You paid for Your Trip;

b) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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TripProtector Classic

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. The death or Hospitalization of Your Host at Destination within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Trip.

5. After one (1) year of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

6. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. You must have been employed with the transferring employer on Your Effective Date. The transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

7. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

8. Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

9. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

10. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

11. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

12. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

13. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

14. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than ten (10) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date.

15. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits You paid for Your Trip;
b) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

iTravelInsured Travel Lite

100% of the trip cost


If You cancel Your Trip prior to the Scheduled Departure Date, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited, prepaid non-refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, provided the cancellation occurs while coverage is in effect for You and is due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons, as defined:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, or Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or Business Partner’s, death that occurs before departure on Your Trip; or

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or Business Partner’s, Sickness or Injury, that:
a) occurs before departure on Your Trip;
b) is examined and treated by a Physician prior to cancellation; and
c) as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip;
Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause You to cancel Your Trip to assume daily management of the business.

3. Sickness, Injury, death or Hospitalization of Your Child Caregiver, which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing You from participating in the Trip. A Physician must advise the Child Caregiver is unable to provide basic childcare services while You are on Your Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date;

4. You must cancel Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect:

Other Covered Events means:

1. You or Your Traveling Companion have Complications of Pregnancy, which is verified by medical records and occurs after the Effective Date of coverage;

2. You or Your Traveling Companion are suffering a Mental, Nervous or Psychological condition or disorders which require Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization. Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization must be for at least five (5) or more days before Your Scheduled Trip. A Physician must certify the condition as preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from going on the Trip.

3. This peril applies if You have purchased the policy within the Time Sensitive Period. The Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an entity that directly provides Travel Arrangements, including Travel Supplier, a Common Carrier, cruise line, tour operator, or other travel entity that causes a complete cessation of travel services if the Financial Insolvency or Financial Default occurs more than thirty (30) days following Your Effective Date for Your Trip Cancellation benefit. Benefits will be paid due to Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination;

4. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination. The traffic accident must be documented by a police report;

5. mechanical breakdown/equipment failure of a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s travel for at least six (6) consecutive hours;

6. mandated shutdown by local government authorities of an airport or air traffic control system resulting in the complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

7. shutdown of the air traffic control system or an airport due to fire or power outage from which You are scheduled to depart or to make a connection resulting in the complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

8. Due to a Natural Disaster, a mandatory evacuation is ordered or recommended by local government authorities at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination which prevents You from traveling to/arriving at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination. This benefit only applies if the policy has been purchased during the Time Sensitive Period;

9. an unannounced Strike results in a complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel which prevents You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination;

10. Inclement Weather that causes a: delay, or cancellation by a Common Carrier for at least six (6) consecutive hours;

11. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination Accommodations are made Uninhabitable and remain Uninhabitable during Your Trip or are inaccessible by the mode of transportation as shown on the travel documents or itinerary within thirty (30) days of Your Scheduled Departure Date by a Natural Disaster, or vandalism or burglary;
Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. This coverage applies only if You purchased the policy within the Time Sensitive Period;

12. Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination is under a hurricane warning or hurricane watch as issued by the NOAA Hurricane Center within twenty-four (24) hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. Cancellation of Your Trip must occur more than fourteen (14) days following Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation;

13. You or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked or Quarantined;

14. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;

15. You or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member or Your Host at Scheduled Destination are called to active military duty or emergency service as a firefighter or police officer; either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster, a Civil Disorder, Terrorist Incident or due to war or an act of war;

16. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage and the leave revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage;

17. Your Host at Your Scheduled Destination being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threating Sickness or Injury, or due to his/her death. You must provide official documentation of the event;

18. a Terrorist Incident occurs before Your Trip:
a) within thirty (30) days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in the Scheduled Trip Departure City, or in a city listed on the scheduled itinerary of Your Trip; and/ or
b) within thirty (30) miles of the Scheduled Trip Departure City or a domestic or foreign city in which You are scheduled to arrive.
Provided You were not offered a substitute itinerary. If an incident occurred in a foreign city within ninety (90) days prior to Your purchase of insurance, all other incidents in that same city are excluded.

19. Security Breach, Civil Disorder or Riot occurs while at an airport or other port for at least six (6) consecutive hours preventing You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination or departing on Your Trip;

20. a documented theft of Your passports or travel documents specifically required for Your Trip. A police report must substantiate the theft;

21. You or Your Traveling Companion have an involuntary transfer of employment within the same organization of two hundred fifty (250) or more miles which requires Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence to be relocated. Notification of the transfer must occur after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self employed persons;

22. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off from Your or their employment. The termination notice must occur at least fourteen (14) days after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least one (1) year;

23. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to work during Your Trip. Vacation leave must have been already approved by Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer and cancellation of vacation leave must occur after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of the employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment with proof of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s 1099 and a notarized statement confirming You or Your Traveling Companion are unable to travel due to Your or Your Traveling Companion’s job obligations is required;

24. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to work during Your Trip and directly involved in a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy proceedings or voluntary or government required product recall. The company that is involved in said event must currently employ You or Your Traveling Companion and the action requires You or Your Traveling Companion to work as a result. You or Your Traveling Companion must be an active, full-time employee and cannot be a company owner or partner;

25. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s place of business is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, vandalism or a Natural Disaster and You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved as a member or as an employee of the disaster recovery team who is responsible for policy and decision making and are required to work as a result.

The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the lesser of the total amount of coverage You purchased or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

You must report all cancellations to the Travel Supplier within seventy-two (72) hours of the event causing the need to cancel.

If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the seventy-two (72) hours, You should report the event as soon as possible. We do not cover increased amounts of Published Penalties and unused, non refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits that result from all other delays or reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid non-refundable Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share Accommodations with You cancels his/her Trip due to any of the covered Unforeseen reasons or Other Covered Events shown in Your Trip Cancellation section(s) and You do not cancel or interrupt Your Trip.

Proof of cancellation by a person booked to share Accommodations with You is required.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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iTravelInsured Travel SE

100% of the trip cost


If You cancel Your Trip prior to the Scheduled Departure Date, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited, prepaid non refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, provided the cancellation occurs while coverage is in effect for You and is due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons, as defined:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Service Animal’s, a Pet’s or Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or Business Partner’s, death that occurs before departure on Your Trip; or

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Service Animal’s, a Pet’s or Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or Business Partner’s, Sickness or Injury, that:
a) occurs before departure on Your Trip;
b) is examined and treated by a Physician or Veterinarian prior to cancellation; and
c) as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip;
Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause You to cancel Your Trip to assume daily management of the business.

3. Sickness, Injury, death or Hospitalization of Your Child Caregiver, which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing You from participating in the Trip. A Physician must advise the Child Caregiver is unable to provide basic childcare services while You are on Your Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date;

4. You must cancel Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect:

Other Covered Events means:

1. You or Your Traveling Companion have Complications of Pregnancy, which is verified by medical records and occurs after the Effective Date of coverage;

2. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to a normal pregnancy or childbirth. The date of conception, as verified by medical records, must occur after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation;

3. You or Your Traveling Companion are attending the childbirth of Your Family Member or surrogate mother, provided the conception occurs after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation and must be verified by medical records;

4. You or Your Traveling Companion are suffering a Mental, Nervous or Psychological condition or disorders which require Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization. Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization must be for at least five (5) or more days before Your Scheduled Trip. A Physician must certify the condition as preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from going on the Trip.

5. This peril applies if You have purchased the policy within the Time Sensitive Period. The Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an entity that directly provides Travel Arrangements, including Travel Supplier, a Common Carrier, cruise line, tour operator, or other travel entity that causes a complete cessation of travel services if the Financial Insolvency or Financial Default occurs more than thirty (30) days following Your Effective Date for Your Trip Cancellation benefit. Benefits will be paid due to Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination;

6. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination. The traffic accident must be documented by a police report;

7. mechanical breakdown/equipment failure of a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s travel for at least six (6) consecutive hours;

8. mandated shutdown by local government authorities of an airport or air traffic control system resulting in the complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

9. shutdown of the air traffic control system or an airport due to fire or power outage from which You are scheduled to depart or to make a connection resulting in the complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

10. Due to a Natural Disaster, a mandatory evacuation is ordered or recommended by local government authorities at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination which prevents You from traveling to/arriving at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination. This benefit only applies if the policy has been purchased during the Time Sensitive Period;

11. an unannounced Strike results in a complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel which prevents You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination;

12. Inclement Weather that causes a: delay, or cancellation by a Common Carrier for at least six (6) consecutive hours;

13. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination Accommodations are made Uninhabitable and remain Uninhabitable during Your Trip or are inaccessible by the mode of transportation as shown on the travel documents or itinerary within thirty (30) days of Your Scheduled Departure Date by a Natural Disaster, or vandalism or burglary; Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. This coverage applies only if You purchased the policy within the Time Sensitive Period;

14. Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination is under a hurricane warning or hurricane watch as issued by the NOAA Hurricane Center within twenty-four (24) hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. Cancellation of Your Trip must occur more than fourteen (14) days following Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation;

15. You or Your Traveling Companion file for legal separation or divorce after Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation. Trip Cancellation must occur within ten (10) days of the filing for legal separation or divorce;

16. a divorce or custody court hearing is scheduled after Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation that requires Your or Your Traveling Companion’s presence during Your scheduled Trip. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s required presence cannot be part of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s job;

17. You or Your Traveling Companion and/or Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Pet or Service Animal are hijacked or Quarantined;

18. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;

19. You or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member or Your Host at Scheduled Destination are called to active military duty or emergency service as a firefighter or police officer; either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster, a Civil Disorder, Terrorist Incident or due to war or an act of war;

20. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage and the leave revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage;

21. Your Host at Your Scheduled Destination being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threating Sickness or Injury, or due to his/her death. You must provide official documentation of the event;

22. a Terrorist Incident occurs before Your Trip:
a) within thirty (30) days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in the Scheduled Trip Departure City, or in a city listed on the scheduled itinerary of Your Trip; and/ or
b) within thirty (30) miles of the Scheduled Trip Departure City or a domestic or foreign city in which You are scheduled to arrive.
Provided You were not offered a substitute itinerary. If an incident occurred in a foreign city within ninety (90) days prior to Your purchase of insurance, all other incidents in that same city are excluded.

23. Security Breach, Civil Disorder or Riot occurs while at an airport or other port for at least six (6) consecutive hours preventing You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination or departing on Your Trip;

24. a documented theft of Your passports or travel documents specifically required for Your Trip. A police report must substantiate the theft;

25. a travel alert or travel warning for levels four (4) and higher or, an evacuation order or, travel ban is issued, for cities listed on Your itinerary after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation, to a destination specifically listed on Your Itinerary. The travel alert/warning, etc. must occur within thirty (30) days of the scheduled Departure Date. For up-to-date information refer to the U.S. State Department website at: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html.

26. You or Your Traveling Companion have an involuntary transfer of employment within the same organization of two hundred fifty (250) or more miles which requires Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence to be relocated. Notification of the transfer must occur after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self-employed persons;

27. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off from Your or their employment. The termination notice must occur at least fourteen (14) days after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least one (1) year;

28. You or Your Traveling Companion are a student (or are a parent of a student) or are employed either as a full-time teacher or other full-time employee at an elementary, middle or high school and are required to attend/cover an extended school year that falls during or beyond the Scheduled Departure Date. Notice of the extended school year must be provided after the Trip Cancellation Effective Date;

29. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to take an academic examination on a date that has been scheduled after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date, and the date falls during Your Trip;

30. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to work during Your Trip. Vacation leave must have been already approved by Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer and cancellation of vacation leave must occur after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of the employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment with proof of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s 1099 and a notarized statement confirming You or Your Traveling Companion are unable to travel due to Your or Your Traveling Companion’s job obligations is required;

31. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to work during Your Trip and directly involved in a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy proceedings or voluntary or government required product recall. The company that is involved in said event must currently employ You or Your Traveling Companion and the action requires You or Your Traveling Companion to work as a result. You or Your Traveling Companion must be an active, full-time employee and cannot be a company owner or partner;

32. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s place of business is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, vandalism or a Natural Disaster and You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved as a member or as an employee of the disaster recovery team who is responsible for policy and decision making and are required to work as a result;

33. You or Your Traveling Companion legally adopt a Child and the date of the placement or adoption occurs after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date and within thirty (30) days of Your Scheduled Departure Date;

34. You or Your Child are required to participate in an inter-scholastic or team sporting event that has been scheduled after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date and must occur during Your Scheduled Trip;

35. a cancellation of Your Trip if Your arrival on Your Trip is delayed and causes You to lose fifty percent (50%) or more of the scheduled Trip duration due to the reasons 1-3 covered under the Missed Connection Benefit.

The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the lesser of the total amount of coverage You purchased or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

You must report all cancellations to the Travel Supplier within seventy-two (72) hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the seventy two (72) hours, You should report the event as soon as possible. We do not cover increased amounts of Published Penalties and unused, non-refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits that result from all other delays or reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours. These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid non-refundable Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share Accommodations with You cancels his/her Trip due to any of the covered Unforeseen reasons or Other Covered Events shown in Your Trip Cancellation Benefit section and You do not cancel Your Trip.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy

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Patriot America Plus

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


iTravelInsured Travel LX Basic

100% of the trip cost


If You cancel Your Trip prior to the Scheduled Departure Date, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited, prepaid non-refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, provided the cancellation occurs while coverage is in effect for You and is due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons, as defined:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Service Animal’s, a Pet’s or Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or Business Partner’s, death that occurs before departure on Your Trip; or

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Service Animal’s, a Pet’s or Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s or Business Partner’s, Sickness or Injury, that:
a) occurs before departure on Your Trip;
b) is examined and treated by a Physician or Veterinarian prior to cancellation; and
c) as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip;
Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause You to cancel Your Trip to assume daily management of the business.

3. Sickness, Injury, death or Hospitalization of the guide/outfitter assigned for Your Trip applies if the guide/outfitter is the only one available to lead Your Trip. A Physician must certify Sickness or Injury;

4. Sickness, Injury, death or Hospitalization of Your Child Caregiver, which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing You from participating in the Trip. A Physician must advise the Child Caregiver is unable to provide basic childcare services while You are on Your Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date;

5. You must cancel Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect:

Other Covered Events means:

1. You or Your Traveling Companion have Complications of Pregnancy, which is verified by medical records and occurs after the Effective Date of coverage;

2. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to a normal pregnancy or childbirth. The date of conception, as verified by medical records, must occur after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation;

3. You or Your Traveling Companion are attending the childbirth of Your Family Member or surrogate mother, provided the conception occurs after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation and must be verified by medical records;

4. You or Your Traveling Companion are suffering a Mental, Nervous or Psychological condition or disorders which require Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization. Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization must be for at least five (5) or more days before Your Scheduled Trip. A Physician must certify the condition as preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from going on the Trip.

5. The Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an entity that directly provides Travel Arrangements, including Travel Supplier, a Common Carrier, cruise line, tour operator, or other travel entity that causes a complete cessation of travel services if the Financial Insolvency or Financial Default occurs more than thirty (30) days following Your Effective Date for Your Trip Cancellation benefit. Benefits will be paid due to Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination;

6. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination. The traffic accident must be documented by a police report;

7. mechanical breakdown/equipment failure of a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s travel for at least six (6) consecutive hours;

8. mandated shutdown by local government authorities of an airport or air traffic control system resulting in the complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

9. shutdown of the air traffic control system or an airport due to fire or power outage from which You are scheduled to depart or to make a connection resulting in the complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

10. Due to a Natural Disaster, a mandatory evacuation is ordered or recommended by local government authorities at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination which prevents You from traveling to/arriving at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination. This benefit only applies if the policy has been purchased during the Time Sensitive Period;

11. an unannounced Strike results in a complete cessation of services for at least six (6) consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel which prevents You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination;

12. Inclement Weather that causes a: delay, or cancellation by a Common Carrier for at least six (6) consecutive hours;

13. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination Accommodations are made Uninhabitable and remain Uninhabitable during Your Trip or are inaccessible by the mode of transportation as shown on the travel documents or itinerary within thirty (30) days of Your Scheduled Departure Date by a Natural Disaster, or vandalism or burglary; Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. This coverage applies only if You purchased the policy within the Time Sensitive Period;

14. Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination is under a hurricane warning or hurricane watch as issued by the NOAA Hurricane Center within twenty-four (24) hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. Cancellation of Your Trip must occur more than fourteen (14) days following Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation;

15. You or Your Traveling Companion file for legal separation or divorce after Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation. Trip Cancellation must occur within ten (10) days of the filing for legal separation or divorce;

16. a divorce or custody court hearing is scheduled after Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation that requires Your or Your Traveling Companion’s presence during Your scheduled Trip. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s required presence cannot be part of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s job;

17. You or Your Traveling Companion and/or Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Pet or Service Animal are hijacked or Quarantined;

18. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;

19. You or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member or Your Host at Scheduled Destination are called to active military duty or emergency service as a firefighter or police officer; either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster, a Civil Disorder, Terrorist Incident or due to war or an act of war;

20. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required.

The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage and the leave revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage;

21. Your Host at Your Scheduled Destination being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threating Sickness or Injury, or due to his/her death. You must provide official documentation of the event;

22. a Terrorist Incident occurs before Your Trip:
a) within thirty (30) days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in the Scheduled Trip Departure City, or in a city listed on the scheduled itinerary of Your Trip; and/ or
b) within thirty (30) miles of the Scheduled Trip Departure City or a domestic or foreign city in which You are scheduled to arrive.
Provided You were not offered a substitute itinerary. If an incident occurred in a foreign city within ninety (90) days prior to Your purchase of insurance, all other incidents in that same city are excluded.

23. Security Breach, Civil Disorder or Riot occurs while at an airport or other port for at least six (6) consecutive hours preventing You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination or departing on Your Trip;

24. a documented theft of Your passports or travel documents specifically required for Your Trip. A police report must substantiate the theft;

25. a travel alert or travel warning for levels four (4) and higher or, an evacuation order or, travel ban is issued, for cities listed on Your itinerary after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation, to a destination specifically listed on Your Itinerary. The travel alert/warning, etc. must occur within thirty (30) days of the scheduled Departure Date. For up-to-date information refer to the U.S. State Department website at:

26. You or Your Traveling Companion have an involuntary transfer of employment within the same organization of two hundred fifty (250) or more miles which requires Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence to be relocated. Notification of the transfer must occur after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self-employed persons;

27. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off from Your or their employment. The termination notice must occur at least fourteen (14) days after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least one (1) year;

28. You or Your Traveling Companion are a student (or are a parent of a student) or are employed either as a full-time teacher or other full-time employee at an elementary, middle or high school and are required to attend/cover an extended school year that falls during or beyond the Scheduled Departure Date. Notice of the extended school year must be provided after the Trip Cancellation Effective Date;

29. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to take an academic examination on a date that has been scheduled after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date, and the date falls during Your Trip;

30. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to work during Your Trip. Vacation leave must have been already approved by Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer and cancellation of vacation leave must occur after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of the employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment with proof of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s 1099 and a notarized statement confirming You or Your Traveling Companion are unable to travel due to Your or Your Traveling Companion’s job obligations is required;

31. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to work during Your Trip and directly involved in a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy proceedings or voluntary or government required product recall. The company that is involved in said event must currently employ You or Your Traveling Companion and the action requires You or Your Traveling Companion to work as a result. You or Your Traveling Companion must be an active, full-time employee and cannot be a company owner or partner;

32. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s place of business is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, vandalism or a Natural Disaster and You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved as a member or as an employee of the disaster recovery team who is responsible for policy and decision making and are required to work as a result;

33. cancellation of a scheduled event due to Inclement Weather prior to departing on Your Trip provided attendance at the event was the primary reason for Your Trip and the duration of Your Trip does not extend more than ninety-six (96) hours before or ninety-six (96) hours after such an event;

34. The United States government or local government issues a hunting or fishing activity restriction after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date at Your Scheduled Destination, which prohibits the hunting or fishing activity for which You have booked the Trip. Such restrictions include but are not limited to: a government closure of the reserve, a ban on hunting or fishing, or the hunting or fishing activity being declared illegal;

35. You or Your Traveling Companion legally adopt a Child and the date of the placement or adoption occurs after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date and within thirty (30) days of Your Scheduled Departure Date;

36. You or Your Child are required to participate in an inter-scholastic or team sporting event that has been scheduled after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date and must occur during Your Scheduled Trip;

37. closure of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of trails or slopes at the Scheduled Destination before the Scheduled Departure Date, due to insufficient snow, Natural Disaster, or trail condition. This coverage is available from December 1st through April 15th for ski resorts in the northern hemisphere, and May 1st through September 30th for ski resorts in the southern hemisphere;

38. Your or a Traveling Companion’s passport or visa cannot be issued for a reason beyond Your or Your Traveling Companion’s control. Provided You or Your Traveling Companion have applied at least eight (8) weeks prior to the Scheduled Departure Date or as per the proscribed guidelines from U.S. Department of State. Coverage does not apply if the application for a passport or visa is a subsequent attempt of an application that had been previously denied or if the passport or visa application is submitted within the proscribed timeframe prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;

39. a cancellation of Your Trip if Your arrival on Your Trip is delayed and causes You to lose fifty percent (50%) or more of the scheduled Trip duration due to the reasons 1-3 covered under the Missed Connection Benefit.

The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the lesser of the total amount of coverage You purchased or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

You must report all cancellations to the Travel Supplier within seventy-two (72) hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the seventy-two (72) hours, You should report the event as soon as possible. We do not cover increased amounts of Published Penalties and unused, non-refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits that result from all other delays or reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid non-refundable Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share Accommodations with You cancels his/her Trip due to any of the covered Unforeseen reasons or Other Covered Events shown in Your Trip Cancellation section(s) and You do not cancel or interrupt Your Trip. Proof of cancellation by a person booked to share Accommodations with You is required. These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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iTravelInsured Travel Essential

100% of the trip cost


If You cancel Your Trip prior to departure due to one of the covered Unforeseen reasons listed below, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for the amount of unused, non-refundable, prepaid Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip.

Payable benefit amounts are reduced by any refunds or reimbursements to which You are entitled from any Travel Supplier, whether You requested reimbursement or not. In no event shall the amount reimbursed under this benefit exceed the lesser of the prepaid Payments or Deposits made for Your Travel Arrangements or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Cancellation must be due to one of the following Unforeseen reasons that occurs after the purchase of this Policy and while this coverage is in effect for You:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, or a Traveling Companion’s death that occurs prior to departure on Your Trip;

2. Your, a Family Member’s, or a Traveling Companion’s covered Sickness or Injury that: a) occurs before departure on Your Trip; b) requires the in-person Medical Treatment by a Physician at the time of cancellation; and c) as certified by a Physician prior to cancellation, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip;

3. the following other Unforeseen reasons which occur to You or Your Traveling Companion provided such events occur while this coverage is in effect:

a) Complications of Pregnancy, as verified by medical records, provided the pregnancy begins after this coverage is in effect;

b) the death or hospitalization of Your Host at Your Destination with whom You and/or Your Traveling Companion will be staying during Your Trip;

c) Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

d) Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

e) mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s flight for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

f) a government-mandated shutdown of an airport, air traffic control system, cruise port or train station for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours due to a Natural Disaster or a Terrorist Incident that affects Your or Your Traveling Companion’s ability to travel on the Trip. Benefits are not available if alternate arrangements or a substitute route is available;

g) Bankruptcy or Default of the airline, cruise line, tour operator or other travel provider. The Bankruptcy or Default must cause a complete cessation of travel services. The Bankruptcy or Default must occur more than fourteen (14) days following Your purchase of the Policy. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow transfer to another airline in order to get to the intended destination. This coverage applies only if Your Policy was purchased within the Time Sensitive Period;

h) You or Your Traveling Companion being called into emergency service to provide aid or relief for a Natural Disaster or Terrorist Incident as part of military, police or fire personnel duties;

i) Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Home is made Uninhabitable by fire, flood, other Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary within ten (10) days of departure;

j) Your booked accommodations at Your Trip destination are made Uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster occurring after this coverage is in effect for the greater of: 1) four (4) days; or 2) fifty percent (50%) of Your scheduled Trip duration. We will only pay benefits for this coverage for losses occurring within fifteen (15) days of the event making Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. Benefits are available only if Your Policy was purchased thirty (30) days or more prior to the event that caused the destination to be Uninhabitable. This coverage applies only if Your Policy was purchased within the Time Sensitive Period. No benefits are payable if a storm which triggers a weather warning was named and documented in the media prior to this coverage being in effect;

k) mandatory evacuation ordered by local government authorities, or public evacuation notices, recommendations or advertisements in geographic areas where government authorities will not under any circumstance issue a mandatory evacuation order to its residents, at Your Trip destination due to a Natural Disaster or Inclement Weather. You must have four (4) days or – fifty percent (50%) or less of Your Trip length remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends in order to cancel Your Trip and for this benefit to be payable. This coverage applies only if Your Policy was purchased within the Time Sensitive Period;

l) Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Trip departure city or destination city is under a hurricane warning issued by the NOAA National Hurricane Center within twelve (12) hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. No benefits are payable if the storm which triggers a hurricane warning was named prior to this coverage being in effect;

m) the U.S. State Department issues a Level four (4) Travel Advisory for the Trip destination, after this coverage is in effect and for a period of time that would include Your Trip. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination;

n) being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers). Notice must be received after this coverage is in effect;

o) a documented theft of passports, visas or travel documents that are unable to be reissued by local agents (must be substantiated by a police report);

p) a Terrorist Incident that occurs within fifteen (15) days of the Trip’s Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the Trip itinerary. For benefits to be payable, there must not have been a Terrorist Incident in the city in the sixty (60) days prior to the purchase of the Policy. No benefits are payable for Terrorist Incidents that occur in a layover city and/or a city on the Trip itinerary that shows a scheduled visit of six (6) hours or less. Benefits are not available if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This coverage applies only if Your Policy was purchased within the Time Sensitive Period;

q) a transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more that requires the relocation of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Home. Notification of the transfer must occur within ten (10) days of the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least one (1) continuous year, including the date this Policy was purchased;

r) revocation of previously granted military leave. Official written notice by a supervisor or commanding officer of the original approval and the revocation must be provided. This coverage applies only if Your Policy was purchased within the Time Sensitive Period;

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Travel Supplier as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation and claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier within seventy-two (72) hours of the need to cancel.

Time Sensitive Period means:

For initial Policy purchase: within twenty-one (21) days of the date Your Initial Deposit for Your Trip is received.

For subsequent arrangements: within twenty-one (21) days of payment for any subsequent pre-paid, nonrefundable arrangements added to Your Trip.

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Patriot America Platinum

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


Patriot America Lite

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


Patriot International Lite

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


Patriot International Platinum

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.

John Hancock Insurance Agency, Inc. John Hancock Insurance Agency, Inc.
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


100% of the trip cost


We will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy. Maximum trip length is also shown on the Schedule of Benefits.


We will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation maximum amount shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her trip canceled due to any of the Unforeseen Events shown in the Trip Cancellation section and You do not cancel

We will pay You for the following:

a) The amount of forfeited, non-refundable, and unused Payments or Deposits; or

b) Additional cost incurred if the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip due to an Unforeseen Event and You elect to utilize the service of a replacement Travel Supplier.

In no event shall the amount We pay exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip or the maximum benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

Single Occupancy: We will pay You, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his or her Covered Trip delayed, canceled or interrupted due to an Unforeseen Event occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy and You do not cancel Your Covered Trip.

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The Following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption:

a) Your Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death or the Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death of Your Traveling Companion, Your Family Member, Your children’s caregiver or Your Business Partner; that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your participation or continued participation in the Covered Trip. A Physician must advise cancellation of the Covered Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

b) An Accidental Injury incurred by You that causes You to be medically unable to continue Your trip’s activity(ies). An actual examination by a Physician must take place and the Physician must advise You to discontinue the trip’s activity(ies).

c) Inclement weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Attacks or mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or destination for at least 48 consecutive hours.

d) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.

e) Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your destination that renders Your primary residence or the accommodations at Your destination uninhabitable.

f) Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Land/Sea Arrangements.

g) A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your destination for at least 12 hours.

h) Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours.

i) Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the initial Trip payment.

j) The airport terminal from which You are scheduled to fly, is closed due to a documented security breach within 12 hours of arrival at the terminal or while You are physically at the terminal.

k) A politically motivated Terrorist Attack that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 50 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Attack must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

l) A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.

m) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

n) You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer; the victim of felonious assault; having Your principal place of residence made inaccessible and uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster; or burglary or vandalism of Your principal place of residence within 10 days of departure.

o) You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date.

p) You have, or Your Traveling Companion has, a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

q) Your transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your principal residence.

r) Your Traveling Companion’s transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which Your Traveling Companion is employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Traveling Companion’s principal residence.

s) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

t) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, Your Traveling Companion is terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

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100% of the trip cost


We will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy. Maximum trip length is also shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

We will pay You for the following:

a) The amount of forfeited, non-refundable, and unused Payments or Deposits; or

b) Additional cost incurred if the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip due to an Unforeseen Event and You elect to utilize the service of a replacement Travel Supplier.

In no event shall the amount We pay exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip or the maximum benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

Single Occupancy: We will pay You, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his or her Covered Trip delayed, canceled or interrupted due to an Unforeseen Event occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy and You do not cancel Your Covered Trip.

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The Following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption:

a) Your Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death or the Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death of Your Traveling Companion, Your Family Member, Your children’s caregiver or Your Business Partner; that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your participation or continued participation in the Covered Trip. A Physician must advise cancellation of the Covered Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

b) An Accidental Injury incurred by You that causes You to be medically unable to continue Your trip’s activity(ies). An actual examination by a Physician must take place and the Physician must advise You to discontinue the trip’s activity(ies).

c) Inclement weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Attacks or mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or destination for at least 48 consecutive hours.

d) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.

e) Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your destination that renders Your primary residence or the accommodations at Your destination uninhabitable.

f) Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Land/Sea Arrangements.

g) A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your destination for at least 12 hours.

h) Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours.

i) Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the initial Trip payment.

j) The airport terminal from which You are scheduled to fly, is closed due to a documented security breach within 12 hours of arrival at the terminal or while You are physically at the terminal.

k) A politically motivated Terrorist Attack that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 50 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Attack must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

l) A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.

m) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

n) You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer; the victim of felonious assault; having Your principal place of residence made inaccessible and uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster; or burglary or vandalism of Your principal place of residence within 10 days of departure.

o) You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date.

p) You have, or Your Traveling Companion has, a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

q) Your transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your principal residence.

r) Your Traveling Companion’s transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which Your Traveling Companion is employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Traveling Companion’s principal residence.

s) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

t) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, Your Traveling Companion is terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

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100% of the trip cost


We will reimburse You, up to the amount shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses,if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below. The Event must occur before You depart on Your Covered Trip and while Your coverage is in effect under this Policy.

Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses: Forfeited, Prepaid, non-refundable, and non-refunded published Payments or Deposits that You paid for Your unused Trip. Should You elect to reschedule Your Trip instead of cancelling, in lieu of covering these expenses We will pay for Change Fees charged by Your Travel Supplier

In no event shall the amount We pay exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip or the maximum benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

Single Occupancy: We will pay You, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his or her Covered Trip delayed, canceled or interrupted due to an Unforeseen Event occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy and You do not cancel Your Covered Trip.

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The Following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption:

Health and Family
1. Any Injury or Sickness:
a) Suffered by You, Your Traveling Companion or Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Immediate Family Member, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel the Covered Trip which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the CoveredTrip.

b) Suffered by Your Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Covered Trip to assume daily management of the business. The Injury or Sickness must commence while coverage is in effect under this Policy and requires the in-person treatment by a Physician prior to cancellation;.

c) Suffered by Your or Your Traveling Companion’s childcare provider. The Injury or Sickness must commence while coverage is in effect under this Policy and requires the in-person treatment by a Physician prior to cancellation, and there is no substitute for the childcare provider.

2. Your Death or the Death of Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member.
3. Death of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Business Partner or child care provider provided there is no substitute for the childcare provider.

Transportation and Accommodation

4. A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your Destination for at least 24 hours.

5. Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 24 consecutive hours.

6. Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date.Coverage is not provided for the Bankruptcy or Default of the agency from whom You purchased Your Land/Sea Arrangements. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date.Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended Destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the Initial Trip Payment


7. Inclement Weather; Natural Disasters; Terrorist Incident; or the Common Carrier’s mechanical breakdown that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or Destination for at least 24 consecutive hours.

8. Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your Destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Covered Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.

9. Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your Destination that renders Your Primary Residence or the accommodations at Your Destination Uninhabitable.

10. Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Land/Sea/Air Arrangements


11. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are required to serve on a jury; subpoenaed; required to appear as a witness in a legal action; provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer

Personal Safety and Security

12. The airport terminal from which You are scheduled to fly is closed due to a documented security breach within 12 hours of arrival at the terminal or while You are physically at the terminal.

13. A politically motivated Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 50 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Incident must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

14. A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.

15. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

16. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked.

17. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are Quarantined.

18. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of felonious assault.

19. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are having Your principal place of residence made inaccessible and Uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster; or burglary or vandalism of Your principal place of residence within 10 days of departure.


20. You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date

21. You have, or Your Traveling Companion has, a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

22. Your transfer, within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Primary Residence.

23. Your Traveling Companion’s transfer, within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which Your Traveling Companion is employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence.

24. After at least 3 years of full-time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

25. After at least 3 years of full-time continuous employment at the same company, Your Traveling Companion isterminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip

Read Hide Full Policy Wording
MedjetAssist MedjetAssist
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Annual Membership

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


MedjetAssist Extended Stay

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


MedjetAssist Short Term Plan

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. The death or Hospitalization of Your Host at Destination within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Trip.

5. After three (3) years of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

6. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. You must have been employed with the transferring employer on Your Effective Date. The transfer must require Your Home to be relocated

7. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

8. Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

9. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

10. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination.

Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than twelve (12) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

11. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

12. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

13. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

14. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than ten (10) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than twelve (12) months beyond Your Effective Date and Your payment for this Policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period.

15. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers;

b) airfare cancellation charges for flights in connection with Your Trip commencing within one day of the Travel Arrangements;

c) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip.

You must have covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare.

d) the amount of pre-paid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits that You paid for Your Trip.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. The death or Hospitalization of Your Host at Destination within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Trip.

5. After three (3) years of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

6. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. You must have been employed with the transferring employer on Your Effective Date. The transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

7. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

8. Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

9. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

10. If the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issues a Level 3 Travel Health Notice that travel should be avoided to Your destination for a period of time that would include Your Trip.

11. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination.

Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than twelve (12) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

12. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

13. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

14. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

15. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than ten (10) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than twelve (12) months beyond Your Effective Date and Your payment for this Policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period.

16. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers;
b) airfare cancellation charges for flights in connection with Your Trip commencing within one day of the Travel Arrangements;
c) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare.
d) the amount of pre-paid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits that You paid for Your Trip.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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Cruise Universal

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. After three (3) years of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

5. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more.You must have been employed with the transferring employer on Your Effective Date.The transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

6. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s company being made unsuitable for business by fire, flood, burglary, vandalism or other Natural Disaster and You or Your Traveling Companion is responsible for policy and decision making with the company and is directly involved as a member of the disaster recovery team.

7. You or Your Traveling Companion being required to work during the Trip. Proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer must be presented. This benefit is not available to independent contractors, temporary employees or self-employed individuals, or if You or Your Traveling Companion are a company owner or partner.

8. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

9. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

10. The primary or secondary school where You or Your minor child(ren) (under the age of eighteen (18)) attend(s) must extend operating session beyond the pre-defined school year and interferes with Your scheduled Trip dates.

11. Weather at the departure site that causes complete cessation of services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

12. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

13. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than eighteen (18) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

14. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

15. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

16. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

17. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than fourteen (14) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than eighteen (18) months beyond Your Effective Date and Your payment for this Policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period.

18. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers;

b) The fees incurred by You for re-depositing frequent traveler awards (frequent flyer miles, hotel point rewards, etc.) in Your account if You used awards for any part of a Trip that is canceled for a covered reason. In no event will the Company reimburse You for the cash value of Your airline ticket(s) purchased with frequent flier miles.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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Cruise Choice

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. After three (3) years of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

5. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. You must have been employed with the transferring employer on Your Effective Date. The transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

6. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s company being made unsuitable for business by fire, flood, burglary, vandalism or other Natural Disaster and You or Your Traveling Companion is responsible for policy and decision making with the company and is directly involved as a member of the disaster recovery team.

7. You or Your Traveling Companion being required to work during the Trip. Proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer must be presented. This benefit is not available to independent contractors, temporary employees or self-employed individuals, or if You or Your Traveling Companion are a company owner or partner.

8. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

9. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

10. The primary or secondary school where You or Your minor child(ren) (under the age of eighteen (18)) attend(s) must extend operating session beyond the pre-defined school year and interferes with Your scheduled Trip dates.

11. Weather at the departure site that causes complete cessation of services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination.

This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

12. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

13. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than twenty-four (24) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

14. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

15. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

16. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

17. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than fourteen (14) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than twenty-four (24) months beyond Your Effective Date and Your payment for this Policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period.

18. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers;

b) The fees incurred by You for re-depositing frequent traveler awards (frequent flyer miles, hotel point rewards, etc.) in Your account if You used awards for any part of a Trip that is canceled for a covered reason. In no event will the Company reimburse You for the cash value of Your airline ticket(s) purchased with frequent flier miles.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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Cruise Luxury

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. After three (3) years of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

5. Your transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more. You must have been employed with the transferring employer on Your Effective Date. The transfer must require Your Home to be relocated.

6. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s company being made unsuitable for business by fire, flood, burglary, vandalism or other Natural Disaster and You or Your Traveling Companion is responsible for policy and decision making with the company and is directly involved as a member of the disaster recovery team.

7. You or Your Traveling Companion being required to work during the Trip. Proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer must be presented. This
benefit is not available to independent contractors, temporary employees or self-employed individuals, or if You or Your Traveling Companion are a company owner or partner.

8. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

9. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

10. The primary or secondary school where You or Your minor child(ren) (under the age of eighteen (18)) attend(s) must extend operating session beyond the pre-defined school year and interferes with Your scheduled Trip dates.

11. Weather at the departure site that causes complete cessation of services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your
destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

12. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

13. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than twenty-four (24) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

14. You or Your Traveling Companion are a victim of a felonious assault.

15. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

16. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident (substantiated by a police report provided by You to the Company) while en route to departure.

17. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than fourteen (14) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than twenty-four (24) months beyond Your Effective Date and Your payment for this Policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period.

18. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours. The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Travel Suppliers;
b) The fees incurred by You for re-depositing frequent traveler awards (frequent flyer miles, hotel point rewards, etc.) in Your account if You used awards for any part of a Trip that is canceled for a covered reason. In no event will the Company reimburse You for the cash value of Your airline ticket(s) purchased with frequent flier miles.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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Seven Corners Seven Corners
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Trip Protection Choice

100% of the trip cost


If You cancel Your Trip prior to the Scheduled Departure Date, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited, prepaid non-refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, provided the cancellation occurs while coverage is in effect for You and is due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons, as defined:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s or Business Partner’s death that occurs before departure on Your Trip.

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s or Business Partner’s Sickness or Injury, that:

a. occurs before departure on Your Trip;
b. is examined and treated by a Physician prior to cancellation; and
c. as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip.

Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause You to cancel Your Trip to assume daily management of the business.

3. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect.

Other Covered Events means:

1. You or Your Traveling Companion have Complications of Pregnancy, which is verified by medical records and occurs after the Effective Date of coverage;

2. The Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an entity that directly provides Travel Arrangements, including Travel Supplier, a Common Carrier, or other travel entity that causes a complete cessation of travel services if the Financial Insolvency or Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following Your Effective Date for Your Trip Cancellation benefit. Benefits will be paid due to Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination;

3. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to Your Scheduled Trip Departure City. The traffic accident must be documented by a police report;

4. mechanical breakdown/equipment failure of a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s travel for at least 48 consecutive hours provided no alternative Travel Arrangements were available;

5. mandated shutdown by local government authorities of travel services of an airport or air traffic control system resulting in the complete cessation of services other than terrorism or act of war for at least 48 consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

6. shutdown of the air traffic control system or an airport due to fire or power outage from which You are scheduled to depart resulting in the complete cessation of services other than terrorism or act of war for at least 48 consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

7. Due to a Natural Disaster, a mandatory evacuation is ordered by local government authorities at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination which prevents You from traveling to/arriving at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination. This benefit only applies if the policy has been purchased during the Time Sensitive Period;

8. an unannounced Strike results in a complete cessation of services for at least 48 consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

9. Inclement Weather that causes a complete cessation of services, or closure of public roadways by local government authorities, for at least 48 consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

10. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination Accommodations are made Uninhabitable and remain Uninhabitable during Your Trip or are inaccessible by the mode of transportation as shown on the travel documents or itinerary within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date by a Natural Disaster, vandalism or burglary.

Coverage for a hurricane applies only if You purchased insurance prior to the tropical storm first being upgraded to a hurricane. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. We will only pay the benefits for losses occurring within 30 days after the named hurricane renders Your Scheduled Destination Uninhabitable or inaccessible. This coverage applies only if You purchased the policy within the Time Sensitive Period;

11. Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination is under a hurricane warning or hurricane watch as issued by the NOAA Hurricane Center within 24 hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. Cancellation of Your Trip must occur more than 14 days following Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation;

12. You or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked or Quarantined;

13. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;

14. You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty or emergency service as a reservist, either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster;

15. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned for reasons due to war or an act of war or for reasons other than for war. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage and the leave revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage;

16. Your Host at Your Scheduled Destination being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threating Sickness or Injury, or due to his/her death. You must provide official documentation of the event;

17. a Terrorist Incident occurs before Your Trip:

a. within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in the Scheduled Trip Departure City or in a city listed on the scheduled itinerary of Your Trip.

Provided Your Travel Supplier (if applicable) did not offer a substitute itinerary. Losses resulting from a cancellation due to a potential Terrorist Incident are not covered, even if the cancellation is due to the issuance of travel advisories, bulletins or alerts.

18. a documented theft of Your passports or travel documents or visas within 14 days of the Scheduled Departure Date specifically required for Your Trip. A police report must substantiate the theft;

19. You or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;

20. a travel alert or travel warning for levels 4 and higher or an evacuation order is issued after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation, to a destination specifically listed on Your Itinerary. The travel alert/warning, etc. must occur within 30 days of the scheduled Departure Date. For up-to-date information refer to the U.S. State Department website at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html;

21. You or Your Traveling Companion have an involuntary transfer of employment within the same organization of 100 or more miles which requires Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence to be relocated. Provided that You or Your Traveling Companion have been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer must occur after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self-employed persons;

22. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off from Your or their employment. The termination notice must occur at least 30 days after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or selfemployed persons.

The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

You must report all cancellations to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the 72 hours, You should report the event as soon as possible. We do not cover increased amounts of Published Penalties and unused, non-refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits that result from all other delays or reporting beyond 72 hours.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid non-refundable Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share Accommodations with You cancels or interrupts his/her Trip due to any of the covered Unforeseen reasons or Other Covered Events shown in Your Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption section(s) and You do not cancel or interrupt Your Trip. Proof of cancellation or interruption by a person booked to share Accommodations with You is required.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Trip Protection Economy

100% of the trip cost


Benefits will be paid, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits to reimburse You for the amount of the Published Penalties and unused non-refundable Prepaid Payments or Deposits You paid for Travel Arrangements, including up to $75 for the cost of airline imposed fees to rebank frequent flyer miles for air flights to join Your Trip when You are prevented from taking Your Trip due to:

1. Your or a Family Member’s or a Traveling Companion’s or a Business Partner’s death, which occurs before departure on Your Trip;

2. Your or a Family Member’s or a Traveling Companion’s or a Business Partner’s covered Sickness or Injury, which: a) occurs before departure on Your Trip, b) requires Medical Treatment at the time of cancellation resulting in medically imposed restrictions, as certified by a Legally Qualified Physician, and c) and prevents Your participation in the Trip;

3. For the Other Covered Reasons listed below;

provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect.

“Other Covered Reasons” means:

a) You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury (notice of jury duty must be received after Your Effective Date), served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers);

b) Your or Your Traveling Companion’s primary place of residence being rendered uninhabitable and remaining uninhabitable during Your scheduled Trip, by fire, flood, burglary or other Natural Disaster. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the Natural Disaster makes Your primary place of residence uninhabitable. Your primary place of residence is uninhabitable if: (i) the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; (ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail, or flood; (iii) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines; or (iv) the rental property is without electricity or water. Benefits are not payable if a storm, snow storm, blizzard or hurricane is named on or before the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation coverage;

c) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident, substantiated by a police report, while en route to Your scheduled point of departure;

d) unannounced Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least 48 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel;

e) Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least 48 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel;

f) You or Your Traveling Companion is in the military and called to emergency duty for a national disaster other than war;

g) involuntary employer termination or layoff affecting You or a Traveling Companion. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year;

h) a Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the itinerary of Your Trip. This same city must not have experienced a Terrorist Incident within the 90 days prior to the Terrorist Incident that is causing Your cancellation of Your Trip. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary;

i) Bankruptcy or Default of an airline, or cruise line, tour operator or other travel provider (other than the Travel Supplier, tour operator or travel agency, organization or firm from whom You purchased Your Travel Arrangements) causing a complete cessation of travel services more than 14 days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination;

j) felonious assault of You or Your Traveling Companion within 10 days of the Scheduled Departure Date;

All cancellations must be reported to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the 72 hours, the event should be reported as soon as possible. Increased amounts of Published Penalties and unused non-refundable Prepaid Payments or Deposits that result from all other delays of reporting beyond 72 hours are not covered.

If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, a benefit will be paid up to a maximum of $75 for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets. You must have covered the entire cost of Your Trip including the airfare cost.

The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Single Supplement

Benefits will be paid, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for Prepaid Travel Arrangements if a Traveling Companion’s or Family Member’s Trip is canceled for a covered reason and You do not cancel Your Trip.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the Policy or any coverage(s) attached to the Policy.

If you entered $0 as your trip cost, there is no Trip Cancellation benefit, and the Trip Interruption benefit covers only return airfare up to $1,000 per person. All other benefits apply.

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Trip Protection Elite

100% of the trip cost


Benefits will be paid, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits to reimburse You for the amount of the Published Penalties and unused non-refundable Prepaid Payments or Deposits You paid for Travel Arrangements, including up to $75 for the cost of airline imposed fees to rebank frequent flyer miles for air flights to join Your Trip when You are prevented from taking Your Trip due to:

1. Your or a Family Member’s or a Traveling Companion’s or a Business Partner’s death, which occurs before departure on Your Trip;

2. Your or a Family Member’s or a Traveling Companion’s or a Business Partner’s covered Sickness or Injury, which: a) occurs before departure on Your Trip, b) requires Medical Treatment at the time of cancellation resulting in medically imposed restrictions, as certified by a Legally Qualified Physician, and c) and prevents Your participation in the Trip;

3. For the Other Covered Reasons listed below;

provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect.

“Other Covered Reasons” means:

a. You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury (notice of jury duty must be received after Your Effective Date), served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers);

b. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s primary place of residence being rendered uninhabitable and remaining uninhabitable during Your scheduled Trip, by fire, flood, burglary or other Natural Disaster. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the Natural Disaster makes Your primary place of residence uninhabitable. Your primary place of residence is uninhabitable if: (i) the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; (ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail, or flood; (iii) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines; or (iv) the rental property is without electricity or water. Benefits are not payable if a storm, snow storm, blizzard or hurricane is named on or before the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation coverage;

c. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident, substantiated by a police report, while en route to Your scheduled point of departure;

d. unannounced Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least 48 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel;

e. Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least 48 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel;

f. You or Your Traveling Companion is in the military and called to emergency duty for a national disaster other than war;

g. involuntary employer termination or layoff affecting You or a Traveling Companion. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year;

h. a Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the itinerary of Your Trip. This same city must not have experienced a Terrorist Incident within the 90 days prior to the Terrorist Incident that is causing Your cancellation of Your Trip. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary;

i. Bankruptcy or Default of an airline, or cruise line, tour operator or other travel provider (other than the Travel Supplier, tour operator or travel agency, organization or firm from whom You purchased Your Travel Arrangements) causing a complete cessation of travel services more than 14 days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination.

j. felonious assault of You or Your Traveling Companion within 10 days of the Scheduled Departure Date;

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Trip Protection Basic

100% of the trip cost


If You cancel Your Trip prior to the Scheduled Departure Date, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited, prepaid non-refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, provided the cancellation occurs while coverage is in effect for You and is due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons, as defined:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s or Business Partner’s death that occurs before departure on Your Trip.

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s or Business Partner’s Sickness or Injury, that:

a. occurs before departure on Your Trip;
b. is examined and treated by a Physician prior to cancellation; and
c. as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip.

Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause You to cancel Your Trip to assume daily management of the business.

3. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect.

Other Covered Events means:

1. You or Your Traveling Companion have Complications of Pregnancy, which is verified by medical records and occurs after the Effective Date of coverage;

2. The Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an entity that directly provides Travel Arrangements, including Travel Supplier, a Common Carrier, or other travel entity that causes a complete cessation of travel services if the Financial Insolvency or Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following Your Effective Date for Your Trip Cancellation benefit. Benefits will be paid due to Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination;

3. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to Your Scheduled Trip Departure City. The traffic accident must be documented by a police report;

4. mechanical breakdown/equipment failure of a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s travel for at least 48 consecutive hours provided no alternative Travel Arrangements were available;

5. mandated shutdown by local government authorities of travel services of an airport or air traffic control system resulting in the complete cessation of services other than terrorism or act of war for at least 48 consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

6. shutdown of the air traffic control system or an airport due to fire or power outage from which You are scheduled to depart resulting in the complete cessation of services other than terrorism or act of war for at least 48 consecutive hours of Your Common Carrier;

7. Due to a Natural Disaster, a mandatory evacuation is ordered by local government authorities at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination which prevents You from traveling to/arriving at Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination. This benefit only applies if the policy has been purchased during the Time Sensitive Period;

8. an unannounced Strike results in a complete cessation of services for at least 48 consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

9. Inclement Weather that causes a: complete cessation of services, or closure of public roadways by local government authorities, for at least 48 consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

10. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination Accommodations are made Uninhabitable and remain Uninhabitable during Your Trip or are inaccessible by the mode of transportation as shown on the travel documents or itinerary within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date by a Natural Disaster, vandalism or burglary. Coverage for a hurricane applies only if You purchased insurance prior to the tropical storm first being upgraded to a hurricane. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. We will only pay the benefits for losses occurring within 30 days after the named hurricane renders Your Scheduled Destination Uninhabitable or inaccessible. This coverage applies only if You purchased the policy within the Time Sensitive Period;

11. Your Scheduled Trip Departure City or Scheduled Destination is under a hurricane warning or hurricane watch as issued by the NOAA Hurricane Center within 24 hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. Cancellation of Your Trip must occur more than 14 days following Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation;

12. You or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked or Quarantined;

13. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;

14. You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty or emergency service as a reservist, either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster;

15. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned for reasons due to war or an act of war or for reasons other than for war. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage and the leave revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage;

16. Your Host at Your Scheduled Destination being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threating Sickness or Injury, or due to his/her death. You must provide official documentation of the event;

17. a Terrorist Incident occurs before Your Trip:

1. within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in the Scheduled Trip Departure City or in a city listed on the scheduled itinerary of Your Trip.

Provided Your Travel Supplier (if applicable) did not offer a substitute itinerary. Losses resulting from a cancellation due to a potential Terrorist Incident are not covered, even if the cancellation is due to the issuance of travel advisories, bulletins or alerts.

18. a documented theft of Your passports or travel documents or visas within 14 days of the Scheduled Departure Date specifically required for Your Trip. A police report must substantiate the theft;

19. You or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;

20. a travel alert or travel warning for levels 4 and higher or an evacuation order is issued after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation, to a destination specifically listed on Your Itinerary. The travel alert/warning, etc. must occur within 30 days of the scheduled Departure Date. For up-to-date information refer to the U.S. State Department website at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html;

21. You or Your Traveling Companion have an involuntary transfer of employment within the same organization of 100 or more miles which requires Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence to be relocated. Provided that You or Your Traveling Companion have been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer must occur after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self-employed persons;

22. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off from Your or their employment. The termination notice must occur at least 30 days after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self employed persons.

The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

You must report all cancellations to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the 72 hours, You should report the event as soon as possible. We do not cover increased amounts of Published Penalties and unused, non-refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits that result from all other delays or reporting beyond 72 hours.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid non-refundable Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share Accommodations with You cancels or interrupts his/her Trip due to any of the covered Unforeseen reasons or Other Covered Events shown in Your Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption section(s) and You do not cancel or interrupt Your Trip. Proof of cancellation or interruption by a person booked to share Accommodations with You is required.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Travel Medical Basic incl US

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.


Travel Medical Choice incl US

No coverage

There is no Trip Cancellation coverage with this plan.

Tin Leg Tin Leg
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


100% of the trip cost


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by You for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a) Inclement Weather, if it causes delay or cancellation of travel for at least 24 consecutive hours;

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

Political / Violence

a) You, or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;


You must notify Tin Leg within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had You notified the travel supplier within the specified period. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, prepaid Trip Cost up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.

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100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and
b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.

The benefit payable under (a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.

Single Occupancy Benefit: If the Insured prepaid for shared accommodations and their Traveling Companion cancels their Trip due to one or more of the Unforeseen Covered Events, the Company will reimburse any additional accommodation fees the Insured is required to pay.


The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier and the Travel Insurance Administrator or an agent of the company within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had the Insured notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If the Insured is unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:
(1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;

b) Death of the Insured or Traveling Companion.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary;


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) Strike of a Common Carrier the Insured is scheduled to travel on, resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination. If comparable Travel Suppliers are available, coverage will be limited to the additional expenses, change fees, and increase in fare (if any) to book with the new Travel Supplier;

c) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

e) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

f) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

g) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date;

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100% of the trip cost


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by You for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

(1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion, a Family Member traveling with You, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling with the You that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require Your immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line, Common Carrier or tour operator provided that:

(1) The insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; and

(2) Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits.

The Insurer will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm that solicited Your travel arrangements to you.

b) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a) Inclement Weather, if it causes delay or cancellation of travel for at least 24 consecutive hours;

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

c) You or a Traveling Companion’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by flood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, wildfire, or blizzard that is due to natural causes;

d) a named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption of travel to Your Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your effective date. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. The Insurer will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring within 14 days after the named hurricane makes Your Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.

Political / Violence

a) You, or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;

b) You or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;

c) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on Your itinerary within 30 days of Your scheduled arrival;


d) You or a Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own, provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons.


You must notify Tin Leg within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had You notified the travel supplier within the specified period. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, prepaid Trip Cost up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.

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100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and

b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.

The benefit payable under (a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.

Single Occupancy Benefit: If the Insured prepaid for shared accommodations and their Traveling Companion cancels their Trip due to one or more of the Unforeseen Covered Events, the Company will reimburse any additional accommodation fees the Insured is required to pay.

The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier and the Travel Insurance Administrator or an agent of the company within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had the Insured notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If the Insured is unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:
1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;
2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;
3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician.

b) Death of the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, or Business Partner.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary;


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

c) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

e) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

f) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date;

g) A Named Storm causing cancellation or interruption of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. A Named Storm becomes foreseeable on the date it is named by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or foreign equivalent. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring more than 14 days from the Policy Effective Date and within 30 days after the Named Storm makes the Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible;

h) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the scheduled arrival or during the Trip;

i) The Financial Default of a Travel Supplier, provided all of the following conditions are met:
1) This policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window; and
2) The default occurs more than 14 days following the Policy Effective Date.

The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit for FinancialDefault shown in the Schedule. If the Insured books with a comparable Travel Supplier, the Company will ay for the additional expenses to book with the new Travel Supplier.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, Travel Supplier, or firm that directly procured travel arrangements for the Insured.

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100% of the trip cost


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by the Insured for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

(1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion, a Family Member traveling with You, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling with the You that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require Your immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

(4) Sickness, Injury, death or hospitalization occurring to Your Host at Your Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line, Common Carrier or tour operator provided that:

(1) The insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; and

(2) Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits.

The Insurer will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm that solicited Your travel arrangements to you.

b) mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on a scheduled Trip Departure Date and causes complete cessation of Your travel and results in a Loss of 50% of Your Trip length;

c) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a) Inclement Weather, if it causes delay or cancellation of travel.

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

c) You or a Traveling Companion’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by flood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, wildfire, or blizzard that is due to natural causes;

d) a named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption of travel to Your Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your effective date. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. The Insurer will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring within 14 days after the named hurricane makes Your Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.

Political / Violence

a) You or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;

b) You or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;

c) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on Your itinerary within 30 days of Your scheduled arrival;


a) You or a Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own, provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

b) Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:

(1) You or Traveling Companion is required to work during his/her scheduled Trip. He/she must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of his/her employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment and a notarized statement confirming that the Insured is unable to travel due to his or her job obligations will be required.

(2) You or Traveling Companion is directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings and must be currently employed by
the company that is involved in said event;

(3) Your or Traveling Companion’s company is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or Natural Disaster and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved as a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.

This coverage applies only if insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment.


You must notify Tin Leg within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had You notified the travel supplier within the specified period. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, pre- paid Trip Cost up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.

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100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and

b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.

The benefit payable under a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.

Single Occupancy Benefit: If the Insured prepaid for shared accommodations and their Traveling Companion cancels their Trip due to one or more of the Unforeseen Covered Events, the Company will reimburse any additional accommodation fees the Insured is required to pay.

The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier and the Travel Insurance Administrator or an agent of the company within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had the Insured notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If the Insured is unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:
1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;
2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;
3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician; or
4) Occurring to the Insured’s Host At Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury.

b) Death of the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, Business Partner, or Host At Destination.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary;

c) The Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

d) A Named Storm causing cancellation or interruption of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. A Named Storm becomes foreseeable on the date it is named by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or foreign equivalent. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring more than 14 days from the Policy Effective Date and within 30 days after the Named Storm makes the Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) Mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on the scheduled Trip Departure Date;

c) Strike of a Common Carrier the Insured is scheduled to travel on, resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination. If comparable Travel Suppliers are available, coverage will be limited to the additional expenses, change fees, and increase in fare (if any) to book with the new Travel Supplier;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

e) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

f) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

g) The Insured’s Host at Destination is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must be approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

h) The Insured or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Departure Date. No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by another Insured, Family Member, Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion’s Family Member;

i) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

j) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date;

k) A Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the scheduled arrival or during the Trip;

l) The Financial Default of a Travel Supplier, provided all of the following conditions are met:
1) This policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window; and
2) The default occurs more than 14 days following the Policy Effective Date.

m) This rider applies only if this policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window as listed on the Schedule.
Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:
1) the Insured or Traveling Companion is required to work during the scheduled Trip. They must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of their employer. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.
2) the Insured or Traveling Companion’s company is the subject of a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.
3) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s company’s disaster recovery plan is activated, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved in the response.

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100% of the trip cost


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by You for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

(1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion, a Family Member traveling with You, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling with You that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require Your immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

(4) Sickness, Injury, death or hospitalization occurring to Your Host at Your Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line, Common Carrier or tour operator provided that:

(1) The insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; and

(2) Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm that solicited Your travel arrangements to you.

b) You or a Traveling Companion are directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic accident, while en route to the Insured’s Destination. Traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

c) mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on a scheduled Trip Departure Date and causes complete cessation of Your travel and results in a Loss of 50% of Your Trip length;

d) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a) Inclement Weather, if it causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

c) You or a Traveling Companion’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by flood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, wildfire, or blizzard that is due to natural causes;

d) a named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption of travel to Your Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your effective date. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. The Company will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring within 14 days after the named hurricane makes Your Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.

Political / Violence

a) You or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;

b) You or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;

c) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on Your itinerary within 30 days of Your scheduled arrival. This coverage applies only if this plan was purchased with 15 days of Initial Trip Payment;

d) You or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Departure Date. No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by a Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion’s Family Member;


a) You or a Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own, provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

b) Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:

1) You or Traveling Companion is required to work during his/her scheduled Trip. He/she must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of his/her employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment and a notarized statement confirming that the Insured is unable to travel due to his or her job obligations will be required.

2) You or Traveling Companion is directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings and must be currently employed by the company that is involved in said event;

3) Your or Traveling Companion’s company is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or Natural Disaster and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved as a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.

This coverage applies only if insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment.


a) cancellation of a scheduled event due to Inclement Weather prior to departing on the Trip provided attendance at the event was the sole reason for the Trip and the duration of the Trip does not exceed 48 hours before or after such an event;

b) You are unable to participate in a scheduled hunting/fishing expedition due to a delay of the necessary personal sporting equipment by the Common Carrier;

c) the United States government or local government issues a hunting/fishing activity restriction after the effective date of coverage at the Destination, which prohibits the hunting/fishing activity for which the Insured has booked the Trip. Such restrictions include but are not limited to: a government closure of the reserve, a ban on hunting/fishing, or the hunting/fishing activity being declared illegal.


You must notify The Travel Insurance Administrator within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim.

The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had You notified the travel supplier within the specified period. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, pre- paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.

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100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and
b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.

The benefit payable under (a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.

Single Occupancy Benefit: If the Insured prepaid for shared accommodations and their Traveling Companion cancels their Trip due to one or more of the Unforeseen Covered Events, the Company will reimburse any additional accommodation fees the Insured is required to pay.


The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier and the Travel Insurance Administrator or an agent of the company within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had the Insured notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If the Insured is unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:
(1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;
(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;
(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician; or
(4) Occurring to the Insured’s Host At Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury.

b) Death of the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, Business Partner, or Host At Destination.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary;

c) The Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

d) A Named Storm causing cancellation or interruption of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. A Named Storm becomes foreseeable on the date it is named by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or foreign equivalent. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring more than 14 days from the Policy Effective Date and within 30 days after the Named Storm makes the Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) Mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on the scheduled Trip Departure Date;

c) Strike of a Common Carrier the Insured is scheduled to travel on, resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination. If comparable Travel Suppliers are available, coverage will be limited to the additional expenses, change fees, and increase in fare (if any) to book with the new Travel Supplier;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

e) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

f) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

g) The Insured’s Host at Destination is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must be approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

h) The Insured or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Departure Date. No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by another Insured, Family Member, Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion’s Family Member;

i) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

j) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date;

k) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the scheduled arrival or during the Trip;

l)This rider applies only if this policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window as listed on the Schedule.
The Financial Default of a Travel Supplier, provided all of the following conditions are met:
(1) This policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window; and
(2) The default occurs more than 14 days following the Policy Effective Date.

The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit for Financial Default shown in the Schedule. If the Insured books with a comparable Travel Supplier, the Company will pay for the additional expenses to book with the new Travel Supplier. The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, Travel Supplier, or firm that directly procured travel arrangements for the Insured.

m) This rider applies only if this policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window as listed on the Schedule.
Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:

(1) the Insured or Traveling Companion is required to work during the scheduled Trip. They must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of their employer. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.
(2) the Insured or Traveling Companion’s company is the subject of a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self employed.
(3) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s company’s disaster recovery plan is activated, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved in the response.

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100% of the trip cost


We will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy. Maximum trip length is also shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

We will pay You for the following:

a) The amount of forfeited, non-refundable, and unused Payments or Deposits; or

b) Additional cost incurred if the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip due to an Unforeseen Event and You elect to utilize the service of a replacement Travel Supplier.

In no event shall the amount We pay exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip or the maximum benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

Single Occupancy: We will pay You, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his or her Covered Trip delayed, canceled or interrupted due to an Unforeseen Event occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy and You do not cancel Your Covered Trip.

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The Following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption:

a) Your Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death or the Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death of Your Traveling Companion, Your Family Member, Your children’s caregiver or Your Business Partner; that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your participation or continued participation in the Covered Trip. A Physician must advise cancellation of the Covered Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

b) An Accidental Injury incurred by You that causes You to be medically unable to continue Your trip’s activity(ies). An actual examination by a Physician must take place and the Physician must advise You to discontinue the trip’s activity(ies).

c) Inclement weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Attacks or mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or destination for at least 48 consecutive hours.

d) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.

e) Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your destination that renders Your primary residence or the accommodations at Your destination uninhabitable.

f) Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Land/Sea Arrangements.

g) A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your destination for at least 12 hours.

h) Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours.

i) Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the initial Trip payment.

j) The airport terminal from which You are scheduled to fly, is closed due to a documented security breach within 12 hours of arrival at the terminal or while You are physically at the terminal.

k) A politically motivated Terrorist Attack that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 50 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Attack must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

l) A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.

m) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

n) You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer; the victim of felonious assault; having Your principal place of residence made inaccessible and uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster; or burglary or vandalism of Your principal place of residence within 10 days of departure.

o) You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date.

p) You have, or Your Traveling Companion has, a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

q) Your transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your principal residence.

r) Your Traveling Companion’s transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which Your Traveling Companion is employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Traveling Companion’s principal residence.

s) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

t) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, Your Traveling Companion is terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

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100% of the trip cost


We will pay you up to the maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits for loss(es) incurred by you or your traveling companion for a covered trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure due to any of the following unforeseen events:

Health and Family

a. Any injury, death, or any unforeseen serious medical condition or sickness;

1. Occurring to you, your traveling companion or a family member traveling with you, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel their covered trip which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a physician at the time of loss preventing your continued use of the covered trip;

2. Occurring to a family member not traveling with you that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a physician. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a covered trip to be canceled and must be certified by a physician;

b. You or your traveling companion have complications of pregnancy. The onset of these conditions must occur after your effective date of coverage and must be verified by medical records.

Transportation and Accommodation

a. You and/or your traveling companion are delayed due to a traffic accident, while en route to your destination. Traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b. Mechanical/Equipment failure of a common carrier that occurs on or within one (1) day of a covered trip scheduled departure date and causes complete cessation of your travel for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours;

c. Strike causing cancellation or delay of your pre-arranged travel services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours; that causes complete cessation of services of your common carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours;

d. A road closure causing a delay in reaching your destination for at least twelve (12) hours; and

e. Complete or partial closure of the air traffic control tower or the airport from which you are scheduled to depart. Closure must be caused by fire or a power outage and must result in a delay of your covered trip for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours. This does not apply to closures caused by a natural disaster or inclement weather.


a. Weather at the departure site which causes complete cessation of services of your common carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours and prevents you from reaching your destination.


a. You or your traveling companion legally adopt a child and the date of the placement or adoption falls during your covered trip; you or your traveling companion are traveling for the purpose of adopting a child, but the adoption is cancelled for reasons beyond your control. The adoption must be approved prior to the effective date.

Personal Safety and Security

a. You and/or your traveling companion being hijacked, quarantined in the location where you are intending to travel, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided you or yourtraveling companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer or the victim of felonious assault within ten (10) days of departure;

b. You, yourtraveling companion or family member are kidnapped or disappear as substantiated by a police report and have not returned within ten (10) days of the scheduled departure date;

c. Theft of passports, travel documents, or visas specifically required for your covered trip within fourteen (14) days of the scheduled departure date. The theft must be substantiated by a police report; and

d. Cancellation of a covered trip as a result of: riot, or civil disorder at the departure site for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours preventing you from reaching your destination.


a. You or your traveling companion are called to active military duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster, or military leave is revoked orreassigned within thirty (30) days of the scheduled departure date, except because of war, the War Powers Act, or disciplinary action. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the effective date

Trip Cancellation Exclusions:

In addition to the General Limitations and Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to the Trip Cancellation Benefit. No benefits will be paid for any loss for, caused by, or resulting from:

a. Travel arrangements canceled by an airline, charter, cruise line, or tour operator, except as provided elsewhere in the plan;

b. Changes in plans by you, a family member, or your traveling companion, for any reason;

c. Financial circumstances of you, a family member, or your traveling companion;

d. Any business or contractual obligations of you, a family member, or your traveling companion, for any reason;

e. Any government regulation or prohibition;

f. An event which occurs prior to your coverage effective date;

g. Failure of any tour operator, common carrier, person or agency to provide the bargained-for travel arrangements or to refund money due you;

h. Financial default;

i. Traveling for the purpose of securing medical treatment; and

j. Payments made for this policy.


We will reimburse you, up to the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the covered trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with you has his/her trip canceled, or interrupted due to any of the unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and you do not cancel.

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100% of the trip cost


We will pay you up to the maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits for loss(es) incurred by you or your traveling companion for a covered trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure due to any of the following unforeseen events:

Health and Family

a. Any injury, death, or any unforeseen serious medical condition or sickness;

1. Occurring to you, your traveling companion or a family member traveling with you or service animal, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel their covered trip which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a physician at the time of loss preventing your continued use of the covered trip;

2. Occurring to a family member not traveling with you that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a physician. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a covered trip to be canceled and must be certified by a physician;

3. Occurring to your business partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel their covered trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a physician;

4. Sickness, injury, death or hospitalization occurring to your host at destination. A physician must certify the sickness or injury;

5. Occurring to a childcare provider if there is no other substitute for the childcare provider. A physician must certify the sickness or injury.

b. You or your traveling companion have complications of pregnancy. The onset of these conditions must occur after your effective date of coverage and must be verified by medical records; or

c. You are on a list as a donor or recipient for an organ transplant and, after the effective date, receives official notification that an organ match is available for immediate transplant. The transplant must be considered medically necessary, and a physician must confirm that the transplant and/or surgery is so disabling as to prevent travel.

Transportation and Accommodation

a. You and/or your traveling companion are delayed due to a traffic accident, while en route to your destination. Traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b. Mechanical/Equipment failure of a common carrier that occurs on or within one (1) day of a covered trip scheduled departure date and causes complete cessation of your travel for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours;

c. Strike causing cancellation or delay of your pre-arranged travel services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours; that causes complete cessation of services of your common carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours;

d. A road closure causing a delay in reaching your destination for at least twelve (12) hours; and

e. Complete or partial closure of the air traffic control tower or the airport from which you are scheduled to depart. Closure must be caused by fire or a power outage and must result in a delay of your covered trip for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours. This does not apply to closures caused by a natural disaster or inclement weather.


a. Weather at the departure site which causes complete cessation of services of your common carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours and prevents you from reaching your destination;

b. Your or your traveling companion’s destination being made uninhabitable or inaccessible by natural disaster, that is due to natural causes; vandalism or burglary. Benefits are not payable if a hurricane is named on or before the effective date of your Trip Cancellation Coverage. Benefits are not payable if the natural disaster is foreseeable prior to your effective date. A natural disaster is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm;

c. Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at your destination due to hurricane or other natural disaster for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours preventing you from staying at your destination;

d. Named hurricane causing cancellation of travel to your destination because it has become uninhabitable for the greater of: (1) four (4) days or (2) fifty percent (50%) of your covered trip length.

We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within fourteen (14) calendar days after the named hurricane makes your destination accommodations uninhabitable. Your destination accommodations are uninhabitable if:

(i) the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part;

(ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail or flood;

(iii) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared, such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines; or

(iv) the rental property is without electricity or water.

Benefits are not payable if a hurricane is named on or before the effective date of your Trip Cancellation coverage or less than fourteen (14) days after the effective date of your Trip Cancellation coverage.


a. You or your traveling companion legally adopt a child and the date of the placement or adoption falls during your covered trip; you or your traveling companion are traveling for the purpose of adopting a child, but the adoption is cancelled for reasons beyond your control. The adoption must be approved prior to the effective date.

Personal Safety and Security

a. A politically motivated terrorist incident occurs within a fifty (50) mile radius of the territorial city limits of the foreign city to be visited as shown in your itinerary and if the United States government issues a travel advisory indicating that Americans should not travel to a city named on the itinerary within thirty (30) days of your departure;

b. You and/or your traveling companion being hijacked, quarantined in the location where you are intending to travel, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided you or yourtraveling companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer or the victim of felonious assault within ten (10) days of departure;

c. You, your traveling companion or family member are kidnapped or disappear as substantiated by a police report and have not returned within ten (10) days of the scheduled departure date;

d. Theft of passports, travel documents, or visas specifically required for your covered trip within fourteen (14) days of the scheduled departure date. The theft must be substantiated by a police report; and

e. Cancellation of a covered trip as a result of: riot, or civil disorder at the departure site for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours preventing you from reaching your destination.


a. You or your traveling companion or parent or legal guardian if the insured is a child has an involuntary employer-initiated permanent transfer within the same organization of two hundred fifty (250) or more miles which requires your primary residence to be relocated provided that you have been an active employee for the same employer for at least three (3) continuous years. Notification of the transfer must occur after the effective date and the transfer must occur within thirty (30) days of the scheduled departure date;

b. You or your traveling companion or parent or legal guardian if the insured is a child are involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of your own more than thirty (30) days after your effective date, provided that you have been an active employee for the same employer for at least three (3) continuous years. Termination must occur following the effective date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

c. You or your traveling companion are required to work during the covered trip. You or your traveling companion must demonstrate proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of your or your traveling companion’s employer and said employer must be comprised of at least twenty-five (25) employees. You or your traveling companion cannot be a company owner or partner. This benefit only applies if the policy has been purchased within fifteen (15) days of your initial payment for the covered trip;

d. You or your traveling companion are employed as a full time teacher or other full time employee, a student or parent of a student at a primary or secondary school and are required to complete an extended school year that falls on or beyond the scheduled departure date. School extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered;

e. Your company is directly involved in a merger or acquisition. You must be an active employee of the company(ies) that is/are merging and you must be directly involved in such an event;

f. Your business operations are interrupted by fire, flood, burglary, vandalism, product recall, bankruptcy, natural disaster, or financial default;

g. Your employer is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or natural disaster and you or your traveling companion are directly involved as a key employee of the disaster recovery team.

This coverage applies only if insurance was purchased within fifteen (15) calendar days of initial covered trip payment;

h. You or your traveling companion are called to active military duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster, or military leave is revoked or reassigned within thirty (30) days of the scheduled departure date, except because of war, the War Powers Act, or disciplinary action. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the effective date.


We will reimburse you, up to the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the covered trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with you has his/her trip canceled, or interrupted due to any of the unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and you do not cancel.

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100% of the trip cost


We will reimburse You, up to the amount shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below. The Event must occur before You depart on Your Covered Trip and while Your coverage is in effect under this Policy.

Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses

a. Forfeited, Prepaid, non-refundable, and non-refunded published Payments or Deposits that You paid for Your unused Trip. Should You elect to reschedule Your Trip instead of cancelling, in lieu of covering these expenses We will pay for Change Fees charged by Your Travel Supplier;
b. Fees incurred by You to reinstate any of the following used to pay for any part of Your Trip: traveler awards, frequent flyer miles or Hotel/Motel rewards;
c. Airfare cancellation charges for flights in connection with Your Trip.

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation:

Health and Family

1. Any Injury or Sickness:

Suffered by You, Your Traveling Companion or Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Immediate Family Member, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel the Covered Trip which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Covered Trip.

2. An Accidental Injury suffered by You that causes You to be medically unable to continue Your Covered Trip’s activity(ies). An actual examination by a Physician must take place and the Physician must advise You to discontinue the Trip’s activity(ies).

3. Your Death or the Death of Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member.

Transportation and Accommodation

4. A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your Destination for at least 24 hours.

5. Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours.

6. Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Coverage is not provided for the Bankruptcy or Default of the agency from whom You purchased Your Land/Sea Arrangements. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended Destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the Initial Trip Payment.


7. Inclement Weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Incident or the Common Carrier’s mechanical breakdown that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or Destination for at least 24 consecutive hours.

8. Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your Destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Covered Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.

9. Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your Destination that renders Your Primary Residence or the accommodations at Your Destination Uninhabitable.

10. Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Destination.


11. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer.

Personal Safety and Security

12. A politically motivated Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 25 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Incident must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

13. A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.

14. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

15. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked.

16. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are Quarantined.

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Travel Insured International Travel Insured International
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Worldwide Trip Protector Plus

100% of the trip cost


Benefits will be paid, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Confirmation of Benefits, to reimburse You for the amount of the Published Penalties and unused non-refundable Prepaid Payments You paid for Travel Arrangements when You are prevented from taking Your Trip due to:

1. Your, Your Family Member’s, Your Traveling Companion’s, Your Traveling Companion’s Family Member, Your Business Partner’s or Your Business Partners Family Member’s death, which occurs before departure on Your Trip;

2. Your, Your Family Member’s, Your Traveling Companion’s, Your Traveling Companion’s Family Member, Your Business Partner’s or Your Business Partners Family Member’s covered Sickness or Injury, which: a) occurs before departure on Your Trip, b) requires Medical Treatment at the time of cancellation resulting in medically imposed restrictions, as certified by a Legally Qualified Physician, and c) and prevents Your participation in the Trip;

3. For the “Other Covered Reasons” refer to Trip Interruption;

provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect.

All cancellations must be reported to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the 72 hours, the event should be reported as soon as possible. Increased amounts of Published Penalties and unused non-refundable Prepaid Payments that result from all other delays of reporting beyond 72 hours are not covered.

If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, a benefit will be paid for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets. You must have covered the entire cost of Your Trip including the airfare cost.

The maximum amount payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the lesser of the total amount of coverage You purchased or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Confirmation of Benefits.

Single Supplement

Benefits will be paid, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for Prepaid Travel Arrangements if a Traveling Companion’s or Family Member’s Trip is canceled for a covered reason and You do not cancel Your Trip.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the Policy or any coverage(s) attached to the Policy.

“Other Covered Reasons” means:

a) You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury (notice of jury duty must be received after Your Effective Date), served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers);

b) Your or Your Traveling Companion’s primary place of residence or destination being rendered uninhabitable and remaining uninhabitable during Your scheduled Trip by fire, flood, burglary or other Natural Disaster. Your destination is uninhabitable if: (i) the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; (ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail, or flood; (iii) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines; or (iv) the rental property is without electricity or water. Benefits are not payable if a storm, snow storm, blizzard or hurricane is named on or before the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation coverage;

c) Your or Your Traveling Companion’s place of employment is rendered unsuitable for business due to fire, flood, burglary or other Natural Disaster and You and/or Your Traveling Companion are required to work as a result.

d) a documented theft of passports or visas;

e) a permanent transfer of employment of 250 miles or more by You or Your Traveling Companion by the employer from whom You or Your Traveling Companion are employed on Your Effective Date which requires Your or Your Traveling Companion’s principal residence to be relocated;

f) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident, substantiated by a police report, while en route to Your scheduled point of departure;

g) unannounced Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least 24 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel;

h) Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least 24 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel;

i) You or Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member is in the military and called to emergency duty for a national disaster other than war;

j) involuntary employer termination or layoff of You or a Traveling Companion. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year;

k) a Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the itinerary of Your Trip;

l) revocation of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave or re-assignment. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required;

m) Bankruptcy or Default of an airline, cruise line, tour operator or other travel provider (other than the Travel Supplier, tour operator, travel agency, organization or firm from whom You purchased Your Travel Arrangements) causing a complete cessation of travel services more than 14 days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if the Policy has been purchased within 21 days of the date Your initial deposit/payment for Your Trip is received;

n) Your family or friends living abroad with whom You are planning to stay are unable to provide accommodations due to life threatening illness, life threatening injury or death of one of them;

o) You, Your Traveling Companion or a Family Member traveling with You is required to work during the Trip. A written statement by an unrelated company official and/or the human resources department demonstrating revocation of previously approved time off will be required. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

p) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local government authorities at Your Trip destination (or official public evacuation notices or recommendations without a mandatory evacuation order issued) due to adverse weather or Natural Disaster;

q) felonious assault of You or Your Traveling Companion within 10 days of the Scheduled Departure Date;

r) You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in the merger of Your employer or the acquisition of Your employer by another company. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member cannot be a company owner or partner;

s) a cancellation of Your Trip within 48 hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date and time if Your Trip destination is under a hurricane warning issued by the NOAA National Hurricane Center, provided the cancellation of Your Trip occurs more than 14 days following Your Effective Date of coverage for the Trip Cancellation Benefits;

t) the primary or secondary school that You , Your Family Member or Traveling Companion attends extends its operating session beyond the predefined school year to fall within the period of the travel dates of Your Trip due to unforeseeable events which commence while Your coverage is in effect. Extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered;

u) a cancellation of Your Trip if Your arrival on the Trip is delayed and causes You to lose 50% or more of the scheduled Trip duration due to the reasons covered under the Missed Connection Benefit.

v) Your or Your Traveling Companion’s normal pregnancy or attending the childbirth of Your Family Member. The pregnancy must occur after the Policy Effective Date and be verified by medical records;

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the Policy or any coverage(s) attached to the Policy.

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Worldwide Trip Protector

100% of the trip cost


If You cancel Your Trip prior to the Scheduled Departure Date, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited, prepaid non-refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, provided the cancellation occurs while coverage is in effect for You and is due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons, as defined:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Service Animal’s, Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, Business Partner’s or Business Partner’s Family Member’s, death that occurs before departure on Your Trip; or

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Service Animal’s, Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, Business Partner’s or Business Partner’s Family Member’s, Sickness or Injury, that:

a. occurs before departure on Your Trip;
b. is examined and treated by a Physician or Veterinarian prior to cancellation unless it is not reasonably possible to do so; and
c. as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip.

3. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect:

Other Covered Events means:

1. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to a normal pregnancy or childbirth. The date of conception, as verified by medical records, must occur after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation;

2. You or Your Traveling Companion are attending the childbirth of Your Family Member or surrogate mother, provided the conception occurs after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation and must be verified by medical records;

3. You or Your Traveling Companion are suffering a Mental, Nervous or Psychological condition or disorders which require Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization. Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization must be for at least 1 or more days before Your Scheduled Trip. A Physician must certify the condition as preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from: going on the Trip;

4. The Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an entity that directly provides Travel Arrangements, including an Air Common Carrier, cruise line, tour operator, or other travel entity that causes a complete cessation of travel services if the Financial Insolvency or Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following Your Effective Date for Your Trip Cancellation benefit. Benefits will be paid due to Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination;

5. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to Your Scheduled Trip Departure City. The traffic accident must be documented by a police report;

6. Due to a Natural Disaster, a mandatory evacuation is ordered or recommended by local government authorities at Your Scheduled Destination which prevents You from traveling to/arriving at Your Scheduled Destination;

7. an unannounced Strike results in a complete cessation of services for at least 24 consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel which prevents You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination;

8. Inclement Weather that causes a delay or cancellation by a Common Carrier for at least 6 consecutive hours;

9. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination is made Uninhabitable and remains Uninhabitable during Your Trip by a Natural Disaster or burglary;

Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm;

10. You or Your Traveling Companion file for legal separation or divorce after Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation. Trip Cancellation must occur within 21 days of the filing for legal separation or divorce;

11. Your Scheduled Departure City or Scheduled Destination is under a hurricane warning as issued by the NOAA Hurricane Center within 48 hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. Cancellation of Your Trip must occur more than 14 days following Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation;

12. You or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked or Quarantined;

13. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;

14. You or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member are called to active military duty or emergency service as a reservist, firefighter, or police officer either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster, a Civil Disorder, or Terrorist Incident other than war;

15. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage and the leave revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage;

16. Your Host at Your Scheduled Destination being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threating Sickness or Injury, or due to his/her death;

17. a Terrorist Incident occurs before Your Trip within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the scheduled itinerary of Your Trip. Provided Your Travel Supplier (if applicable) did not offer a substitute itinerary;

18. a documented theft of Your passports or visas specifically required for Your Trip. A police report must substantiate the theft;

19. You or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;

20. a travel alert or travel warning for levels 4 and higher is issued for cities listed on Your itinerary after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation to a destination specifically listed on Your Itinerary. The travel alert/warning, etc. must occur within 30 days of the scheduled Departure Date.

21. You or Your Traveling Companion have a transfer of employment within the same organization of 250 or more miles which requires Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence to be relocated. Notification of the transfer must occur after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self-employed persons;

22. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off from Your or their employment. The termination notice must occur at least 1 days after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 year. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self-employed persons;

23. You or Your Traveling Companion are a student (or are a parent of a student) or are employed either as a full-time teacher or other full-time employee at an elementary, middle or high school and are required to attend/cover an extended school year that falls during or beyond the Scheduled Departure Date. Notice of the extended school year must be provided after the Trip Cancellation Effective Date. School extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered;

24. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to work during Your Trip. Vacation leave must have been already approved by Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer and cancellation of vacation leave must occur after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of the employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment with proof of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s 1099 and a notarized statement confirming You or Your Traveling Companion are unable to travel due to Your or Your Traveling Companion’s job obligations is required;

25. You or Your Traveling Companion are required to work during Your Trip and directly involved in a merger or acquisition. The company that is involved in said event must currently employ You or Your Traveling Companion and the action requires You or Your Traveling Companion to work as a result. You or Your Traveling Companion must be an active, full-time employee and cannot be a company owner or partner;

26. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s place of employment is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, vandalism or a Natural Disaster and You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved as a member or as an employee of the disaster recovery team who is responsible for policy and decision making and are required to work as a result;

27. You or Your Traveling Companion legally adopt a Child and the date of the placement or adoption occurs after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date and within 30 Days of Your Scheduled Departure Date;

28. Your or a Traveling Companion’s passport or visa cannot be issued for a reason beyond Your or Your Traveling Companion’s control. Provided You or Your Traveling Companion have applied at least eight (8) weeks prior to the Scheduled Departure Date or as per the proscribed guidelines from U.S. Department of State. Coverage does not apply if the application for a passport or visa is a subsequent attempt of an application that had been previously denied or if the passport or visa application is submitted less than eight (8) weeks prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;

29. the cancellation of a wedding to which You were traveling 250 miles or more away from Your Primary Residence on Your Trip and the cancellation occurs within 2 days prior to the Scheduled Departure Date. Coverage does not apply if You are the bride or groom. Benefits are limited to Your individual Travel Arrangements only, not any wedding-related expenses;

30. a cancellation of Your Trip if Your arrival on Your Trip is delayed and causes You to lose 50% or more of the scheduled Trip duration due to the reasons covered under the Missed Connection Benefit.

The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the lesser of the total amount of coverage You purchased or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the confirmation of coverage. You must report all cancellations to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the 72 hours, You should report the event as soon as possible. We do not cover increased amounts of unused, non-refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits that result from all other delays or reporting beyond 72 hours.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the following:

1. If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, We will reimburse You for the reissue fee charged by the airline to change Your tickets. You must have covered the entire cost of Your Trip including the airfare cost;

Additional Trip Cancellation Benefits are supplemental to benefits provided under Trip Cancellation and Your total Trip Cancellation coverage may not exceed the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid non-refundable Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share Accommodations with You cancels or interrupts his/her Trip due to any of the covered Unforeseen reasons or Other Covered Events shown in Your Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption section(s) and You do not cancel or interrupt Your Trip.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Worldwide Trip Protector Edge

100% of the trip cost


If You cancel Your Trip prior to the Scheduled Departure Date, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited, prepaid non refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, provided the cancellation occurs while coverage is in effect for You and is due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons, as defined:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, Business Partner’s or Business Partner’s Family Member’s, death that occurs before departure on Your Trip; or

2. Your, a Family Member’s ,a Traveling Companion’s, Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, Business Partner’s or Business Partner’s Family Member’s, Sickness or Injury, that:
a. occurs before departure on Your Trip;
b. is examined and treated by a Physician prior to cancellation unless it is not reasonably possible to do so; and
c. as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip.

3. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect:

Other Covered Events means:
1. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to a normal pregnancy or childbirth. The date of conception, as verified by medical records, must occur after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation;

2. You or Your Traveling Companion are suffering a Mental, Nervous or Psychological condition or disorders which require Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization. Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization must be for at least 1 or more days before Your Scheduled Trip. A Physician must certify the condition as preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from: going on the Trip;

3. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to Your Scheduled Trip Departure City. The traffic accident must be documented by a police report;

4. an unannounced Strike results in a complete cessation of services for at least 24 consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel which prevents You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination;

5. Inclement Weather that causes a delay or cancellation by a Common Carrier for at least 6 consecutive hours;

6. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination is made Uninhabitable and remains Uninhabitable during Your Trip by a Natural Disaster or burglary; Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm;

7. You or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked or Quarantined;

8. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;

9. You or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member are called to active military duty or emergency service as a reservist, firefighter, or police officer either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster, a Civil Disorder, or Terrorist Incident other than war;

10. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage and the leave revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage;

11. Your Host at Your Scheduled Destination being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threating Sickness or Injury, or due to his/her death;

12. a Terrorist Incident occurs before Your Trip: within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the scheduled itinerary of Your Trip. Provided Your Travel Supplier (if applicable) did not offer a substitute itinerary.

13. a documented theft of Your passports or visas specifically required for Your Trip. A police report must substantiate the theft;

14. You or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;

15. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off from Your or their employment. The termination notice must occur at least 1 days after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 year. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self-employed persons.

The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the lesser of the total amount of coverage You purchased or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the confirmation of coverage.

You must report all cancellations to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the 72 hours, You should report the event as soon as possible. We do not cover increased amounts of Published Penalties and unused, non-refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits that result from all other delays or reporting beyond 72 hours.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the following:

1. If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, We will reimburse You for the reissue fee charged by the airline to change Your tickets. You must have covered the entire cost of Your Trip including the airfare cost;

Additional Trip Cancellation Benefits are supplemental to benefits provided under Trip Cancellation and Your total Trip Cancellation coverage may not exceed the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid non-refundable Travel Arrangements if a
person booked to share Accommodations with You cancels or interrupts his/her Trip due to any of the covered Unforeseen reasons or Other Covered Events shown in Your Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption section(s) and You do not cancel or interrupt Your Trip.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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100% of the trip cost


If You cancel Your Trip prior to the Scheduled Departure Date, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for unused, forfeited, prepaid non-refundable Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip, provided the cancellation occurs while coverage is in effect for You and is due to any of the following covered Unforeseen reasons, as defined:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Service Animal’s, Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, Business Partner’s or Business Partner’s Family Member’s, death that occurs before departure on Your Trip; or

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Service Animal’s, Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, Business Partner’s or Business Partner’s Family Member’s, Sickness or Injury, that:

a. occurs before departure on Your Trip;

b. is examined and treated by a Physician or Veterinarian prior to cancellation unless it is not reasonably possible to do so; and

c. as certified by a Physician, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip.

3. You or Your Traveling Companion must cancel Your Trip due to Other Covered Events as defined, provided such circumstances occur while coverage is in effect:

Other Covered Events means:

1. You or Your Traveling Companion have Complications of Pregnancy, which is verified by medical records and occurs after the Effective Date of coverage;

2. You or Your Traveling Companion are suffering a Mental, Nervous or Psychological condition or disorders which require Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization. Hospitalization or Partial Hospitalization must be for at least 1 or more days before Your Scheduled Trip. A Physician must certify the condition as preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from: going on the Trip;

3. The Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an entity that directly provides Travel Arrangements, including an Air Common Carrier, cruise line, tour operator, or other travel entity that causes a complete cessation of travel services if the Financial Insolvency or Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following Your Effective Date for Your Trip Cancellation benefit. Benefits will be paid due to Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination;

4. You or Your Traveling Companion are directly involved in a traffic accident, while en route to Your Scheduled Trip Departure City. The traffic accident must be documented by a police report;

5. mechanical breakdown/equipment failure of a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s travel for at least 48 consecutive hours;

6. Due to a Natural Disaster, a mandatory evacuation is ordered or recommended by local government authorities at Your Scheduled Destination which prevents You from traveling to/arriving at Your Scheduled Destination;

7. an unannounced Strike results in a complete cessation of services for at least 24 consecutive hours of a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel which prevents You from reaching Your Scheduled Destination;

8. Inclement Weather that causes a delay or cancellation by a Common Carrier for at least 12 consecutive hours;

9. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence or Scheduled Destination is made Uninhabitable and remains Uninhabitable during Your Trip by a Natural Disaster or burglary; Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm;

10. You or Your Traveling Companion file for legal separation or divorce after Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation. Trip Cancellation must occur within 21 days of the filing for legal separation or divorce;

11. Your Scheduled Departure City or Scheduled Destination is under a hurricane warning as issued by the NOAA Hurricane Center within 48 hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. Cancellation of Your Trip must occur more than 14 days following Your Effective Date of coverage for Trip Cancellation;

12. You or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked or Quarantined;

13. You or Your Traveling Companion are subpoenaed, served with a court order, required to serve on a jury, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not: 1) a party to the legal action; except 2) appearing in a law enforcement capacity;

14. You or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member are called to active military duty or emergency service as a reservist, firefighter, or police officer either to serve or to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster, a Civil Disorder, or Terrorist Incident other than war;

15. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s previously granted military leave is revoked or reassigned. Official written revocation/re-assignment by a supervisor or commanding officer of the appropriate branch of service will be required. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage and the leave revoked or reassigned after the Effective Date of Trip Cancellation coverage;

16. Your Host at Your Scheduled Destination being unable to provide Accommodations due to a life-threatening Sickness or Injury, or due to his/her death;

17. a Terrorist Incident occurs before Your Trip within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the scheduled itinerary of Your Trip. Provided Your Travel Supplier (if applicable) did not offer a substitute itinerary;

18. a documented theft of Your passports or visas specifically required for Your Trip. A police report must substantiate the theft;

19. a travel alert or travel warning for levels 4 and higher is issued for cities listed on Your itinerary after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation to a destination specifically listed on Your Itinerary. The travel alert/warning, etc. must occur within 30 days of the scheduled Departure Date;

20. You or Your Traveling Companion are involuntarily terminated or laid off from Your or their employment. The termination notice must occur at least 1 days after Your Trip Cancellation Effective Date. You or Your Traveling Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. This provision is not applicable to temporary or seasonal employment, independent contractors, freelancer or self- employed persons.

The maximum payable under this Trip Cancellation Benefit is the lesser of the total amount of coverage You purchased or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the confirmation of coverage.

You must report all cancellations to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel. If the event delays the reporting of the cancellation beyond the 72 hours, You should report the event as soon as possible. We do not cover increased amounts of unused, non-refundable prepaid Payments or Deposits that result from all other delays or reporting beyond 72 hours.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Travelex Insurance Services Travelex Insurance Services
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Travel Basic

100% of the trip cost


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by You for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion, a Family Member traveling with You, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling with the You that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require Your immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line, Common Carrier or tour operator provided that:

1) The insurance was purchased with 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; and

2) Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm that solicited Your travel arrangements to you.

b) You and/or a Traveling Companion are directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic accident, while en route to the Insured’s Destination. Traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report.

c) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a) Inclement Weather, if it causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

Political / Violence

a) You, or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;

b) You or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service, or military leave is revoked or reassigned;


a) You or a Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own, provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons.

b) Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:

a) You or a Traveling Companion are required to work during Your scheduled Trip. You must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of Your employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self- employment and a notarized statement confirming that the Insured is unable to travel due to his or her job obligations will be required.

b) You or a Traveling Companion are directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings and must be currently employed by the company that is involved in said event;

c) You or a Traveling Companion’s company is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or Natural Disaster and the You or a Traveling Companion are directly involved as a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.

This coverage applies only if insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment.


You must notify the Travel Insurance Administrator within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.

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Travel Basic

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

(a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and

(b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.

The benefit payable under (a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.

Single Occupancy Benefit:

If the Insured prepaid for shared accommodations and their Traveling Companion cancels their Trip due to one or more of the Unforeseen Covered Events, the Company will reimburse any additional accommodation fees the Insured is required to pay.


The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier and the Travel Insurance Administrator or an agent of the company within72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had the Insured notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If the Insured is unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:
(1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;
(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;
(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician.

b) Death of the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, or Business Partner.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary;


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) Strike of a Common Carrier the Insured is scheduled to travel on, resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination. If comparable Travel Suppliers are available, coverage will be limited to the additional expenses, change fees, and increase in fare (if any) to book with the new Travel Supplier;

c) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

e) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

f) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

g) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date.

The Financial Default of a Travel Supplier, provided all of the following conditions are met:

(1) This policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window; and
(2) The default occurs more than 14 days following the Policy Effective Date.

The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit for Financial Default shown in the Schedule. If the Insured books with a comparable Travel Supplier, the Company will pay for the additional expenses to book with the new Travel Supplier.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, Travel Supplier, or firm that directly procured travel arrangements for the Insured.

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Travel Select

100% of the trip cost


Benefit will be provided for loss(es) incurred by You for a covered Trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure or interrupted or delayed after the time and date of departure. A maximum benefit of up to the amount indicated in the Schedule of Benefits to cover certain expenses as listed below which result in the cancellation or interruption of Your Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

Medical / Health

a) Any serious Injury, death, or Sickness;

(1) Occurring to You or a Traveling Companion, a Family Member traveling with You, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing your continued participation in the Trip;

(2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling with the You that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require Your immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;

(3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;

(4) Sickness, Injury, death or hospitalization occurring to Your Host at Your Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury;

b) You, your spouse, or Domestic Partner must cancel Your Trip due to a Normal Pregnancy or Childbirth. Date of conception as calculated by a licensed OB-GYN must occur after Your effective date of coverage;

Transportation and Accommodation

a) Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line, Common Carrier or tour operator provided that:

(1) The insurance was purchased with 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; and

(2) Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm that solicited Your travel arrangements to you.

b) You or a Traveling Companion are directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic accident, while en route to the Insured’s Destination. Traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

c) mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on a scheduled Trip Departure Date and causes complete cessation of Your travel and results in a Loss of 50% of Your Trip length;

d) Strike resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;


a) Inclement Weather, if it causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) You or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

c) You or a Traveling Companion’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by flood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, wildfire, or blizzard that is due to natural causes;

d) a named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption of travel to Your Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to Your effective date. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. The Company will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring within 14 days after the named hurricane makes Your Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.

Political / Violence

a) You or a Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or required to serve on a jury;

b) You or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;

c) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on Your itinerary within 30 days of Your scheduled arrival;

d) You or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Departure Date. No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by another Insured, Family Member, Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion’s Family Member;


a) You or a Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own, provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

b) You or Traveling Companion is required to work during his/her scheduled Trip. He/she must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of his/her employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment and a notarized statement confirming that the Insured is unable to travel due to his or her job obligations will be required.

c) You or Traveling Companion is directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings and must be currently employed by the company that is involved in said event;

d) Your or Traveling Companion’s company is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or Natural Disaster and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved as a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.


a) cancellation of a scheduled event due to Inclement Weather prior to departing on the Trip provided attendance at the event was the sole reason for the Trip and the duration of the Trip does not exceed 48 hours before or after such an event;

b) You are unable to participate in a scheduled hunting/fishing expedition due to a delay of the necessary personal sporting equipment by the Common Carrier;

c) the United States government or local government issues a hunting/fishing activity restriction after the effective date of coverage at the Destination, which prohibits the hunting/fishing activity for which the Insured has booked the Trip. Such restrictions include but are not limited to: a government closure of the reserve, a ban on hunting/fishing, or the hunting/fishing activity being declared illegal.


You must notify The Travel Insurance Administrator within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had You notified the travel supplier within the specified period. If You are unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, You must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.

Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Company will reimburse You for Forfeited, prepaid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled Departure due to any of the Unforeseen events shown above.


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip canceled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and You do not cancel.


The Company will reimburse You for the prepaid non-refundable cost of Your hunting or fishing license or permits up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured is unable to travel due to one of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation Interruption Benefit.

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Travel Select

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule if the Insured’s Trip is cancelled prior to the scheduled Departure Date and time for an Unforeseen Covered Event listed below. If the Insured has part of their trip cancelled or changed, prior to the scheduled departure date and time, the Company will reimburse for:

a) Additional transportation expenses to reach the original Trip Destination; and

b) Unused portion of the non-refundable pre-paid insured Trip Costs.

The benefit payable under (a) above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare or the same class as the Insured’s original ticket by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.

Single Occupancy Benefit: If the Insured prepaid for shared accommodations and their Traveling Companion cancels their Trip due to one or more of the Unforeseen Covered Events, the Company will reimburse any additional accommodation fees the Insured is required to pay.

The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier and the Travel Insurance Administrator or an agent of the company within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not be liable and will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would not have been imposed had the Insured notified the Travel Supplier within the specified period. If the Insured is unable to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that prevented timely notification.


Medical / Health

a) Injury or Sickness:
1) Occurring to the Insured or a Traveling Companion that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip, or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;
2) Occurring to a Family Member not traveling that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a Physician or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;
3) Occurring to a Business Partner that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel or interrupt their Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician; or
4) Occurring to the Insured’s Host At Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury.

b) Death of the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, Business Partner, or Host At Destination.

c) The Insured or Traveling Companion, or their Child, is Quarantined.

d) The Insured must cancel the Trip due to a Normal Pregnancy of the Insured or Traveling Companion or their spouse or Domestic Partner. The pregnancy must first be confirmed by a Physician after the Policy Effective Date. The Normal Pregnancy must fall within the scheduled Trip;

e) The Insured must cancel their Trip due to a Family Member giving birth, or being expected to give birth, during the scheduled Trip. The pregnancy must first be confirmed by a Physician after the Policy Effective Date;

f) The Insured or Traveling Companion is on a list as a donor or recipient for an organ transplant and, after the Policy Effective Date, receives official notification that an organ match is available for immediate transplant. The transplant must be considered Medically Necessary, and a Physician must confirm that the transplant and/or surgery is so disabling as to prevent travel.


a) Inclement Weather which causes delay or cancellation of travel;

b) The Insured’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster,Named Storm, vandalism, or burglary;

c) The Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary;

d) A Named Storm causing cancellation or interruption of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. A Named Storm becomes foreseeable on the date it is named by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or foreign equivalent. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring more than 14 days from the Policy Effective Date and within 30 days after the Named Storm makes the Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible.


a) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is directly involved in a traffic accident (not including a mechanical breakdown), while en route to the Insured’s Destination. The traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;

b) Mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on the scheduled Trip Departure Date;

c) Strike of a Common Carrier the Insured is scheduled to travel on, resulting in complete interruption of travel services at the point of departure or Destination. If comparable Travel Suppliers are available, coverage will be limited to the additional expenses, change fees, and increase in fare (if any) to book with the new Travel Supplier;

d) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is a traveler on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle or vessel;

e) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is legally required to attend a legal proceeding during the Trip, provided the attendance is not in the course of their occupation;

f) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

g) The Insured’s Host at Destination is called to active military service or as a reservist, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. The military leave for the dates of travel must be approved prior to the Policy Effective Date;

h) The Insured or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the Departure Date. No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by another Insured, Family Member,Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion’s Family Member;

i) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, through no fault of his or her own is involuntarily terminated or laid off for more than 30 days. To qualify he or she must have been an active employee for the employer for at least 1 continuous year. Termination must occur following the Policy Effective Date. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;

j) The Insured, a Traveling Companion, or parent or legal guardian if the Insured is a Child, has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles which requires the Insured’s Primary Residence to be relocated; provided that he or she has been an active employee with the same employer for at least 1 continuous year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the Policy Effective Date

k) The Insured or a Traveling Companion, legally adopts a Child and the date of the placement or adoption falls during the Trip

l) the Insured or Traveling Companion is traveling for the purpose of adopting a Child, but the adoption is cancelled for reasons beyond the Insured’s control. The adoption must be approved prior to the PolicyEffective Date;

m) Theft of passports or visas required for the Trip, substantiated by a police report;

n) Cancellation of a scheduled event due to Inclement Weather or Named Storm prior to departing on the Trip provided attendance at the event was the sole reason for the Trip and the duration of the Trip does not exceed 48 hours before or after such an event;

o) The Insured is unable to participate in a scheduled hunting/fishing expedition due to a delay of the necessary personal sporting equipment by the Common Carrier;

p) The United States government or local government issues a hunting/fishing activity restriction at the Destination after the Policy Effective Date, which prohibits the hunting/fishing activity for which the Insured has booked the Trip. Such restrictions include but are not limited to: a government closure of the reserve, a ban on hunting/fishing, or the hunting/fishing activity being declared illegal.

q) The Insured or a Traveling Companion is employed as a full-time teacher or other full time employee, or is enrolled as a full time student, at a primary or secondary school and is required to complete an extended school year (including academic examinations) that falls on or beyond the Departure Date. School year extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered;

r) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the scheduled arrival or during the Trip;

s) The Financial Default of a Travel Supplier, provided all of the following conditions are met:
(1) This policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window; and
(2) The default occurs more than 14 days following the Policy Effective Date.

The Company will reimburse for the Forfeited, pre-paid Trip Costs up to the Maximum Limit for Financial Default shown in the Schedule. If the Insured books with a comparable Travel Supplier, the Company will pay for the additional expenses to book with the new Travel Supplier.

The Company will not cover Losses resulting from a Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, Travel Supplier, or firm that directly procured travel arrangements for the Insured.

t) Cancel for Work Reasons coverage will be included for these additional Unforeseen events:
1) the Insured or Traveling Companion is required to work during the scheduled Trip. They must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of their employer. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.
2) the Insured or Traveling Companion’s company is the subject of a merger, acquisition, government required product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved. This coverage is not available where the Insured or Traveling Companion is self-employed.
3) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s company’s disaster recovery plan is activated, and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved in the response.

This rider applies only if this policy is purchased within the Early Purchase Window as listed on the Schedule.

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Trawick International Trawick International
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Safe Travels Explorer

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military re-assignment.

5. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

6. Weather at the departure site that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

7. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

8. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

9. You being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

(a) pre-paid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits You paid for Your Travel Arrangements.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.

The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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Safe Travels Journey

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. After three (3) years of continuous employment at the same company, You or Your Traveling Companion are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

5. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military re-assignment.

6. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

7. Weather at the departure site that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

8. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

9. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

10. You being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

11. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits You paid for Your Travel Arrangements;

b) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare;

c) The fees incurred by You for re-depositing frequent traveler awards (frequent flyer miles, hotel point rewards, etc.) in Your account if You used awards for any part of a Trip that is canceled for a covered reason. In no event will the Company reimburse You for the cash value of Your airline ticket(s) purchased with frequent flier miles. In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.

The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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Safe Travels Voyager

100% of the trip cost


The Company will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You cancel Your Trip for any of the following reasons that are Unforeseen and takes place after Your Effective Date:

1. Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip. A Physician must advise to cancel the Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

2. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician that causes Your Trip to be cancelled.

3. Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member.

4. After three (3) years of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company through no fault of Your own;

5. You or Your Traveling Companion have a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

6. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member, who are military personnel, are called to emergency duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a Natural Disaster (this does not include war).

7. Weather at the departure site that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier with whom You are scheduled to travel and prevents You from reaching Your destination. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

8. Natural Disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable. This benefit will not apply if the Natural Disaster has been forecasted or a storm has been named prior to purchase of this Policy.

9. Mandatory evacuation (or public official evacuation advisements where there is no mandatory evacuation) issued by local government authorities at Your Trip destination due to hurricane or other Natural Disaster. In order to cancel Your Trip, You must have four (4) days or fifty percent (50%) of Your total Trip length or less remaining on Your Trip at the time the mandatory evacuation ends.

10. A weather delay at the sporting competition to which You are specifically traveling more than one hundred (100) miles from the Home causing the sporting competition to be rescheduled to a date when You are not scheduled to be at the location or cancelled.

11. A Terrorist Incident that occurs in Your departure city or in a city listed on Your Trip itinerary and within thirty (30) days prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date. A Terrorist Incident that occurs onboard an in-flight aircraft is not covered.

12. You being hijacked, Quarantined, required to serve on a jury, or subpoenaed within ten (10) days of departure; having Your Home made Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster; or burglary of Your Home within ten (10) days of departure.

13. A closed roadway causing cessation of travel for You or Your Traveling Companion for at least six (6) consecutive hours to or from Your Trip destination (substantiated by the Department of Transportation, state police, etc.).

14. Bankruptcy or Default of a Travel Supplier causing a complete cessation of travel services provided the Bankruptcy or Default occurs more than ten (10) days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if Your Scheduled Departure Date is no more than fifteen (15) months beyond Your Effective Date and Your payment for this Policy is received within the Time Sensitive Period.

15. Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier with whom You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours.

16. Your arrival on the Trip being delayed due to a Hazard that causes You to lose fifty percent (50%) or more of the scheduled Trip duration.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, for the following:

a) pre-paid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits You paid for Your Travel Arrangements;

b) If Your Travel Supplier cancels Your Trip, You are covered up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets, or for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Trip including the airfare;

c) The fees incurred by You for re-depositing frequent traveler awards (frequent flyer miles, hotel point rewards, etc.) in Your account if You used awards for any part of a Trip that is canceled for a covered reason. In no event will the Company reimburse You for the cash value of Your airline ticket(s) purchased with frequent flier miles;

d) the cost of a non-refundable fishing or hunting license.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You pre-paid for the Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company or its authorized representative within seventy-two (72) hours in the event of a claim. If the claim is not reported within seventy-two (72) hours, it should be reported as soon as possible. All other delays of reporting beyond seventy-two (72) hours will result in reduced benefit payments.


The Company will reimburse You for the additional cost incurred during the Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for pre-paid Travel Arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his/her Trip delayed, canceled, or interrupted for a covered reason and You do not cancel. This benefit is subject to the same Maximum Benefit indicated above.

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Safe Travels Protect

100% of the trip cost


We will reimburse You, up to the amount shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below. The Event must occur before You depart on Your Covered Trip and while Your coverage is in effect under this Policy.

Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses
a. Forfeited, Prepaid, non-refundable, and non-refunded published Payments or Deposits that You paid for Your unused Trip. Should You elect to reschedule Your Trip instead of cancelling, in lieu of covering these expenses We will pay for Change Fees charged by Your Travel Supplier;

Health and Family

1. Any Injury or Sickness:
a. Suffered by You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel the Covered Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Covered Trip;

2. Your Death or the Death of Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member.

Transportation and Accommodation

3. Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 12 consecutive hours.

4. Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Coverage is not provided for the Bankruptcy or Default of the agency from whom You purchased Your Land/Sea Arrangements. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended Destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the Initial Trip Payment.

5. Your Host being unable to provide overnight lodging due to their death or a life-threatening Sickness or Injury.


6. Inclement Weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Incident or the Common Carrier’s mechanical breakdown that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or Destination for at least 12 consecutive hours.

7. Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your Destination that renders Your Primary Residence or the accommodations at Your Destination Uninhabitable.

8. Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Destination.


9. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer.

Personal Safety and Security

10. A politically motivated Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 30 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Incident must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

11. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

12. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked.

13. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are Quarantined.

14. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of felonious assault.


15. You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date.

16. Your transfer, within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Primary Residence.

17. After at least 2 years of full time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

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Safe Travels Defend

100% of the trip cost


We will reimburse You, up to the amount shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below. The Event must occur before You depart on Your Covered Trip and while Your coverage is in effect under this Policy.

Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses

a. Forfeited, Prepaid, non-refundable, and non-refunded published Payments or Deposits that You paid for Your unused Trip. Should You elect to reschedule Your Trip instead of cancelling, in lieu of covering these expenses We will pay for Change Fees charged by Your Travel Supplier;

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation:

Health and Family

1. Any Injury or Sickness:

a. Suffered by You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel the Covered Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Covered Trip;

2. Your Death or the Death of Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member.

Transportation and Accommodation

3. Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 12 consecutive hours.

4. Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Coverage is not provided for the Bankruptcy or Default of the agency from whom You purchased Your Land/Sea Arrangements. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended Destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the Initial Trip Payment.

5. Your Host being unable to provide overnight lodging due to their death or a life-threatening Sickness or Injury.


6. Inclement Weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Incident or the Common Carrier’s mechanical breakdown that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or Destination for at least 12 consecutive hours.

7. Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your Destination that renders Your Primary Residence or the accommodations at Your Destination Uninhabitable.

8. Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Destination.

9. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer.

Personal Safety and Security

10. A politically motivated Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 30 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Incident must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

11. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

12. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked.

13. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are Quarantined.

14. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of felonious assault.


15. You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date.

16. Your transfer, within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Primary Residence.

17. After at least 2 years of full time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

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Safe Travels Armor

100% of the trip cost


We will reimburse You, up to the amount shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below. The Event must occur before You depart on Your Covered Trip and while Your coverage is in effect under this Policy.

Trip Cancellation Covered Expenses

a. Forfeited, Prepaid, non-refundable, and non-refunded published Payments or Deposits that You paid for Your unused Trip. Should You elect to reschedule Your Trip instead of cancelling, in lieu of covering these expenses We will pay for Change Fees charged by Your Travel Supplier;

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation:

Health and Family

1. Any Injury or Sickness:
a. Suffered by You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel the Covered Trip or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Covered Trip;

2. Your Death or the Death of Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member.

Transportation and Accommodation

3. Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 12 consecutive hours.

4. Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Coverage is not provided for the Bankruptcy or Default of the agency from whom You purchased Your Land/Sea Arrangements. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended Destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the Initial Trip Payment.

5. Your Host being unable to provide overnight lodging due to their death or a life-threatening Sickness or Injury.


6. Inclement Weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Incident or the Common Carrier’s mechanical breakdown that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or Destination for at least 12 consecutive hours.

7. Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your Destination that renders Your Primary Residence or the accommodations at Your Destination Uninhabitable.

8. Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Destination.


9. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer.

Personal Safety and Security

10. A politically motivated Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 30 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Incident must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

11. You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

12. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked.

13. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are Quarantined.

14. You and/or Your Traveling Companion are the victim of felonious assault.


15. You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date.

16. Your transfer, within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Primary Residence.

17. After at least 2 years of full time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within 30 days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

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USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


100% of the trip cost


We will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy. Maximum trip length is also shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

We will pay You for the following:

a) The amount of forfeited, non-refundable, and unused Payments or Deposits.

b) Additional cost incurred if the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip due to an Unforeseen Event and You elect to utilize the service of a replacement Travel Supplier.

In no event shall the amount We pay exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip or the maximum benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

Single Occupancy: We will pay You, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his or her Covered Trip delayed, canceled or interrupted due to an Unforeseen Event occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy and You do not cancel Your Covered Trip.

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The Following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption:

a) Your Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death or the Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death of Your Traveling Companion, Your Family Member, Your children’s caregiver or Your Business Partner; that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your participation or continued participation in the Covered Trip. A Physician must advise cancellation of the Covered Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

b) An Accidental Injury incurred by You that causes You to be medically unable to continue Your trip’s activity(ies). An actual examination by a Physician must take place and the Physician must advise You to discontinue the trip’s activity(ies).

c) Inclement weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Attacks or mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or destination for at least 48 consecutive hours.

d) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.

e) Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your destination that renders Your primary residence or the accommodations at Your destination uninhabitable.

f) Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Land/Sea Arrangements.

g) A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your destination for at least 12 hours.

h) Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours.

i) Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the initial Trip payment.

j) The airport terminal from which You are scheduled to fly, is closed due to a documented security breach within 12 hours of arrival at the terminal or while You are physically at the terminal.

k) A politically motivated Terrorist Attack that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 50 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Attack must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

l) A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.

m) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

n) You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer; the victim of felonious assault; having Your principal place of residence made inaccessible and uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster; or burglary or vandalism of Your principal place of residence within 10 days of departure.

o) You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date.

p) You have, or Your Traveling Companion has, a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

q) Your transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your principal residence.

r) Your Traveling Companion’s transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which Your Traveling Companion is employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Traveling Companion’s principal residence.

s) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

t) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, Your Traveling Companion is terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

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100% of the trip cost


We will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy. Maximum trip length is also shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

We will pay You for the following:

a) The amount of forfeited, non-refundable, and unused Payments or Deposits.

b) Additional cost incurred if the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip due to an Unforeseen Event and You elect to utilize the service of a replacement Travel Supplier. In no event shall the amount We pay exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip or the maximum benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

Single Occupancy: We will pay You, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his or her Covered Trip delayed, canceled or interrupted due to an Unforeseen Event occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy and You do not cancel Your Covered Trip.

Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.

The Following are the Unforeseen Events For Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption:

a) Your Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death or the Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death of Your Traveling Companion, Your Family Member, Your children’s caregiver or Your Business Partner; that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your participation or continued participation in the Covered Trip. A Physician must advise cancellation of the Covered Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.

b) An Accidental Injury incurred by You that causes You to be medically unable to continue Your trip’s activity(ies). An actual examination by a Physician must take place and the Physician must advise You to discontinue the trip’s activity(ies).

c) Inclement weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Attacks or mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or destination for at least 48 consecutive hours.

d) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.

e) Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your destination that renders Your primary residence or the accommodations at Your destination uninhabitable.

f) Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Land/Sea Arrangements.

g) A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your destination for at least 12 hours.

h) Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours.

i) Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the initial Trip payment.

j) The airport terminal from which You are scheduled to fly, is closed due to a documented security breach within 12 hours of arrival at the terminal or while You are physically at the terminal.

k) A politically motivated Terrorist Attack that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 50 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Attack must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.

l) A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.

m) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.

n) You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer; the victim of felonious assault; having Your principal place of residence made inaccessible and uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster; or burglary or vandalism of Your principal place of residence within 10 days of departure.

o) You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date.

p) You have, or Your Traveling Companion has, a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.

q) Your transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your principal residence.

r) Your Traveling Companion’s transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which Your Traveling Companion is employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Traveling Companion’s principal residence.

s) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

t) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, Your Traveling Companion is terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.

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WorldTrips WorldTrips
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Atlas Journey Economy

100% of the trip cost

Trip Cancellation

If You cancel Your Trip prior to departure due to one of the covered Unforeseen reasons listed below, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for the amount of unused, non-refundable, Pre-paid Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for the additional single supplement cost You must pay as the result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for Your Travel Arrangements if Your Traveling Companion’s Trip is cancelled for one of the covered Unforeseen reasons listed below and You do not cancel Your Trip.

If You cancel due to a covered Unforeseen reason, and You used frequent traveler awards, such as frequent flier miles or hotel rewards, for any part of Your Trip, We will reimburse You for the fees You pay up to the Maximum Benefit Amount listed in the Schedule of Benefits to re-deposit those miles or rewards in Your account.

If You cancel or reschedule Your Trip due to a covered Unforeseen reason, We will reimburse You up to the sub-limit listed in the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee paid to the airline to change Your tickets.

Payable benefit amounts are reduced by any refunds or reimbursements to which You are entitled from any Travel Supplier, whether You requested reimbursement or not. In no event shall the amount reimbursed under this benefit exceed the lesser of the Pre-paid Payments or Deposits made for Your Travel Arrangements or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Cancellation must be due to one of the following Unforeseen reasons that occurs after the purchase of this Policy and while this coverage is in effect for You:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, a Business Partner’s, or a Service Animal’s death that occurs prior to departure on Your Trip;

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, a Business Partner’s, or a Service Animal’s covered Sickness or Injury that: a) occurs before departure on Your Trip; b) requires Medical Treatment by a Physician at the time of cancellation; and c) as certified by a Physician prior to cancellation, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip. The Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause you to assume daily management of the business;

3. the following other Unforeseen reasons which occur to You or Your Traveling Companion provided such events occur while this coverage is in effect:

a. being prevented from embarking on Your Trip due to You or Your Traveling Companion being Quarantined;

b. Complications of Pregnancy, as verified by medical records, provided they begin after this coverage is in effect;

c. the death, hospitalization or Quarantine of Your Host at Your Destination with whom You and/or Your Traveling Companion will be staying during Your Trip;

d. hospitalization due to mental, nervous or psychological disorders. The hospitalization must be for more than seventy-two (72) hours, must occur within thirty (30) days of your departure date and must occur at a time when this coverage is in effect;

e. Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

f. Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

g. mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of at least three (3) consecutive hours, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

h. Natural Disaster that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

i. a government-mandated shutdown of an airport, air traffic control system, cruise port or train station for at least three (3) consecutive hours due to a Terrorist Incident, fire, power outage, or Natural Disaster that affects Your or Your Traveling Companion’s ability to travel on the Trip.

Benefits are not available if alternate arrangements or a substitute route is available;

j. Bankruptcy or Default of the airline, cruise line, tour operator, or other travel provider. The Bankruptcy or Default must cause a complete cessation of travel services. The Bankruptcy or Default must occur more than fourteen (14) days following Your purchase of the Policy. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow transfer to another airline in order to get to the intended destination. This coverage applies only if Your Policy was purchased within the Time Sensitive Period;

k. being directly involved in a traffic accident while en route to the scheduled Trip point of departure (must be substantiated by a police report);

l. mechanical breakdown or theft of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Covered Vehicle twentyfour (24) hours prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date;

m. You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Host at Your Destination being called into emergency service to provide aid or relief for a Natural Disaster or Terrorist Incident as part of military, police, first responder, medical personnel or fire personnel duties;

n. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Home or destination accommodations made Uninhabitable by fire, flood, other Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary within fourteen (14) days of departure;

o. Your booked accommodations at Your Trip destination are made Uninhabitable by a hurricane named after this coverage is in effect;

p. Your booked accommodations at Your Trip destination are made Uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster occurring after this coverage is in effect;

q. interruption of road service or road closure due to Inclement Weather or Natural Disaster occurring after this coverage is in effect prohibiting arrival, or causing a delay in arrival, to the scheduled Trip destination for at least twelve (12) hours;

r. being hijacked, required to serve on a jury, or served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers). Notice must be received after this coverage is in effect;

s. being a victim of a Verified Physical Assault (must be substantiated by a police report);

t. a Terrorist Incident that occurs within thirty (30) days of the Trip’s Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the Trip itinerary. For benefits to be payable, there must not have been a Terrorist Incident in the city in the thirty (30) days prior to the purchase of the Policy. No benefits are payable for Terrorist Incidents that occur in a layover city and/or a city on the Trip itinerary that shows a scheduled visit of six (6) hours or less. Benefits are not available if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary;

u. involuntary employment termination or layoff. Notification of the termination or layoff must occur thirty (30) days or more after this coverage is in effect. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least one (1) continuous year, including the date this Policy was purchased.

This benefit is not available to independent contractors, temporary employees or self-employed individuals, or if You or Your Traveling Companion are a company owner or partner;

v. a transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more that requires the relocation of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Home. Notification of the transfer must occur within thirty (30) days of the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least one (1) continuous year, including the date this Policy was purchased;

w. revocation of previously granted military leave or reassignment of station. For revocation, official written notice by a supervisor or commanding officer of the original approval and the revocation must be provided. For reassignment, orders of relocation must be provided;

x. being unable to participate in Diving, skiing, a competition, a performance, an activity or volunteer or mission program during the scheduled travel dates due to Sickness or Injury that occurred after this coverage is in effect, required the in-person Medical Treatment by a Physician, and in the written opinion of Physician, would prevent participation in such activities. The Diving, skiing, competition, performance, activity or program must be the sole or primary purpose for Your Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Travel Supplier as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation and claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier within seventy-two (72) hours of the need to cancel.

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Atlas Journey Preferred

100% of the trip cost

Trip Cancellation

If You cancel Your Trip prior to departure due to one of the covered Unforeseen reasons listed below, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for the amount of unused, non-refundable, Pre-paid Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for the additional single supplement cost You must pay as the result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for Your Travel Arrangements if Your Traveling Companion’s Trip is cancelled for one of the covered Unforeseen reasons listed below and You do not cancel Your Trip.

If You cancel due to a covered Unforeseen reason, and You used frequent traveler awards, such as frequent flier miles or hotel rewards, for any part of Your Trip, We will reimburse You for the fees You pay up to the Maximum Benefit Amount listed in the Schedule of Benefits to re-deposit those miles or rewards in Your account.

If You cancel or reschedule Your Trip due to a covered Unforeseen reason, We will reimburse You up to the sub-limit listed in the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee paid to the airline to change Your tickets. Payable benefit amounts are reduced by any refunds or reimbursements to which You are entitled from any Travel Supplier, whether You requested reimbursement or not. In no event shall the amount reimbursed under this benefit exceed the lesser of the Pre-paid Payments or Deposits made for Your Travel Arrangements or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Cancellation must be due to one of the following Unforeseen reasons that occurs after the purchase of this Policy and while this coverage is in effect for You:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, a Business Partner’s, or a Service Animal’s death that occurs prior to departure on Your Trip;

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, a Business Partner’s, or a Service Animal’s covered Sickness or Injury that: a) occurs before departure on Your Trip; b) requires Medical Treatment by a Physician at the time of cancellation; and c) as certified by a Physician prior to cancellation, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip. The Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause you to assume daily management of the business;

3. the following other Unforeseen reasons which occur to You or Your Traveling Companion provided such events occur while this coverage is in effect:

a. being prevented from embarking on Your Trip due to You or Your Traveling Companion being Quarantined;

b. pregnancy, as verified by medical records, provided the pregnancy begins after this coverage is in effect;

c. Complications of Pregnancy, as verified by medical records, provided they begin after this coverage is in effect;

d. attending the childbirth of a Family Member and/or surrogate mother to Your intended child, as verified by medical records, provided the pregnancy begins after this coverage is in effect;

e. the death, hospitalization or Quarantine of Your Host at Your Destination with whom You and/or Your Traveling Companion will be staying during Your Trip;

f. hospitalization due to mental, nervous or psychological disorders. The hospitalization must be for more than seventy-two (72) hours, must occur within thirty (30) days of your departure date and must occur at a time when this coverage is in effect;

g. admission into a rehabilitation clinic or facility for the treatment of addiction. Admission can be either be mandatory/court-ordered or elective but must be for a program term of fourteen (14) days or more. No benefits will be payable for early check-out or departure from the facility prior to program completion;

h. Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

i. Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

j. mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of at least three (3) consecutive hours, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

k. Natural Disaster that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

l. a cessation of public transportation services for twelve (12) hours due to Natural Disaster, severe weather, Civil Disorder or Riot that prevents You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

m. a government-mandated shutdown of an airport, air traffic control system, cruise port or train station for at least three (3) consecutive hours due to a Terrorist Incident, fire, power outage, or Natural Disaster that affects Your or Your Traveling Companion’s ability to travel on the Trip.

Benefits are not available if alternate arrangements or a substitute route is available;

n. fire or power outage at the airport through which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel causes Your Common Carrier to be delayed for at least three (3) hours;

o. Bankruptcy or Default of the airline, cruise line, tour operator, or other travel provider. The Bankruptcy or Default must cause a complete cessation of travel services. The Bankruptcy or Default must occur more than fourteen (14) days following Your purchase of the Policy. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow transfer to another airline in order to get to the intended destination. This coverage applies only if Your Policy was purchased within the Time Sensitive Period;

p. being directly involved in a traffic accident while en route to the scheduled Trip point of departure (must be substantiated by a police report);

q. mechanical breakdown or theft of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Covered Vehicle twentyfour (24) hours prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date;

r. You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Host at Your Destination being called into emergency service to provide aid or relief for a Natural Disaster or Terrorist Incident as part of military, police, first responder, medical personnel or fire personnel duties;

s. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Home or destination accommodations made Uninhabitable by fire, flood, other Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary within thirty (30) days of departure;

t. Your booked accommodations at Your Trip destination are made Uninhabitable by a hurricane named after this coverage is in effect;

u. Your booked accommodations at Your Trip destination are made Uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster occurring after this coverage is in effect;

v. mandatory evacuation ordered by local government authorities, or public evacuation notices, recommendations or advertisements in geographic areas where government authorities will not under any circumstance issue a mandatory evacuation order to its residents, at Your Trip destination due to a Natural Disaster or Inclement Weather;

w. interruption of road service or road closure due to Inclement Weather or Natural Disaster occurring after this coverage is in effect prohibiting arrival, or causing a delay in arrival, to the scheduled Trip destination for at least twelve (12) hours;

x. Your cruise is cancelled by the cruise line or Travel Supplier due to insufficient or excessive water levels in the body of water where Your cruise is scheduled to take place, provided the water levels become insufficient or excessive while this coverage is in effect. Benefits are not payable if the cruise line provides an alternate cruise ship or mode of transportation rather than cancelling the sailing;

y. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Trip departure city or destination city is under a travel warning issued by the NOAA National Hurricane Center within twelve (12) hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. No benefits are payable if the storm which triggers a hurricane warning was named prior to this coverage being in effect;

z. being hijacked, required to serve on a jury, or served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers). Notice must be received after this coverage is in effect;

aa. being a victim of a Verified Physical Assault (must be substantiated by a police report);

bb. a Terrorist Incident that occurs within thirty (30) days of the Trip’s Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the Trip itinerary. For benefits to be payable, there must not have been a Terrorist Incident in the city in the thirty (30) days prior to the purchase of the Policy. No benefits are payable for Terrorist Incidents that occur in a layover city and/or a city on the Trip itinerary that shows a scheduled visit of six (6) hours or less. Benefits are not available if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary;

cc. You or Your Family Member’s or Your Traveling Companion’s or Your Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s primary or secondary school continues classes beyond the predefined school year, due to Unforeseen circumstances that meet both of the following. 1) occur after this coverage in in effect. and 2) cause the classes to extend beyond the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip. Extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered;

dd. involuntary employment termination or layoff. Notification of the termination or layoff must occur thirty (30) days or more after this coverage is in effect. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least one (1) continuous year, including the date this Policy was purchased.

This benefit is not available to independent contractors, temporary employees or self-employed individuals, or if You or Your Traveling Companion are a company owner or partner;

ee. a transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more that requires the relocation of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Home. Notification of the transfer must occur within thirty (30) days of the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least one (1) continuous year, including the date this Policy was purchased;

ff. revocation of previously granted military leave or reassignment of station. For revocation, official written notice by a supervisor or commanding officer of the original approval and the revocation must be provided. For reassignment, orders of relocation must be provided;

gg. being required to work during the scheduled Trip. Written confirmation of the previously approved time off and the revocation must be provided by an unrelated company official and/or the company’s Human Resources Department. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment and a notarized statement confirming You or Your Traveling Companion are unable to travel due to job obligations will be required;

hh. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer is either merging with another company or is being acquired by another company, is subject to a voluntary or government required product recall, or is in bankruptcy proceedings, requiring Your or Your Traveling Companion’s direct involvement.

You or Your Traveling Companion must be an active, full-time employee and cannot be a company owner or partner;

ii. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s place of employment is rendered unsuitable for business or company operations within fourteen (14) days of the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip due to fire, flood, other Natural Disaster, Bankruptcy or Default, vandalism, or burglary, requiring You or Your Traveling Companion to work as a result;

jj. being unable to participate in Diving, skiing, a competition, a performance, an activity or volunteer or mission program during the scheduled travel dates due to Sickness or Injury that occurred after this coverage is in effect, required the in-person Medical Treatment by a Physician, and in the written opinion of Physician, would prevent participation in such activities. The Diving, skiing, competition, performance, activity or program must be the sole or primary purpose for Your Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Travel Supplier as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation and claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier within seventy-two (72) hours of the need to cancel.

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Atlas Journey Premier

100% of the trip cost

Trip Cancellation

If You cancel Your Trip prior to departure due to one of the covered Unforeseen reasons listed below, We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for the amount of unused, non-refundable, Pre-paid Payments or Deposits for the Travel Arrangements You purchased for Your Trip.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for the additional single supplement cost You must pay as the result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for Your Travel Arrangements if Your Traveling Companion’s Trip is cancelled for one of the covered Unforeseen reasons listed below and You do not cancel Your Trip.

If You cancel due to a covered Unforeseen reason, and You used frequent traveler awards, such as frequent flier miles or hotel rewards, for any part of Your Trip, We will reimburse You for the fees You pay up to the Maximum Benefit Amount listed in the Schedule of Benefits to re-deposit those miles or rewards in Your account.

If You cancel or reschedule Your Trip due to a covered Unforeseen reason, We will reimburse You up to the sub-limit listed in the Schedule of Benefits for the reissue fee paid to the airline to change Your tickets.

Payable benefit amounts are reduced by any refunds or reimbursements to which You are entitled from any Travel Supplier, whether You requested reimbursement or not. In no event shall the amount reimbursed under this benefit exceed the lesser of the Pre-paid Payments or Deposits made for Your Travel Arrangements or the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Cancellation must be due to one of the following Unforeseen reasons that occurs after the purchase of this Policy and while this coverage is in effect for You:

1. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, a Business Partner’s, or a Service Animal’s death that occurs prior to departure on Your Trip;

2. Your, a Family Member’s, a Traveling Companion’s, a Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s, a Business Partner’s, or a Service Animal’s covered Sickness or Injury that:
a) occurs before departure on Your Trip;
b) requires Medical Treatment by a Physician at the time of cancellation; and
c) as certified by a Physician prior to cancellation, results in medical restrictions so disabling as to cause You to cancel Your Trip. The Sickness or Injury of Your Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause you to assume daily management of the business;

3. the following other Unforeseen reasons which occur to You or Your Traveling Companion provided such events occur while this coverage is in effect:

a. being prevented from embarking on Your Trip due to You or Your Traveling Companion being Quarantined;

b. You, Your Family Member, Your Traveling Companion or Your Traveling Companion’s Family Member receives official notification of an organ donor match available for immediate transplant, provided the transplant is considered medically necessary, the notification is received after this coverage is in effect, and, in the written opinion of the Physician, the transplant surgery and/or recovery is so disabling as to prevent participation in the Trip;

c. pregnancy, as verified by medical records, provided the pregnancy begins after this coverage is in effect;

d. Complications of Pregnancy, as verified by medical records, provided they begin after this coverage is in effect;

e. attending the childbirth of a Family Member and/or surrogate mother to Your intended child, as verified by medical records, provided the pregnancy begins after this coverage is in effect;

f. the death, hospitalization or Quarantine of Your Host at Your Destination with whom You and/or Your Traveling Companion will be staying during Your Trip;

g. hospitalization due to mental, nervous or psychological disorders. The hospitalization must be for more than seventy-two (72) hours, must occur within thirty (30) days of your departure date and must occur at a time when this coverage is in effect;

h. admission into a rehabilitation clinic or facility for the treatment of addiction. Admission can be either be mandatory/court-ordered or elective but must be for a program term of fourteen (14) days or more. No benefits will be payable for early check-out or departure from the facility prior to program completion;

i. Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

j. Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel;

k. mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel that causes a cancellation or delay of at least three (3) consecutive hours, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

l. Natural Disaster that causes complete cessation of services for at least twelve (12) consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel, preventing You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

m. a cessation of public transportation services for twelve (12) hours due to Natural Disaster, severe weather, Civil Disorder or Riot that prevents You or Your Traveling Companion from reaching Your destination;

n. a government-mandated shutdown of an airport, air traffic control system, cruise port or train station for at least three (3) consecutive hours due to a Terrorist Incident, fire, power outage, or Natural Disaster that affects Your or Your Traveling Companion’s ability to travel on the Trip. Benefits are not available if alternate arrangements or a substitute route is available;

o. fire or power outage at the airport through which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to travel causes Your Common Carrier to be delayed for at least three (3) hours;

p. the airport terminal from which You or Your Traveling Companion are scheduled to fly is closed due to a documented security breach occurring within twelve (12) hours of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s arrival at the terminal or while You or Your Traveling Companion are physically at the terminal;

q. Bankruptcy or Default of the airline, cruise line, tour operator, or other travel provider. The Bankruptcy or Default must cause a complete cessation of travel services. The Bankruptcy or Default must occur more than fourteen (14) days following Your purchase of the Policy. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow transfer to another airline in order to get to the intended destination. This coverage applies only if Your Policy was purchased within the Time Sensitive Period;

r. being directly involved in a traffic accident while en route to the scheduled Trip point of departure (must be substantiated by a police report);

s. mechanical breakdown or theft of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Covered Vehicle twenty-four (24) hours prior to Your Scheduled Departure Date;

t. You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Host at Your Destination being called into emergency service to provide aid or relief for a Natural Disaster or Terrorist Incident as part of military, police, first responder, medical personnel or fire personnel duties;

u. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Home or destination accommodations made Uninhabitable by fire, flood, other Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary within thirty (30) days of departure;

v. Your booked accommodations at Your Trip destination are made Uninhabitable by a hurricane named after this coverage is in effect;

w. Your booked accommodations at Your Trip destination are made Uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster occurring after this coverage is in effect;

x. mandatory evacuation ordered by local government authorities, or public evacuation notices, recommendations or advertisements in geographic areas where government authorities will not under any circumstance issue a mandatory evacuation order to its residents, at Your Trip destination due to a Natural Disaster or Inclement Weather;

y. interruption of road service or road closure due to Inclement Weather or Natural Disaster occurring after this coverage is in effect prohibiting arrival, or causing a delay in arrival, to the scheduled Trip destination for at least twelve (12) hours;

z. Your cruise is cancelled by the cruise line or Travel Supplier due to insufficient or excessive water levels in the body of water where Your cruise is scheduled to take place, provided the water levels become insufficient or excessive while this coverage is in effect. Benefits are not payable if the cruise line provides an alternate cruise ship or mode of transportation rather than cancelling the sailing;

aa. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Trip departure city or destination city is under a travel warning issued by the NOAA National Hurricane Center within twelve (12) hours of Your Scheduled Departure Date. No benefits are payable if the storm which triggers a hurricane warning was named prior to this coverage being in effect;

bb. the U.S. Department of State issues a Level four (4) or higher Travel Advisory and Travel Alert for the Trip destination, after this coverage is in effect and for a period of time that would include Your Trip. This does not include flight connections or other transportation arrangements to reach Your destination;

cc. being hijacked, required to serve on a jury, or served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers). Notice must be received after this coverage is in effect;

dd. being a victim of a Verified Physical Assault (must be substantiated by a police report);

ee. receiving a court-issued notice to attend an Adoption Proceeding or child custody hearing, provided attendance is not a condition of employment. The date of the scheduled Adoption Proceeding or custody hearing must be announced after this coverage is in effect, and must be scheduled for a date that falls during Your scheduled Trip dates;

ff. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s adoption of a child is cancelled. The adoption must be the sole purpose of Your Trip;

gg. a Terrorist Incident that occurs within thirty (30) days of the Trip’s Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the Trip itinerary. For benefits to be payable, there must not have been a Terrorist Incident in the city in the thirty (30) days prior to the purchase of the Policy. No benefits are payable for Terrorist Incidents that occur in a layover city and/or a city on the Trip itinerary that shows a scheduled visit of six (6) hours or less. Benefits are not available if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary;

hh. You or Your Family Member’s or Your Traveling Companion’s or Your Traveling Companion’s Family Member’s primary or secondary school continues classes beyond the predefined school year, due to Unforeseen circumstances that meet both of the following.
1) occur after this coverage in in effect. and
2) cause the classes to extend beyond the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip. Extensions due to extracurricular or athletic events are not covered;

ii. involuntary employment termination or layoff. Notification of the termination or layoff must occur thirty (30) days or more after this coverage is in effect. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least one (1) continuous year, including the date this Policy was purchased. This benefit is not available to independent contractors, temporary employees or self-employed individuals, or if You or Your Traveling Companion are a company owner or partner;

jj. a transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more that requires the relocation of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Home. Notification of the transfer must occur within thirty (30) days of the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least one (1) continuous year, including the date this Policy was purchased;

kk. revocation of previously granted military leave or reassignment of station. For revocation, official written notice by a supervisor or commanding officer of the original approval and the revocation must be provided. For reassignment, orders of relocation must be provided;

ll. being required to work during the scheduled Trip. Written confirmation of the previously approved time off and the revocation must be provided by an unrelated company official and/or the company’s Human Resources Department. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment and a notarized statement confirming You or Your Traveling Companion are unable to travel due to job obligations will be required;

mm. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer is either merging with another company or is being acquired by another company, is subject to a voluntary or government required product recall, or is in bankruptcy proceedings, requiring Your or Your Traveling Companion’s direct involvement. You or Your Traveling Companion must be an active, full-time employee and cannot be a company owner or partner;

nn. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s place of employment is rendered unsuitable for business or company operations within fourteen (14) Days of the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip due to fire, flood, other Natural Disaster, Bankruptcy or Default, vandalism, or burglary, requiring You or Your Traveling Companion to work as a result;

oo. being unable to participate in Diving, skiing, a competition, a performance, an activity or volunteer or mission program during the scheduled travel dates due to Sickness or Injury that occurred after this coverage is in effect, required the in-person Medical Treatment by a Physician, and in the written opinion of Physician, would prevent participation in such activities. The Diving, skiing, competition, performance, activity or program must be the sole or primary purpose for Your Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Travel Supplier as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation and claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier within seventy-two (72) hours of the need to cancel.

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