How do I calculate my trip cost if I’m sharing the accommodation expenses with other travelers?
Short Answer
You may include your airfare and other prepaid and non-refundable travel expenses you are responsible for when calculating your trip cost. If you are sharing the cost of a rental house, villa, or condo, you may include the expenses that are listed in your name on the rental agreement.
More Detail
You may include your airfare and other prepaid and non-refundable travel expenses you are responsible for when calculating your trip cost. If you are sharing the cost of a rental house, villa or condo, include the expenses that are listed in your name on the rental agreement. If the rental agreement does not specifically state the amount that you are responsible for, we recommend requesting this documentation from the rental company in the event you need to file a claim.
This information can vary based on the travel insurance policy. Please review the policy certificate to verify coverage. If you have questions about a specific policy, please contact us directly at 800-240-0369. Our customer service representatives are available from 8am to 10pm ET seven days a week and are delighted to help!