Search and Rescue coverage, sometimes referred to as SAR Insurance, is a travel insurance benefit that covers the costs associated with finding a traveler in the event they become lost, disoriented, or go missing while participating in a recreational activity during their trip.

This coverage is especially valuable for those travelers that want peace of mind while planning adventure trips to remote destinations and travelers partaking in high-risk activities during their trip.

Most insurance policies that include the Search and Rescue benefit will have a reimbursement limit, which is the maximum dollar amount that travel insurance companies will cover in the event of a rescue attempt. Keep in mind that reimbursement limits, exclusions, and premiums will vary from one plans to the next, so it’s important to read the fine print when comparing travel protection plans.

Please be aware that coverage and eligibility requirements for this benefit differ by policy. The tables below show the providers that offer Search & Rescue insurance coverage.

What Does Search & Rescue Insurance Cover?

The Search and Rescue benefit is designed to cover the reasonable costs incurred during a rescue attempt. Typically, you can expect travel insurance plans that offer rescue insurance to cover the following expenses:

  • Fuel costs
  • Operating costs
  • Vehicle rental and repair costs
  • Other equipment expenses deemed appropriate to find the missing traveler

Most Search and Rescue insurance plans will cover one rescue attempt up to a specified dollar amount. Among plans on Squaremouth, this coverage can range from $10,000 to $50,000 depending on the policy.

When you are preparing to file and Search and Rescue claim, it’s important to gather all relevant documents relating to the rescue services you received. This includes an itemized receipt of all charges, official communications from the local government at your destination, and other supporting pieces of evidence that may be helpful to your provider.

Search and Rescue Exclusions

Many travel insurance companies that offer Search and Rescue insurance will include specific exclusions within their policies’ fine print.


For example, some providers may not cover Search and Rescue services relating to a specific activity, such as heli-skiing or backcountry skiing. This is due to the increased risk of getting lost or missing while partaking in such extreme sports. Your travel insurance provider will outline exactly which activities are not covered by Search & Rescue insurance.

Fines & Penalties

Most travel insurance plans won’t cover the cost of any personal fines or penalties that you incur as a result of a search and rescue mission. This may include fines for trespassing, reckless conduct, or other sanctions that may be imposed as a result of your actions.

How Much Does Search and Rescue Travel Insurance Cost?

The cost of travel insurance is determined by a wide-range of factors, such as your age, destination, trip length, and the extent of your coverage. Policies that include Search and Rescue coverage are typically comprehensive, meaning that they include a wide range of other important travel insurance benefits including Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical, Travel Delay, and baggage protection.

To find the best Search and Rescue travel insurance plans, we recommend comparing plans from multiple travel insurance providers. This allows you to see how different plans compare on coverage and cost.

Is Search and Rescue Insurance Different to Medical Evacuation Coverage?

Yes, Search and Rescue travel insurance is different to Medical Evacuation. While both are travel insurance benefits that cover emergency services, Medical Evacuation is far more common and provides essential coverage in the event of a medical emergency.

Medical Evacuation provides medical transport to a better equipped medical facility if deemed necessary by an attending physician. Medical Evacuation does not cover the costs to find and rescue you, but rather transport you from one treatment facility to another.

Coverage limits for Medical Evacuations are typically much higher than Search and Rescue insurance, with some plans covering medical evacuations up to $2,000,000.

How is Search and Rescue Insurance Different to Non-Medical Evacuation Coverage?

A Non-Medical Evacuation provides transportation from a place of danger to a place of safety during a time of civil unrest, political unrest, or natural disaster. Similar to Medical Evacuation coverage, this benefit does not cover the cost to find and rescue a policyholder.

Please be aware that coverage and eligibility requirements for this benefit differ by policy. The tables below show the providers that offer Search & Rescue coverage.

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Search & Rescue by Provider

Last Updated: 05/09/2024
Detour Insurance Detour Insurance
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

@the edge

$10,000 per person


If You should become lost, disoriented, or be reported missing while on the Trip during a recreational activity that could be anticipated for Your abilities and expertise, the Company will pay on Your behalf up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, not to exceed four days, costs for one (1) organized Search and Rescue by appropriate authorities.

This benefit can only be activated when someone makes a formal report of Your need for Search and Rescue to an agency or authority that can activate a Search and Rescue, and the agency or authority is provided with enough specific and credible details of how, when, where You might be located so that an official and organized Search and Rescue can be activated.

Specific Waiver of Liability for Search and Rescue:

If You request this benefit, You understand that the Company and any affiliated party offering this Policy do not accept any liability from the rescue situation, and You and all minors, dependents, relatives, and interested or disinterested parties agree to forever waive, any and all liability to the Company or any rescue team, company, entity, and/or volunteer, for injuries, stress, death, disablement, sickness, or any claims, reason, or cause whatsoever from any Search and Rescue used to attempt to reach, assist, or respond in any way to Your Search and Rescue, regardless of whether the Search and Rescue was ever initiated, cancelled, delayed, misdirected, or unable to locate, rescue, or stabilize You. If any part of this is held invalid, it does not invalidate the other parts or any other parties’ waivers.

You must obtain itemized receipts of services and costs from the authorities who seek payment, as well as documentation from the resort at the Trip destination.

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@the edge plus

$10,000 per person


If You should become lost, disoriented, or be reported missing while on the Trip during a recreational activity that could be anticipated for Your abilities and expertise, the Company will pay on Your behalf up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, not to exceed four days, costs for one (1) organized Search and Rescue by appropriate authorities.

This benefit can only be activated when someone makes a formal report of Your need for Search and Rescue to an agency or authority that can activate a Search and Rescue, and the agency or authority is provided with enough specific and credible details of how, when, where You might be located so that an official and organized Search and Rescue can be activated.

Specific Waiver of Liability for Search and Rescue:

If You request this benefit, You understand that the Company and any affiliated party offering this Policy do not accept any liability from the rescue situation, and You and all minors, dependents, relatives, and interested or disinterested parties agree to forever waive, any and all liability to the Company or any rescue team, company, entity, and/or volunteer, for injuries, stress, death, disablement, sickness, or any claims, reason, or cause whatsoever from any Search and Rescue used to attempt to reach, assist, or respond in any way to Your Search and Rescue, regardless of whether the Search and Rescue was ever initiated, cancelled, delayed, misdirected, or unable to locate, rescue, or stabilize You. If any part of this is held invalid, it does not invalidate the other parts or any other parties’ waivers.

You must obtain itemized receipts of services and costs from the authorities who seek payment, as well as documentation from the resort at the Trip destination.

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Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

iTravelInsured Travel LX Basic

$10,000 per person


If You or Your Traveling Companion become lost, Injured, disoriented or missing, while on Your Trip and while that person is engaging in recreational activities that are considered reasonably safe considering that person’s abilities and expertise, We will pay a benefit on Your or Your Traveling Companion’s behalf, for the costs of one (1) organized Search and Rescue by appropriate authority(ies), up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

We will pay the benefit if:

1. a formal report is made for You or Your Traveling Companion who is in need of a Search and Rescue to an agency or authority which can activate a Search and Rescue; and
2. the agency or authority is provided with enough specific and credible details of how, when, where You or Your Traveling Companion might be located, so that an official and organized Search and Rescue can be activated; and
3. a determination that Search and Rescue Services are necessary must be made by the appropriate authority(ies) coordinating the Search and Rescue effort.

We or Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider should authorize expenses for Search and Rescue in advance. In the event that Your or Your Traveling Companion’s circumstances prevent prior authorization of the Search and Rescue efforts, Our designated Travel Assistance Services Provider must be notified as soon as reasonably possible.

Specific Waiver of Liability for Search and Rescue: If You or Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member requests a Search and Rescue, You or Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member understands that We and any affiliated party offering this benefit do not accept any liability from the rescue situation. You or Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member and all minors, dependents, relatives, and interested or disinterested parties agree to forever waive, any and all liability to Us or any rescue team, company, entity, and/or volunteer, for Injuries, stress, death, disablement, Sickness, or any claims, reason, or cause whatsoever from any Search and Rescue used to attempt to reach You or Your Traveling Companion, provide assistance, or respond in any way to perform the Search and Rescue, regardless of whether the Search and Rescue was ever initiated, cancelled, delayed, misdirected, or unable to locate, rescue, or stabilize You or Your Traveling Companion. If any part of this is held invalid, it does not invalidate the other parts or any other parties’ waivers.

Advance Payment: We will pay covered expenses directly to the service provider if You require Search and Rescue while on Your Trip, and the provider requires payment prior to service. This amount will be deducted from the benefit limit shown in the Schedule of Benefits. You agree to reimburse this payment to Us if: (a) You do not complete the claims process as outlined in the Payment of Claims section; or (b) it is determined that Your Search and Rescue claim is not covered.

Search and Rescue means the search for and provision of aid to You in distress or imminent danger while on a Trip. The Search and Rescue provider may be a private or government entity.

Claims Procedures: You, or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member must obtain itemized receipts of services and costs from the authorities who seek payment, as well as documentation from the resort at the Trip destination.

Search and Rescue Exclusions:

In addition to the General Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to this benefit. Unless otherwise shown below, these exclusions apply to You or Your Traveling Companion. Benefits are not payable for any loss due to, arising or resulting from:

1. heli-skiing;
2. extreme skiing;
3. fines, damages, penalties, or litigation that may be imposed against You or Your Traveling Companion as a result of their activities or actions;
4. the person’s voluntary decision to hide, or attempt to hide, from the public.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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iTravelInsured Travel Sport

$50,000 per person


If You should become lost, disoriented, or reported missing while on the Trip during recreational activity that is appropriate for Your abilities and expertise, We will pay for the cost of one (1) organized Search and Rescue by the appropriate authorities, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Search and Rescue means those reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for the following expenses, including but not necessarily limited to: fuel, operating costs, repair and rental of motor vehicles, aircraft or helicopters, hovercraft, snowmobiles, horses, dogs, generators, and any other equipment. These expenses must be necessary or deemed appropriate for activities to find, recover, or rescue individuals while performed by individuals who have been appointed or requested by a governmental authority within one hundred (100) miles of the person’s last known location before the loss occurrence. This benefit can only be activated when someone makes a formal report of Your need for Search and Rescue to an agency or authority who can activate a Search and Rescue, and that person provides the agency or authority with enough specific and credible details of how, when, and where You might be located so that an official organized Search and Rescue can be activated.

Specific waiver of liability for Search and Rescue
If You request this benefit, You understand the following:

1. We and any affiliated party offering this Policy, do not accept any liability from the evacuation situation.

2. You and all minors, dependents, relatives, and interested or disinterested parties agree to forever waive any and all liability to Us or any evacuation team, company, entity and/or volunteer. This includes liability for injuries, stress, death, disablement, sickness or any claims, reason or cause whatsoever from any efforts to reach You, assist You, or respond in any way to Your evacuation. This is regardless of whether the evacuation was ever initiated, cancelled, delayed, or misdirected.

3. If any part of this is held invalid, it does not invalidate the other parts of any other parties’ waivers.

We will not pay for any losses caused by or arising from:
a) heli-skiing;
b) extreme skiing;
c) payment in any way for fines, damages, penalties or litigation that may be imposed against You as a result of Your activities or actions; or
d) deliberately choosing to be absent.

If We pay Search and Rescue benefits and later determine that expenses were incurred due to an excluded reason, or are otherwise recoverable from You or a third party, We will exercise Our right to recover those costs from You or the third party.

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